Interesting, still no paid character transfers



But if they do add paid transfers then server balance will go to the dogs even faster, itā€™ll be no better than leaving it the way it is now.
There has to be a better solution.

The server balance is going worse and worse every week. There is some data proving it (although it obivously is not official).

They simply have to chose a side. If they allow paid transfer, faction balance will go to dogs faster, but thousands Alliance players will pay for a transfer (i.e. extra cash) and will keep playing (i.e. extra cash).

If they donĀ“t do that, faction imbalance will go to dogs slower, but thousads Alliance players will quit (i.e. no cash).

So I think also Blizzard is motivated to enable them. At least from monetary perspective.

But I agree there is a better solution - faction specific queues. The player cap is too high anyways. So I would not really mind if the allowed balance to enter the server would be exactly 50:50. On reasonably balanced servers (letĀ“s say up to 45:55) the queues would be reasonable. On servers like 70:30 Horde would have thousands of players queues and would be motivated to use faction change. Problem solved.

The way I see it however is that WoW Classic will become one-factioned game with 1 or 2 servers heavily dominated by Alliance where all Alliance fans will gather. Sounds boring to me soā€¦ I will quit by thenā€¦

Paid transfer will make people complete idiots and ninja w/e they want. Your name and ā€˜reputationā€™ matter.

I donā€™t know about paid transfers but Iā€™d love paid race change tho :confused:

paid transfers were available in vanilla at about the middle of vanilla life cycle.

And it probably Will be, at the middle of classic life cycle.

I want to play again so I just hope sooner than later, just like they are pushing content releases.

You all keep saying you want to transfer from your pvp servers as Alliance to go to pve, however you are ignoring the elephant in the room. The pve servers have even greater imbalance concerning Alliance/Horde. We can hardly fight back Alliance in main cities, yesterday i wanted to go to the Auction House in Orgrimmar, and i had to go UC cause the npcs were dead. What in need in PvE servers is horde, not more alliance! The problem would be solved bothways if free horde transfers from pvp to pve were allowed.

What do you mean? We have free transfers right now and novody is using them.

Then its a problem Blizzard cant solve. It was created by us players.

Yes please transfer to pve. Give it a cd of a year per char to avoid ninjaing etc

Paid transfer in vanilla had a 6 month cooldown.

Up! #opentransfers

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hello blizzard, can you stop ignoring us ?


Obviously players WANT transfers, there has been numerous threads. Just open it and get some money, win-win.

Everyone who actually wants to play game would quit instantly if such thing added

Yeah, retail players also said that about Vanilla servers. And as it has been pointed out, paid transfers were available toward the end of Vanilla.

I think Blizzard is just waiting for the BGs to see what impact they have.

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