Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

Will there be racial/diversity quotas like in your dev hiring?

Ok cool, great idea, however whatever you do just don’t listen to Bellular, he is crucial part of the WoW community but currently he wants to turn this game into FF14.


If only there was a way to judge the feelings of the player base about new features… like a… I dunno… forum or something.

If only that existed.

And someone read it.

(Am I too cynical for thinking the correct answer to the council thingy is to choose forumers with over X-thousand posts who’s initial subscription date is earlier than WoD? Feels like we’ve been trying to leave feedback for 16 years and they’ve never bothered to read it…)

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we get flooded out by the bickering and name calling usually…

god forbid saying something disagreeable on this forum :slight_smile:

found myself silenced a fair few times as a result of that lol.

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Only had one holiday that I noticed… For challenging the mods :joy_cat:

Maybe I deserved it. I did challenge the mods. To do something about the thread ¬_¬

(See you in 3 days?)

Doubt it. I mean how are they going to know? You don’t have to submit any ID or anything if you put in for this!

I shall make this my first Royal Edict in the incredibly unlikely event I am selected for this (I’ve had far too many times on the Naughty Step)

Yeah…If only. We’d probably have to make US Accounts for that to happen though…

Not Cynical, but I reckon they’d be better off getting a breadth of opinions, so yeah, people who are active and have been since Vanilla, but also those who have started playing more recently. Number of posts should not, in my opinion, necessarily be taken as a benchmark of “This person is a helpful voice to listen to.”

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That is just another way to drown the fish and keep on going with the same game mechanism , pretend you didn’t saw and hear the complaint and choose a few random individual and ask again when it is all over for long what do you want ?

Those two statements do not exactly add up, do they?


I remember an in-game suggestion I made with my main where I suggested an idea similar to something I saw for another game (the game seems defunct when I looked for it), but that game had a thing where experienced players could apply to become a community representative, though not annually as seems the case here…

Also, the BIGGEST criticism I’ve heard mention by various sources is about how equipment goes “not needed” at each expansion, and now instead every year the council goes “not needed” too.

Two things:

  1. make the development cycle longer between expansions (3 years for example), and match the council timeline with this.
  2. the ratio of 100 players to represent at least a million players would mean they represent at least 10,000 players each. But what’s the current ratio of representation? How many are raiders, and how many do PvP, and how many just play however they want? I think this last group is far greater than anyone realises, so should, essentially, get the most seats at the round table. If the ultimate selection is made up of 60, 70, 80 or more percent of raiders and PvPers then the council DOES NOT represent the audience.

Three play styles in general - raid/mythic, pvp/arena and the non-competitive player - should be equally represented. Delenn’s famous words apply when she broke the Council in the series Babylon 5:

" “You had forgotten the worker caste, hadn’t you? When our two sides fight, they’re the ones caught in the middle, forgotten that it’s their time to serve to build, and to die. They built the temples we pray in, the ships you fight in. They look to us to guide their hands. But prayers are fleeting and wars forgotten. What is built endures. They do not wish to conquer or convert, only to build the future. And now, they will have that chance. The religious caste and the warrior caste will advise and council. We will serve, as is proper. Religion and war must act in the service of the people, not the other way around. This place… this place is reserved in memory of Neroon, until the day it is taken by the One who is to come. You are the heart, the hands, and the voice of our people. Judge wisely and well.”
Moments of Transition

The players who do not raid, who do not do mythic, who don’t do pvp or arena, or perhaps do it RARELY are this games “worker caste.”

You had forgotten the casual player, hadn’t you? When you raid or pvp, they’re the ones caught in the middle, forgotten on the sidelines with no content to keep them occupied. They are the people who fill the auction house with the goods the raiders or PvPers may need for their fights, for their strength, they contribute to your success against end bosses. They do not wish to conquer or defeat, only to fulfil the promise of a journey in this game. We will serve as the butt of jokes, as is the case. But the raider and PvPer must act in the service of those who keep this game alive, not the other way around. This place… this place is reserved for the person at Blizzard who releases how important we are for this game, when we’re allowed to take our rightful place as a champion of a different stroke. You are the heart, the hands, and the voice of our community. You matter just as much…

I may be a lonely voice, and I may just speak for what feels right to me, but I know there are countless out there who feel as I do that the “worker caste” of World of Warcraft is the part of the game that needs the greatest amount of work done to it.

Here is a quick list of stuff that would help it:

  1. Archaeology - make it a tool to find artifacts to discover the past of a world. There are so many buildings without doors to open. Find an artifact, and go search for the place where you discover a bit of the world - aka War of the Ancients world quest is a template. (add puzzles, let us see possibilities of a “what if” where a different outcome could have happened - aka choose your adventure books as an idea where you could choose a page number and it dictated how the story would unfold - and mysteries from the past to solve (who killed Queen Tiffin?) and more.
  2. Exploration - so many caves could exist and they could lead to as yet undiscovered parts of “the machine” (aka Ulduar is bigger than we know right now).
  3. Sea exploration - there are more uncharted seas beside the part next to Pandaria where we made landfall.
  4. Where does the rocket go? - there’s a rocket at Area 52. Maybe another mini-event where you can take the rocket and land on a random place within the Twisted Nether which is a space version of the Island Expeditions.

… just a few things off the top of my head. I’m certain that between ALL WOW PLAYERS who could increase the scope of what’s on offer in the game by 1000% before even a month of the new council has gone by.

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Another spit in the face of the community by blizzard, putting out an obvious damage control measure with sole purpose of trying to save their awful PR, and trying to make it seem like it’s actually aimed at improving the current barely existing feedback system.
I am sorry to upset the people elated by this announcement, but it’s not gonna work because of 2 simple reasons:

  1. They don’t think there’s anything wrong with the game itself in the first place, they think that there’s something wrong with the players that they don’t like the game and unsub

If you don’t believe me, go read the recent, or actually any of Ion’s interwievs and it’ll make sense to you, there’s not even a need to look for any hidden meanings or to read between the lines, they simply scream this.

  1. This system isn’t being intended to broadcast the average players’ thoughts on the game

Their intentions are quite obvious, they don’t need any average players on this council, no matter how long they have been subbed for or how good they are at the game, and of course they don’t want any people that aren’t satisfied with the current state of the game there. They want content creators and streamers there to artificially streamline the critisism into a set of diverse topics, and that would let them continue selectivly adressing the feedback on convinient topics and ignore the inconvinient ones, as well as continue pretending that there’s more than 1 or 2 ways to play this game, and that’s been one of the high points of their marketing strategy and a handy topic to throw at investors for years.

You are delusional if you think that they actually care what you think on the game.

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I used to quite enjoy the guys schtick but gave up after hearing him bang on about the epic story of FF14 one week then two weeks later saying he can’t wait to finish ARR, like bruh, ARR is about on par with WoW for story, it is not very good.

I am just the average/casual player and even I see FF14 as the statistically and design-oriented better game.

WoW wouldn’t be in such a worse state if it wouldn’t have been driven down the alley into the recycling area while F14 actually does new stuff and also improve the game with every DLC.

Sure, WoW should not become FF14. But a lot of the design decisions from FF14 should be copied over to WoW, if you want the game to be actually a fun game again and not annoying boring work.

Ahh, you too are a person of culture I see…

I’d amend that slightly, by saying there are three major play styles, Raiding, PvP and RP, but -of- those there are subgroups people treat them with varying degrees of competitiveness/time played.

From the submission form it appears Blizz actually get that. I can’t remember exactly how many options there are, but I think it was about 12, of which I was able to tick 3 and I don’t do PvP and only do old Raid content.

But then it seems that is what they are hoping for. They don’t just want people who do necessarily do -every- aspect of the game, but those who are passionate about their Mythics, Arena, RP and Lore.

So in your example from B5, I’d be one of those you describe, the “Worker Caste” and I completely agree with what you say there, when it comes to being the ones who keep the game running when others may get jaded.

Also, the Rocket idea, Dayumn, that’s a good idea…

Well it’s not really is it? It may work, it may not, but I highly doubt it is a calculated insult.

Well, I mean that -is- what all businesses do, yes.

Anything has to be better than nothing, and to be fair, -nothing- is what it feels like we have right now, particularly in the EU.

I think they just got an almighty slapping that showed them that there is something they need to sit back and listen to.

Hmm, not sure. The options (You can pick several, or one, or all) do cover pretty much the entire span of the activities and playstyles in the game.

Actually looking at the submission form that is exactly what they are -not- after, and given the negative impact Streamers (Don’t call them content creators, they don’t create content or work on the games) -can- have on a game, who can blame them?

He’s the Clickbait one isn’t he?

You are free to believe that, I don’t.

They are bad definitions, as they are not accurate and not mutually exclusive and it may not even be needed to classify sets.

You can non competitively casual raid, mythic+ and pvp
in our group we raid, but have no interest in logs or numbers or meters or comparing ourselves to anyone else we just raid for fun, and clear HC.

I cant find any of those tweets, can you provide link pls I wanna see it

And this is different from what you had till now how exactly?

You had players that could communicate with the devs during early design phases, you had even more players participating in closed Alpha, then Beta, then even more players on PTR servers.

You had content creators as well as top end players pointing out the issues from early developing stages being on the same discord with Devs.

You had all of them pointing the obvious problems BEFORE day one and later on more on more players.

You had COUNTLESS posts in mmochampion, WoW forums, etc pointing out the exact same issues with the systems you implement. Especially in the last two expansions.

Yet you choose to ignore us all.

Are we to believe this is not a PR stunt? Are we to believe that all of a sudden you will value that player base opinion and feedback? Please…

I wholeheartedly hope this will be the case but I highly doubt it.




You already have a whole forum for player feedback, the problem is that Blizzard doesn’t act on it unless they’re economically threatened.

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I don’t know I should laugh or cry at this… The whole game is made for shareholders, not for a players… and you only care about shareholders feedback.