Interesting, still no paid character transfers

Blizz still not using this pvp mess and not opening paid character transfers although they would earn a lot of cash from pvp server refugees.
People were saying they are greedy company?


They would make a tonne of cash right now if they opened up paid character transfers. It would destroy most PVP realms though.

Blizz great job on the bringing Classic back. But you opened far too less realms at start, and that caused problems. One of which can be solved with Payed Character Transfer, so please bring it!


There won´t be paid transfers.
People would just go on smaller realms, grind for R14 and transfer back to the real realms.


So I am just tierd about this rank14…All people is speaking about rank14 like is something very easy to get…


NEVER happening. Go back to retail, thanks.

They would lose more players by introducing this, than the cry babies that find the game too 2004 that leave. We also would be happy for you to leave. Stop trying to make it like Retail, thats why WoW is on the decline in the 1st place.

Should we just add a buyable mount next… then a little token you buy for real money then you sell for gold in the AH. Go away.


Wow I just read 2 comments from Xjorah and in both of them he is saying the same thing go to retail or reroll pve or leave the game…I thing he is one of the guys that are enjoying to be in a group of 10 when is killing 1 guy for 1 honor point. GG I hope you have fun!


My words.

I hope they will never introduce cash servives in classic.

Live with your decision or leave.


Paid transfers would ruin Classic in more than one way.
Blizzard would earn quick cash by implementing it, but they would loose cash in the long run due to people leaving.

Paid transfers would allow rank-up abuse (transfer to a low-pop realm, grind to Rank X, then transfer back) and allow for ninjalooters and griefers to flourish. No need to care about your reputation on the server if you can just transfer to a new one amirite?

Not to mention that it would kinda ruin the community that most servers are actually feeling right now, with people coming and going as they please. In addition, servers already suffering from bad balance would suffer even more.

Yeah nah, if paid characters would harm the game way more than it would benefit it.


i want paid migg now!
During the failure that was launch, my friends split up on several servers.
The late ones joined a new opened server wich most irls ended up moving to cuz of queues.
And by then i alrdy was days into the lvling, now only 4 irls on my server.

I regret not delete my char by then and start over, will prob quit in a bit if no migg.


So many horde against paid transfer shows its a good idea hehe

“ohhhh nooo think of the community guis” hahahaha you dont care about community you just want more people to stay on your 20/80 horde favored server



Paid Char Transfer was there in Vanilla, so > #Nochanges! Go back to retail, thanks!


Destruction of Server Factions. The less numerous faction escapes, killing the faction on that server. As the faction dies, it creates a snowball effect even more people leave (or more probably, just lose interest and stop playing, since a dead server is boring and not everyone is willing to transfer or reroll).
Faction imbalance is already bad enough creating enough problems.
It would make a ton of cash today, and lose 100 tons of cash for the rest of classic, with a bunch of servers with 95-5 server faction.
Trying to contain the server population and the mess they created by releasing BGs and distracting people from WPvP with killing-fields death squads.

You can bet we won’t have paid transfers until the dust settles and the world leveling experience from 50-60 is playable again. It will come, but not until this terrible phase passes. Even if it costs some clients now, for the sake of server health, being the lesser of 2 evils.

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Huh? Just wrote about this in another post - quoting as i feel is relevant

No need to transfer, you can stay on realm and just spam bgs which are crossrealm.

I guess it depends how it would be implemented. Originally, paid character transfers had a 6 month cooldown after you used it, so that would somewhat alleviate the problems you mentioned.

No Cross realm raiding though.

Paid-transfers is must at this point, only horde would cry about it when they can’t find any Alliance players on their PvP servers anymore! :yum:

It would be more than that. Not every Alliance player wants to or reasonably can spend 20€ per character to move. Some have alts to take with them too so it adds up to being several months worth of subscription money. Those players then would be stuck in an even worse situation as their faction disappears around them.

So 20 Euro’s, which is 2 hours of work (given that 10 euro is about the minimum wage in most of the EU?). I’d rather spend that than lvl a new character to 60 and doing all over again. Guessing that would take a bit more than 2 hours.

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