Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

that can only work if they(the people) also listen to players that have a opinion on something they even dont play. example , i dont run m+ but have my thoughts on it any how , do they gonna lissen are just rub it under the table. if not there is no discution if yes thats the way to go.
atleast thats how i think

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This must be a hard pill to swallow for them though don’t you think? I mean if they were so sure in their vision and the systems they put so much faith in, then that would show in them retaining players or even enticing more to the game.

It’s why I think it’s an ideal time, they have been hit hard and maybe that is what was needed to make them realise that things have to change. Maybe this will make them more open to the discussions as they have seen the results of not listening.

I know I have been overly enthusiastic about this, but for me it isn’t just the initiative, it’s the timing that makes it something that could succeed when in the past similar things have failed.

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They are going to have to give the players forum persona’s though its bad enough now for some of us getting abuse in game via mail and whispers imagine if picked for council it would just escalate.


They are already held accountable for the 3 out of 4 last xpacs that were flops and had plenty of feedback. Again, Blizzard is in no position to get the benefit of the doubt. Thats something they will have to earn back.

Then bann them. I dont see the issue other than that the moderation is absolute trash on the forums. Which it is.

If you only want people that glitter everything they say the council will be worthless. I want people on there that speak their actual mind including with emotion if needed. Safe environment is bull and you know that. If the regular forum isnt a “safe” place then the mods dont do their job. Calm read above and controlled is giving the impression of “we only let in very “special” people” which it already is to a lot of people.

Press massive X for doubt that they will replace everyone. They will keep a lot of the usual.

That wasnt the point. People dont like the limited amount of people on there while there are already forums for every langauge that should have been paid attention to in the first place with communication from the devs which should be properly moderated (which, again, it is not). It doesnt matter for the concern of these people that the members get potentially swapped out every year.

So again i am in no way surprised that this council is met with a massively raised eyebrow by a lot of people.

Youre only making it attractive to me. I want to receive ingame death threats again. They were highly amusing.


Oh I’m not alone in having that happen then? Some of the people on these forums need actual real life professional help. Sigh. Sucks to hear it Daestra. :weary:

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If this happens to popular Classic PvPer then you know you need a reeeeely good council (or copium):


I got this one to 60 and rarely log onto her , when i do i dread seeing the mail box icon there that’s why i now play a different server and different main and leave her in piece most of the time.
I know i seem the blunt and fighty type on the forums relentlessly being called a troll and name and shamed by others but it does get to me after a while .
Thing is people giving me hassle and saying how bad i am dont know how ironic they are being there just as bad and just as “bullying” as i am accused off but w/e i am here to stay until a admin takes away that right so until then they will just have to ignore me or just put up and shut up .


If you ever wonder why Blizzard is “refusing to listen” and now brings up this council, look at the comments here. Almost every comment is in a tone that is either offensive, angry or simply not constructive.

You expect devs to listen to the angry mob when the angry mob is not nice to them? You expect human beings to take the angry BS the angry humans throw at them?

I am not surprised that Blizzard went down this way, when they have toxic people in the forums. I would also lose my interest in making a fun game then when my customers behave like little brats with the excuse “BUT WE PAY MONAY!”

No. Paying money does not make you right in bringing up this tone. It does not grant you the right to be a annoying little brat that is never happy when something goes not the way you like. All the harassment problems within Blizzards company aside.

never had threats relating to posts i made in game on any character… i guess some people here must be super offensive or abusive to people to warrant that type of reaction from people.

and i been called a bad person on these forums …

go figure

Ah the casual “its not the aggressors fault but the victims”

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i would welcome the insight to message me in game personally i wouldn’t report them i would enjoy talking to them.

dont play the game anymore now though so dont bother trying i wont see it.

i know certain people here openly hate me enough to perhaps try it though if i was actively playing :).

That’s not what I meant, and I think you know that.

You can discuss without insults, you can debate without anger, you can talk without being overly antagonistic.

Obviously, yet it still needs to be done in a mature manner without devolving into arguments and the type of threads we see daily here, you of all people should know how others on this forum can become too emotional and destroy any reasonable conversation.

There is a huge difference between healthy mature discussion and overly emotional rants.

But that’s the thing, how can you pay attention properly through all the noise? The threads would be so derailed, filled with so much trolling that moderation would be needing to close them before any good could come from them, we’ve seen it before where threads go out of control faster than the moderators (who are human beings btw and it’s not an easy job) can deal with all the flags so have to close the thread to read each post and issue bans, how much worse would it be if you add in the extra factor of a known and disliked figure like Ion or another dev?

Having a controlled environment like a closed forum (which everyone else can still read but not post in) to hold discussions between players and devs takes out that problem, the players can pass on their feedback in a mature manner and the devs can respond, everyone can read and then discuss in the general forums and even ask the players on the council if they can bring up X or add in Y to their points.

It all opens a wider communication for all of us and the devs will be communicating and listening.

The trolls won’t be disrupting though.

Not sure what you mean by “the usual” you don’t know who has applied or who is going to get a place so who is “the usual”?

if i applied which i wouldn’t… and they were stupid enough to elect me a position…

i would not go easy on them in the slightest.

EDIT: i just hope they don’t recruit shills and push overs.

What I don’t understand is, I’m not a pvp player. I’ve never liked it. I’m not good at it. Yet even I know pvp players have been screaming for “solo queue” for ages now. Where is it? Why have they been ignored? And what is the downsides of giving them what they want? it’s not like it destroys the intergrity of that game mode?

You trying to tell me the Blizzard devs currently don’t know the screaming about pvp solo queue? Yet I do?

Just an example.

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And that’s fine, providing you went about it in a mature manner, which I believe you would. I doubt you would devolve into insults and ridiculous rants which would see you on the wrong end of the ban hammer :wink:

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it is probably related to numbers… i doubt pvp is actively popping off as it was years ago…

oh no i wouldnt do that but i would make sure they knew they were making stupid mistakes, as i have done all along here to deaf ears.

If that’s what happens to a Classic PvPer then they probably have bigger problems than a bunch of people giving feedback. I mean they should probably get themselves to a hospital. That isn’t a healthy physique to have, even in homoerotic circles. I mean that is musculature accentuated by a dehydration diet. I mean that is definitely not a healthy look. Sometimes actors do it for a role, but then are sure to put on their correct body mass afterwards with medical supervision.

I’m also not sure how good at PvP that person would actually be. I mean assuming they are actually doing what is in the video, (which they can’t have) they have probably just ruptured their keyboard, and their left arm musculature is going to be in shreds. I also wonder what their keybinding is like, as that looks really inefficient, and where is that room in their house? Who seriously has that kind of decor going on?

Even when I was having the dining room expanded into a kitchen diner and it was like a concrete gulag cell for a few months I had more going on than that. That’s like sensory deprivation to the next level. Oh, wait, that idiotic frog meme and a ‘copium’ reference in the video, I think that tells us all we need to know about the mind we are viewing here.

I started off hoping for something insightful or informative at least, but got two minutes of homoerotica. Which is fine, for those for whose bag that is, but it had absolutely zero content, made zero sense, and just was…well…rubbish.

I mean even the music was substandard.

I mean if that streamer the standard, then No, No we don’t want them back, Stay there, please for the love of all that is holy, unholy and everywhere in between do not come back to WoW… :stuck_out_tongue:

On a more serious note, I highly doubt that anyone going at this is doing so just to say “No, everything is fine” but instead will have their gripes related to their aspect of the game that interests them, which is why they ask you what aspects those are when you submit the form.

Whatever it is, it has to be better than that travesty of a video I just watched…

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Without insults yes. Without anger it depends. I can easily understand if someone writes in anger if its for example about borrowed power systems given how its been flamed since ages at this point and keeps returning every xpac. Overly antagonistic im neutral about.

Yes they can easily destroy reasonable conversations. Which is why mods should step in even if its just a casual reminder. Not even that happens or so rarely it can be ignored. However i am not someone that can relate to it that much given my personal circumstances regarding feeling emotions.

By moderating the forums as they should be. We dont even have any acceptable moderation to begin with. There are posts that have been flagged and been untouched or posts that should be flagged but havent for pickyourreason reason without anything happening up to this day. The utmost cake of moderation inaction was the wedding thread.

There is no need to close said threads considering you can remove the posts in question and if needed suspend the posters in question. Also a “your post has been removed” would also be helpful as a warning for said people to behave and being their last “do it again and you may receive a bann mate”.

Ye thats bull mate. Our forum isnt that active (and even if it was) and given it would be ones job there is no excuse. The amount of flagged posts in comparison are quite few (and they get listed for them anyway. So they can work them through one after another). Non flagged posts might be more of an issue but if a mod is reading the threads anyhow as part of ones job then that isnt an issue either.

Bann said people in question if they are going as far as insulting him or whoever on a personal level. Criticism and calling out irony is ok, calling ion for example lets say a very nasty word for people that work during the night on the streets however is going more than just too far.

I havent said i am against the council programm in general. I have stated i can understand why people are salty about it given that the forums being ignored is a meme as old as WoW itself. Especially the EU forum.

Figure of speech. If they recruit 1000 or 100 members the bunch that comes after will most certainly have people from the original 1000/100 again.

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