Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

Okay, I missed that point then.
Well, the original announcement said nothing of a classic maintenance. Only Shadowlands servers.

Extended Realm Maintenance is 8 hours ish. That’s not the average of ‘patches’.
Realm Maintenance is 6 hours ish.

But then there’s also the thing that there’s a LOT more servers (and thus work to be done) with WoW than those games you mentioned.

They might put it out in emails and on social media soon. It was posted on the US forums yesterday (certainly before we got it here) so might not have it on other timezone forums yet and be doing a slow roll out in line with the 9.1.5 drop.

I guess time will tell.

You can also send the info to anyone you think might be a good fit who doesn’t use the forums, maybe guildies and such.

Currently the US is scheduled for 8 hours prior to any extensions, for a patch.

So, we should be seeing less time for them as time goes on because they’ve reduced the amount of servers since say… Wrath of the Lich King yeah? You can argue that the ‘less amount of servers= less downtime’ but you can look at games like Fornite, Minecraft, League which all have more players but also tend to have lower downtime.

Server issues seem to be a decently frequent problem not just for WoW but some other Blizzard games like the recent Diablo 2 Resurrected which has been coined by people as “Diablo 2: disconnected” with all the server issues and all along with some of the changes they recently pushed out.

This is a joke, right? You, Blizzard wants a player Council? I have to assume this is going to function a lot like the CSM from CCP’s EVE Online?

First of all, if you want us to take this seriously maybe the first thing you should do is get your devs in line. You can’t just create this Council out of thin air and expect us players to communicate with your devs, the same devs that have no issue calling us idiots and other stuff. Devs like Jeff Hamilton make this whole thing just sound like it’s a big joke and until people like that are brougth in line, I will have NO interest whatsoever.

If it was up to me, every blue tag who opens his or her mouth online when talking to PAYING customers, who goes out of line gets his/her *** fired. Your customers pay your salary, but it seems half of your dev team doesn’t even know this.

Secondly, maybe you should also first start to listen to your PAYING customers. It’s easy to forget this little thing by looking at us as just mere players of the game you make BUT… and this is the important part… we are PAYING CUSTOMERS. And we are currently paying and getting NOTHING in return. And on top of that, you even expect us to throw you even more money for your Store Mounts.

Talking about Store Mounts… how many have you introduced into the game since the launch of Shadowlands and now think about the amount of actual content you have delivered.

You don’t need a Player Council… you need to teach your devs some respect towards your paying customers and you need someone who actually LISTENS TO FEEDBACK!

That’s what you need, Blizzard.


You are complaining about having 6 hours of maintenance.

You young pup, I remember patch days on every other MMO being a 1-3 days affair.

Blizzard makes something to listen to players.



DW, it just got extended to 8 hours. It’s not for me either way, lol. Just pointing out it’s weird to have long maintenance for a game mode that’s not even seeing a patch or update.

Simple… that’s not my job. But hey, if Blizzard wants to hire me and pay me for my time and effort that will have to go into this, sure, I’ll listen. I might even do more and throw in some feedback and suggestions.

I personally don’t see this going anywhere with the current Dev Team. I really don’t.
If they listened to the feedback they got during the Shadowlands Beta they wouldn’t bee in the situation where they need a player council in the first place.

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Honestly it isn’t for a patch time. You have several layers of testing on implementation and it might be something simple has broken and needs to be fixed.

Used to call them patch days for reason haha.

So… your complaining about someone wanting feedback but you don’t want to give feedback, so your going to moan about them not having your feedback and not listening to the feedback… that you never sent.

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Like I said; you don’t know that.
They might be doing extra work on the physical servers and whatnot.

Entirely different games with a very different server infrastructure.
But sure; with WoW being as old as it is, I’m sure they’re kinda stuck using some less-than-optimal tech/hardware/protocols.

For online games as a whole.
Remember New World? Riddled with issues. Still is.

That’s not communicated, so I can assume that’s not the case. :wink:

Idk they sold old server blades already so they seem to be fine with upgrading stuff.

I gave plenty of examples for games that it wasn’t the case which you find reasons to ‘disregard’ but OK. I’m honestly not sure if you’re just like… contrarian for fun or not because you were arguing at me for a while without even realizing what I was referring to because you hadn’t read through my original post on the matter.

I don’t know how this looks to other people but to me, this looks like “We are only going to listen to people that apply AND THAT WE PICK”. So, rest of you can be polite and not bother as we weren’t listening to what you were saying in first place, anyways.

It also looks like Blizzard really didn’t need all of this crap 5 years ago or something like that, when qualified developers were there. Developers that weren’t just “colorful and pretty”.

So, it pretty much says “We don’t know what you players want so help us out in our incompetence” but they are trying to serve it like "Hey, be a :cool: person and join us :smiley: ".


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Well then we arrive back at ‘they don’t need to tell us everything that goes on behind the scenes’.

Because the differences between those games matter.

You can think about those maintenance extensions what you like. But I think condemning Blizzard for them is a bit shortsighted. That’s all.

And again; yeah I didn’t read through your posts. I had no reason to assume they were about Classic, because their maintenance announcement literally said: “Shadowlands: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM (PDT) | #BurningCrusade #WoWClassic: 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM (PDT)”. Classic had a normal schedule.

Anyway, like I said; lots of things could have happened. Extensions suck; I’m sure Blizzard themselves don’t like them either. But they happen. Because of a plethora of reasons.

Now let’s put this behind us and talk about this Council business! :slight_smile:

Mhh its a double edged sword. Technically they have a lot of feedback already inside the forums that they can easily work with and the point regarding the beta stands. I mean the conduit energy, torghast, legendary acquisition, covenants etc were all heavily pointed out during alpha after we were told how the system works and likewise during beta after we saw how they are actually going to work on live. This continued until well…now.

The same can be applied to 9.1 where a lot of stuff was flamed during PTR (especially dom gems/sockets acquisition and legendaries once more together with covenants). Also the same can be applied to so many betas and ptrs.

In theory the council shouldnt be needed. It isnt the worst thing (and that requires them to actually listen and not treat this council forum the same way they treated the hidden forum that got screenshots leaked from how the devs treated the players inside there with utmost disrespect. They currently dont deserve the benefit of the doubt due to their own actions in the past) and can be useful if they recruit people from ALL sectors of the game (like the application form claims).

However that a lot of people are not exactly thrilled about this council and its limited members is nothing that surprises me.

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TBH, i don’t see how this is a bad thing really, at least this shows they’re listening, and possibly willing to take things on board. It would be easier to have one or two dedicated sources to go by, than try to appease everyone and having valid points buried in generic thread 12345.

They have a fine line to walk though, as they need to ensure the people they do select represent all areas of the game, and that the people involved are not only interested in what they feel personally affects them. If feed back is given, it needs to be on a consensus or majority, not one of two moaners because xxx didn’t drop.

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Having people who are interested in limited parts of the game is fine. Just as long as ALL areas are represented as a whole in a diverse enough way.


I can’t see that happening because they will be watched by everyone, this isn’t hidden away in a private section of the forum but somewhere everyone can read and then comment on in the general forums if they want. The devs will have to be professional and on their best behaviour or they will be held to account by those within the council and those looking in from the outside.

The otherside of all that is, people have been asking for the devs to talk to us here on the forums for a long time, to actually acknowledge the feedback given and say “yeah we are listening” and engage in discussion, sure they could do that on the general forums but how long would it be before certain posters start ruining it for the rest of us with trolling and ridiculous personal attacks?

Imagine if Ion actually posted on GD… you know exactly which posters would flock to that thread and start.

This council initiative gives a safe, calm and controlled environment for players and devs to meet and discuss things without trolling and derailment and everyone can read those discussions and give their views separately.

The players taking part also change every 12 months so if say you got in this time you can give your feedback and ideas but then in a year someone else gets a turn and you are no longer in the council, I really think people are missing that part of the process and are quick to think that 100 people will forever be best friends with blizz.

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im not usually one to say this kind of thing…

but you guys should really go make a thread related to downtime rather than derailing this one about the community council.


I’m not against this Council, but I just don’t see anything come of this. If there is one thing Blizzard just fails at time and time again, it is listening to their players. What is this council going to do to change this little fact?

“You think you do, but you don’t.”

Remember this little gem? And now they want a player council? If only they had listened to their playerbase during the alpha and beta stages of the last two, maybe even three expansions, they they wouldn’t need this council.

And then you have people working for Blizzard who are way beyond being passive aggressive, to just being aggressive toward the playerbase… people like Jeff Hamilton who do ****post after ****post on social media calling players idiots and other insults. These people are the people this player council is going to have to talk to.

Yeah, I’m sorry but no… this isn’t going to change anything. The only reason this is happening is because Blizzard is now finally realizing their playerbase has had enough and is moving on. This isn’t something that they can fix with a patch or two, this is something that is going to take real effort from Blizzard. Just listening isn’t going to be enough anymore. Not for me anyways.