Incredible GENIUS SUPER GREAT system. BRAVO! Thanks Blizzard

I went to Solo suffle. The MMR of the players is the same as mine. Played 5 rounds. Monk heal lost 5 rounds in a row. As you already understood, a monk with 300iq. Last round. I play against a monk. 101% guaranteed win. Monk left the arena. -15 rating. This is an ingenious system!

If they leave to much they get banned, it gets fixed over time.

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If the monk left the arena you didnt lost rating. Everyone gets ±0 if someone leaves.

So you are lying.

Why do you lie?


So you went 2-3 and somehow you think you shouldn’t lose rating? Like what? Also you lost only 15 rating. FIFTEEN. Maybe you should look into getting some help if you are actually getting so mad about 15 rating.

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but itsm ostly healers leaving no? so increasin q times by alot also i doubt they will bann for leaving

Actual question:
Do you lose/win rating with the new changes if someone leaves?

If so I have to correct my initial post.

They already said they are going to bann people for leaving to much.

Just stay 6 rounds if u join, it’s not that hard.

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talking from a dps perspective its very easy but playing below 2k mmr as heal is just pure pain

also leaving is a vladid tactic if u get as a healer an 700mmr enemy healer in as 2k mmr cuz u dont gain rating if u dont win 6 and u lose rating if u go 4 or 3

10 characters


Yes go correct your post and educate yourself next time before you tell other people they are lying.

Right now if there is a leaver, match result on cr/mmr are based on the number of games played when leaver left.

So yes, potentially, if there a potato healer who just went 3 losses and you had bad luck of being on team with him and he leaves, your result is 0-3.

And you lose rating.

A lot of it.

But this is what 90% of this forum asked for, so yay, rejoice I guess.

Uh no, it’s based on the rounds played and the results in them. Meaning if you play a round, it’ll count now. No matter what. Every single round will count. Even if somebody ends up leaving. Which it didn’t do before these changes.

Which is exactly what I wrote, so learn to read I guess?

15 rating is NOTHING. And next time it might be you who gets to play 3 games “with the better healer” or whoever. It doesn’t matter at all. Unless you think there is some conspiracy against you by blizzard where you somehow get paired up with bad players.

Very different connotation. Learn to grasp subtleties.

Ok, you made it clear your reading comprehension is subpar, you can stop bugging me now, thanks.

Are you new on the forum? You seem new on the forum.

Who said 15. Rating you lose depends on MMR. It might as well be 50.

This system is stupid.

It doesn’t matter either, 50 rating is nothing also. Next time you might be the lucky one. UNLESS you think there is a conspiracy going on.

I guess you are implying that your subpar reading comprehension skills is something well-known to everyday forum readers? I’ll take notes, dw.