Ok i get your point, but having also to do damage very discourages playing healer for me, it looks looks more complicated and demanding playing healer where already you have the pressure of keeping the group alive.
Also i dont get your “remove damage for tanks or heal from dps” they are less required compared to damage from healers.
I played healer only in Classic from Camilla till Wotlk because i knew i my not had to focus on heal and the fact healing mana cost is a fixed number or like in Wotlk a percentage of your base mana without any gear equipped.
For me it’s fine as long as it isn’t an expectation set in stone. I’m happy to throw in dps if there is downtime, and I can easily weave it in. All good. The issue is when it becomes an expectation, a dps threshold you have to meet while a group ignores the fact their own play influences the ability to do so greatly.
There are people who get this, support this, are flexible with this. And then there are players who treat these kind of things as dogmas and ‘shoulds’ and somehow they are often the players who are blissfully ignorant of how they can make it happen lol. Bumping your head into that repeatedly is just annoying and frustrating.
Yes please! Its quite easy to do DPS as a healer, but i wouldnt mind doing a bit more!
“but your playing MW” well yes, but its a healer, and its pretty easy to dish out some DPS in general, its quite silly not seeing disc priests for example do any damage, despite damage being their main thing
I know, it’s a non-issue even in 15s. That doesn’t mean it ain’t a part of the fun factor.
I don’t know when the last time you read hotfix/patch notes was, but they are fully capable of tuning pve and pvp separately, and they currently do just that. Some abilities also scale differently depening on group size, so tuning it differently for raids isn’t a problem either.
I know not everyone wants that, not everyone wants pvp either. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t develop pvp.
MW is great, and are pretty much already in a spot I envision all healers to be in terms of dealing damage.
I believe normalizing is better, othervise it’ll just be imbalanced in the other direction instead; one healer will be overperforming in healing as mistweaver is overpowerforming (when compared to other healers) in dps.
Meh, all roles are equally hard, the superstition that one role is harder than another stems from people spending a lot of time in one tier of difficulty, blinding them to other tiers.
If we’re talking m+, healers are hardest at the lowest tier where nobody has a clue, but easiest at the highest tier where you don’t have to cover for any mistakes.
That’s fine, you don’t have to do damage unless you’re pushing title keys, and you won’t have to if we go by my suggestion either, as I’m not asking for dungeon buffs to compensate the 5% increased damage for groups (if healer plays fully for damage).
in then olden day of wow switching specs was a issue with going to your trainer then pay them to switch a your spec. and with mechanic like that i understand that you build some dps elements in specs that are mainly used for healing or tanking for when you do solo content.
but since switching spec is so easy now i would say remove all dps from those builds anyway. that way there cannot be a argument if healers dps to much or to little. they just heal and dispel.
but that’s just my opinion. and as so many opinions people can either like it or hate it and that’s their opinion
Sure, I get that, but you’re already capable of doing 500-1000k dps in m+ as a healer depending on which healer you play. Do you feel the pressure to do that dps today? If not, what makes you think you would be pressured to do that if all healers can do an equal dps of 1000k?
Could work too, but you’d have to make healing much harder than it currently is if you remove the skill expression of dpsing from healers, othervise healers will just be the “tag along for the free boost” type of role. More frequent abilities like Dark Pulse (third boss in CoT) but in trash pulls too would work. The anger from healers that can’t handle the increased healing checks would be a new problem to deal with though.
I understand that, but do you currently feel a pressure to do at least 500k dps while playing a healer?
After all, this suggestion merely balances the dps between healers to be equal of what mistweaver can accomplish.
If you don’t feel any pressure to do any damage right now, this change won’t affect you.
If you do feel current pressure to deal damage then I see why you’re worried, as this will most likely raise the groups expectations (ever so slightly) for you.
Fair enough, I haven’t once experienced anyone expecting mistweavers to do 1000k overall dps throughout my 3-400 keys this season. Maybe 3-400k dps in 12+ keys but never higher than that. I guess we have vastly different experiences.
Unless you mean “first and foremost, tanks should tank, dps should dps, healers should heal” that’s a stupid oversimplification. By that logic we should:
Remove tank damage and healing.
Remove DPS defensives and healing.
Remove healer damage and defensives.
DPS and healers die instantly when struck by an attack that should’ve been tanked.
Tanks and healers can’t kill anything because they don’t deal damage.
Tanks and DPS can’t recover any missing health because they can’t heal.
As said, it’s a plain stupid take. The role do and should intertvine to some extent to synergize well.
Unless you mean that they should first and foremost do those things, but they should also so other things. In that case we’re in full agreement, that’s how it currently is, and that is how it will remain if this suggestion is implemented.
If we take a look at the disc priest they’re unkillable right now so if you increase their damage after they get nerfed in pvp then nerf their healing in pvp more if their dps get buffed or add a different build for that.
I know that using opinions and beliefs as facts is fun, but it’ll be a much better dicussion if you just read patch notes or hotfix notes. Here’s an example:
As you can see, they’re perfectly able to tune it separately.