Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

I hope you invite people like Bellular to this…

hmm mr get his facts from third party then write a script to make it look like he come up with it ?

i’d rather you got invited to it Autriel than that snake bellular

He doesnt play wow and didnt deserve to be there with being such a blantant lair and negative all the time.

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Exactly. This is what’s been the issue in the past. I want real players to do it. Ones who have a love for the game of every aspect, Unbiased players who care about casuals to hardcore. I don’t want youtubers/twitch people who go with the trend of wanting the game to die so they can make a clickbait title.


most the players with real insight and the heart and passion to do it want nothing to do with it though … blizzard already ruined their chances to get us back on side.

good luck with the shills and addicts though

just think about it for a second…

you ask 100 people to a table for 1 year and lock everyone else out…

how long until the conversations run dry??

1 - 2 months?? then its just repeat the same few points for the entire year… then repeat the next year with another 100 people ( if all the points arent already exhausted the first time) …

the system and how they are approaching it is massively flawed… it will delay player communication not increase it.

IT should be a 1 - 2 month rotation at the very least…

OR even better just open a live feedback site… which feeds directly to the people which matter… with a 2 - 10 post limit per month… (oh wait that would actually involve work though right and maintaining it making sure its not full of trolls) god forbid you actually put some work in.

yes i am angry and annoyed… everything is just under the mark it should be… you need to improve.

The problem is, we gave blizzard the benefit of a doubt for years now. The reason why everyone is sceptical is because blizzard has earned it.
Not to mention that this whole thing should be done by community managers, but then blizzard would have to pay them. This whole thing is just another example of blizz failing the community.

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They likely will get people that are more than just players but experts in their field that can tell how people interact with content and how people would with proposed content - wherever raids, pet battles or expansion level progression systems.

Preach stopped doing WoW content but other gaming companies saw his work and hired his whole team for consulting focused around players interaction.

They can also get an echo chamber or random “diversity” panel and whatnot which will just end WoW with it last expansion. Few years later Discovery will make a documentary how number one MMO went out of the market.

They had private forums before. They asked theorycrafters, top players, streamers and content creators that were there. Feedback they got on private forums was same as on public forums. It got ignored but on those private ones devs went aggressive at every example which wasn’t praising their work. Those forums then died because devs “knew better” :wink:

So if they actually use feedback from one person it will be infinity times more than previously.

doubt ill be accepted but ill apply

my concern there is preach himself is heavily biased towards his own views, he should not be working in relation to anything when it comes to player interaction because it will always be biased towards the things he personally enjoys.

they need people which are “open minded” and preach is not that he likes to put himself across as that but he is closed and conflicted to his own ideals.

That’s exactly the the type of player this doesn’t need, what we need are people who are critical and like the game. the people who can give constructive feedback not blizzard fanboy yesmen who will just rubber stamp anything the devs propose.

i feel like there is people here over the past few weeks on the forums which are better option than preach himself… if they take up the application or not is another matter.

For one he isn’t commenting on PvP or aspects of the game he has no interest/knowledge of. For SL he did talk a lot about covenants and how “choice” and “player power” don’t mix together and he was right - min/maxers made 4 characters of each while everyone got screwed - here have 4 NEW spells for your class, but you can play only with one and if you want to play multiple specs we don’t guarantee your choice will work… so people picked what was “best” which could conflict with their looks/story/lore choices etc. No fun allowed. You want mage tower? Here, have it for 2 weeks…

And when he is paid he is also being validated. If you have such consultants you have way more than one and you compile the data into a cohesive set of conclusions. There is no room there for WoW “toxic elitist”, “toxic youtuber” hatred.

Preach-type player would not be enough that’s obvious but someone like Preach is needed. To clearly tell how “min maxers” will react to a system and how others will. Ion discarded beta feedback coming not only from him and as predicted - it crashed.

At the end of the day the big social media influences are going to have a disproportionate effect regardless because a channel with hundreds of thousands of viewers is going to have the influence regardless

i dont claim not hes good at certain aspects, raids and the finer details of tuning stats most likely his strongest subjects…

be he likes to talk for the causal as well at times… and he is not casual int he slightest and gets his views very very wrong when he attempts the subject.

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Like how? I didn’t saw him making any elaborate speeches about how “casuals” play/should play etc.

i hope they find some hidden gems in the community which can stand up to these “influencers” and show them them maybe what they do for living isnt as impressive as they thought. because look normal people can do it too.

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I don’t object to influencers being part of this. They have as much right to voice their opinions there as any randomly picked player does.

its not really in the same context as he talks about raids and hardcore… and in fairness he usually prefaces it with “im not a casual but” still he should not be stepping on subjects he isnt a part of… i do not watch him purely for this reason.

he is one of the better influencers out there when it comes to meanful opinions though when it comes to his areas.

oh ofc, but they been voicing their right for years now look where its got us … i hope they give the norms a fair chance to speak and dont over shadow them if they find themselves in the same conversation with them.

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Loving Wow players can be critical actually. I have to disagree with you. I love wow, I’ve spent half my life playing it. I’m here for a reason. If you look at my post history you see me being critical constantly. However the last thing the game needs is the only voice being arrogant streamers and youtubers anymore. They are the ones that kept getting gave a voice in the past due to their fame. Fame should have nothing to do with it.

Standing in front of a webcam making videos doesn’t show your knowledge over the game than others. Repeating what you hear on news websites and repeating it in a video.

People would rather copy and paste a youtuber reaction to something like this than state their own. I don’t personally get it.