Interesting, still no paid character transfers

What about faction specific log-in que’s?

Well, look at retail and all the microtransactions there. Pretty sure Blizzard is a greedy company.

But i agree, that makes it interrestning why there are no payed transfers yet. This is an obvious money maker.

Im not sure its because of imbalanced realms, because if someone doesnt like to play on a server they will most likely just quit rather then reroll since leveling takes such a long time in classic

And this ofc Blizzard does not want.

The only reason i can find is that theres something happening soon with either a new server or tranfsers or both. Something will happen here before xmas for sure

Minimum wage isn’t even a universal concept so I don’t think you can use that as a metric for Europe. Average wages have huge variance to them from country to country and individual variance is even greater. Also some people have other more pressing problems to solve with money.

Personally I could afford to transfer but there is no way I am paying Blizzard 100€ to transfer my two level 60s and 3 profession alts. No game is worth that kind of money in such a short period of time. Luckily I am playing Horde so probably wouldn’t be necessary.

No, but you can look up the minimum wage index for the EU and you’ll see that for most countries in North-West EU, that is at least the min. wage.

You should look at your own time as money, you can invest one hour in your time in WoW or you could invest one hour of your time in doing labor in order to make money. So to transfer a lvl 60 for 20 euro’s instead of doing all over again is in those terms a pretty solid deal.

I think if you aren’t willing to pay 20 euro’s to transfer your character you either don’t find the server balance that bad, or you undervalue/underrate your own time.

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Do you know what is an even better deal? Quitting Classic and playing something that doesn’t require transfer costs on top of an active subscription. Your reasoning only makes sense in a vacuum where the only things that exist are time, labor and Classic.

Well, I think a lot of people including myself, would be better of in quitting Classic, so agreed :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll elaborate, this has been put forward serval times however it in its self is not a solution.

The first reason is it does not solve the underlying problem it’s a case of mitigating the outcome of it ( eg 80:20 split).

Secondly, on some servers, there are login no queues at all so of course, it would have no effect on these servers.

Thirdly in the most extreme cases even if you did implement this (I’ll get into that later) the issue would no addressed in particle sense 20v1 or 12v1 is functionally the same.

And finally, while the current complaints are we cannot “play the game” a more accurate account would be “we cannot play the game as intended”, this would be exchanged for “we are being prevented from playing the game by the direct and explicit actions and penalisation of the developer”.

While it would be plausible to still to say it would help in a subjective sense as part of a package of solutions:-

“a combination of solutions, that would resolve this problem will change the game enough that “it’s not classic” and vex the #nochanges which have a lot of numbers.”

How on earth can you seriously equate real-life work with your leisure time in WoW? Sad if you actually treat them the same importance.

By that logic, since I earn £10 an hour, and I’m now 9 and a half days /played (230 hours) - I’ve effectively “spent” £2,300 playing WOW?

What a meaningless nonsense comparison.

They should perhaps only open up certain transfers such as if your faction has over 60% on a server they can transfer to servers where their faction has 50% or less.

#opentransfers :smiley:


who forced you to roll on a pvp server? if you can`t handle it, go to a pve server

Imageine beeing 120 and not knowing what youre talking about.

Transfer paid or not was in vanilla.

Well, let me try to respond to this. “Try”, since your comment is pretty paradoxal, and also based on assumptions that I never made.

It is all about managing the time that you have in your life, and what the value is in terms of money of each hour you spend on doing a particular thing. I am not as you suggest link intrinsic value to each of the activities.

So in your case, in theory: Basically you could have spend the time you played on WoW on an extra hours of work making money which would have been 2300 pounds in your case. But you choose to spend that time in WoW instead, and it might be that case that the fun you had in WoW is more worth for you than the 2300 pounds, that would be fine right?

In my case; if I had to lvl a 60 again on another server solely because my old server would be bad to play on, that situation would not bring me alot of fun, so if I could pay that burden off for 20 Euro’s that would be pretty a nice deal for myself.

How does this concept not makes sense to you? You don’t acknowledge that people can attach difference values to the ways in which they could spend their time? And that each time spend has a different reward in terms of money?

Actually that came Late Vanill and had a couple problems especially with the mailbox and in TBC those things where then solved although still some buggy things.

So not surprised it aint there yet.

Hahahahhaa the irony

yes, paid transfers. take my money, suck my bank account dry. everything beats this trashpile some self-deluded classic purists keep calling ‘WPvP’

there will not be paid transfer.
if the horde can not find enough Alli to kill, they will stop paying.
BLZ keep making money from your suffering.

If someone asked me a month ago (when i was on Gollemag) i would have paid to move server, to a PvE server, which i had always played on prior to classic.

If they asked me now (im playing on Judgement after moving server) i dont think i would move. Not because of what i am doing or what is happening to me, but becuase i feel more at home now, i still get ganked, but server balance is closer to 50/50 and dont feel like im fighting an uphill battle all the time.

If there aren´t paid transfers, people will quit or reroll anyways. There is no way they would keep playing on such imbalanced servers. So either way Horde won´t be able to find Allies to kill. So I also don´t understand why they don´t want to make some extra cash…

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Dude, what colour pill did you take when Morpheus offered it you? :rofl: