Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

Preach has as much right to voice his opinions on as I do on the finer aspects of of horde hardcore RP guilds, I’m not at all involved or know much of them but i can still have and voice an opinion on it.

Also Taunka and Yaungol customization options for Taurens when?

Sure, But Blizzard should stop acting like his voice is worth more than anyone elses. You shouldn’t have to be a youtuber to be heard. Which is why something like this should be every day players.


its easier to use someone else’s words to describe how you feel than sit and formulate it yourself

And is he wrong? Did he predicts correctly or not? Is he allowed to see how players picked covenants based on class to see if it was “random” or “meta” choice?

It looks like that if you cleared mythic or did a high M+ key you are not allowed to talk about the game. You want them to pick only no-names that did not did such content and are opposition of content creators/theorycrafters and experienced players.

If they would do this it would end in a big river of hate. Wherever there would be an end game PvE/PvP topic 80% of the council would hate on “toxic elitists” while remaining 20% would be “I don’t do this so it should be removed”.

thats exactly it though , you should not have a voice on it you should let the people involved in that aspect have the voice on it.

I 100% agree he has no right to more influence due to his channel but that doesn’t invalidate his opinions.

they should invite them … but they should be treated no different to anyone else…

and they should be respectful to the norms or get removed.

no special treatment.

they should also be put in the same raffle hat as the norms when it comes to picking speakers.

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yes, although they would be asked different questions.

why would they get different questions ?

are normal people not capable of their level of thinking ?

Blizzard also needs to stop telling us to go to 3rd party websites to be heard or read all these other websites to understand what’s happening with the game. Everything should be done on the main page of this very website.

I don’t get why we need to go to Twitter to communicate with the company we pay that has a perfectly functioning website? I also don’t understand why we need to go running off to youtube/twitch to see certain things from them.

“servers are down! follow twitter for more updates on the situation” no? Put it on the offcial website?


i agree there… i think it has something to do with viewership on their twitch channel though unfortunately

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That’s fundamentally wrong, all that does is create bubbles of people locked into the stuff they specialize in. wow is at heart a multiplayer game, these district communities all intermingle and coexist, a hardcore raider should be able to chip in to a pvp convo even if he has nothing of merit to say, as should a casual pvp be able to suggest things that are lore wise class and race fantasy.

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People with system knowledge (theorycrafters and alike) can tell if and how given system will be interacted by players. We can tell if we like or dislike something for our point of view only.

So such person would be asked “We have new power progression system that looks like so. Will it work and will it work as we expect it to work”. While players that just play the game and aren’t savy with game design or theorycrafting would be used as focus group and would not be asked if system will work but if they like or dislike a specific scenario like weekly vault.

do you think a casual player who love leveling by picking flowers and fishing should have a say about stat progressions and raid encounters?

i mean i would love to watch it but i dunno if it is the right option.

if that is the case and that i show it would work … you will end up with much of the very same problems in the end… there is very talented people outside of the influencers who know as much if not more than (i would argue) self proclaimed theorycrafters. through years of use and experience . they know some thing aint right when they use it and its not good. equally they will have their own opinions on how that should be fixed… to silence them because they are not a “theorycrafter” would be leading to shadowlands territory when blizzard knows best. only this time it will be the influencers and theory crafters which are the targets.

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You aren’t a theorycrafter if you aren’t correct. This “title” isn’t given or made out of thin air. If a “theorycrafter” isn’t correct he is a celebrity and nothing more.

Say next patch will have BoP new crafted items, one for each profession, it will be mythic ilvl and crafted from crystals dropped by trash in the raid from LFR up. So if you have a profession you would be happy… but the role of someone called theorycrafter is to instantly tell it will be abused by top mythic guilds - they will level and drop each profession to get each mythic ilvl item so the implementation must be changed to not be abusable (and we had such profession crazy sprints not so long ago).

Or say class design. New talent row - one adding a 1000 HP shield spell and the other 1000 HP heal spell. Same case - point out abuses, edge cases that player meta would find out anyway. (Shield spells are way way stronger for high end content).

yes because court of public opinion, lets say, I a lore nerd and casual solo content player suggest 1 man dungeons and raids for solo players that drop the exact same loot as normal dungeons and raids, ill rightfully be laughed laughed at by the actual players. or I could suggest something useful say like an option to flag yourself as a first time player in a pug dungeon so you are not grouped with a bunch of speed running people gearing up asap and left not knowing what’s going on. Hell as an autistic person/have nerve damage id adore some kind of ability to note that down in lfg so I don’t have to explain why I might type slow and be a little unintentionally blunt/slow to react at times

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i can see what you mean but, do you think the questions will be on that level ? when there is normal people i highly doubt that as a possibility…

unless the theorycrafter takes it there in the first place… then it just turns into a onesided conversation between a dev and a theorycrafter… which is not that the word “council” is…

i dunno you are right dont get me wrong… but i could spot that abuse myself i believe and if i could im sure others could too.

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They will invite people from all brackets so yes, some will have such questions. SL, BfA and even to some extent Legion had severe problems with expansion wide systems that if fixed before release would be insanely way better and way better received (azerite armor/essences, legendary acquisition). Someone has to tell them if Soul Ash 2.0 will or will not work before they ship the first patch or 10.0 will end like 9.0 wherever smaller things got improved.

you have some valid points there… its tough isn’t it … blizzard got a lot to decide on i hope they get it right for everyone.