Ion Hazzikostas on Mythic+'s Problems in The War Within - PC Gamer Interview

i am fine with Myth track from M+9, but it has obviously nothing to do with casual and uncasual.

Well, yeah, probably.

And this is also why it’s going to be very hard to do anything against a given “meta” and the “meta”'s effects on lower keys: if those players now don’t base their “opinion” of specs on solid information, why would they start doing that in the future?

If we could just ignore all the tier-lists and wow-influencers with their nonsense opinion-waves…that’d be great.

if you think that it concerns 99.9% of players and you don’t do mm+, from 13 (top 3%) people want to play only meta

It’s just absurd the difference in level between a compo/meta and not, it’s just 2x simpler and more efficient.

take aug/ench/bomy (or dk frost/rogue(assa)/mage(frost/arcan/elem), dp and prot pala, 3400 rio ​​is possible, even if you make mistakes, but if you play other things, it quickly becomes very complicated (not to say almost impossible)

you will see the number of ultra fraudulent meta players

anyway if blizzard had a brain, he would do like solo suffle, one title per spec

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Well… Its not about me or you, its about all of us. People vote with their wallet and it shows. I dont think you are blizzard white knight, i never said it. What i said and what i think is that you are young hence your stiff way of thinking. That changes with age and if that does not change then good luck.


I wonder why everyone posting ~ saying this , his progress is that of the average John **

Yep , those amazing players with 638-639 ilvl with barely 4/8 mythic despide a buff of 20% dmg/healing+ …15% health reduction / abilities nerfed to ground and let’s not forget the max m+ being 10 ** … (They already kill the 1st boss without healer :smiley: )

Honestly my take on this is - “So many words, so little said.”

This is why pr managers are an issue, rather have actual on hand team members do the interviews who arent affraid to actually say the opinion that they have on the current issue instead of raw damage control.

They focused so much on damage control and pr in that interview that they forgot to actually have any real opinions on the matter.

Also small side not

No, it’s this idea that kills games, trying to appeal to a larger audience is a good idea on the surface but in the end only shallows the waters and experience for those who the game is designed for. In the words of a good game company “A game for everyone is a game for noone”

What they need to do is choose a target audience, because rn they are doing this, making things more accesible for “everyone” as well as they are able. But in doing os have lost what their initial audience was.

Ironically trying to deplatform your opponent because of age is really showing you don’t know what the game needs, it needs younger players, it needs new ones. And they will have this “stiff” way of thinking.

But I digress since it’s irrelevant in reality.

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You know we can just look at the numbers, right? +13 doesn’t require meta specs, and not only meta specs play those keys. Next point.

Not for the average group. In the average group, a Disc will not function optimally, nor make it smoother than any other healer really (perhaps other than Holy Priest).

The amount of specs which haven’t done 3400 we can count on one hand (I think), while we have 36 of them. I don’t know man.

Could be done, won’t solve much, will it? It’s not like we didn’t see the “boohoo, we only see Disc Priests and Holy Paladins” in the PvP section regarding Shuffle. Doesn’t solve anything, only benefits the beloved 0.1%.

Under-performing classes my rear.

We play comp stomp against bots. Bots for which they said that they can to make them more smart.
Surely they have pve bots for internal testing of the classes and specs.

It’s a herd mentality that leads to copying good players who achieved noticeable results early in the season, and that consequently leads to disproportional representation on the leader boards.

Did Legion m+ have character progression on launch?

A game can be easy and still have character progression

i know; but you know how people’s mentality works, from 13/14 people start wanting to play only meta. Why? because it’s 2x easier

a dp, even badly played can do 15/16 with a meta composition, that’s the scam

look at the % of classes, it’s the specs I mentioned, the others are almost non-existent

it adds competitiveness and more people playing less meta hl key

I dont remember in Legion being that easy that were people running around en-mase with CE.
And character progression in Legion? I am not starting another debate about that mindless pixie dust(AP) farm.

You are already getting HC gear from doing no brain content like delves. Back in ye olden days you had do Raids in order to even see purple items. If you can’t do the content stop complaining about wanting more gear, you already have more than enough.

Emerald Nightmare was not significantly easier than the current raid?
M+ was not significantly easier than current m+ to gear in? Especially considering TF and 3-chesting?

Don´t try to change the subject you know I´m right

Just stop this bad faith argument of people wanting no character progression when they want the game to be easier. You won´t get away with it and you are fooling no one.

Again. Were people running around en-masse with CE? Easy or difficult is subjective at best. Ofc for a world first racer, mythic will be “easy” while we will have people who struggle on normal…or LFR even.

It is you who is changing the subject and moving goal posts. Not me.

Ofc. Everyone will “want” it. Its a crowd pleaser. Yet whenever its healthy for the game is a different matter. Same story with taxes. Everyone wants lower taxes. Yet taxes are used for services. People also want a doctor to treat them and a fireman to show up when they report a fire… and they cost taxes.

If I remember correctly the first KSM achievement (the one that only required you to time one +15) wasn’t all that common at all, in fact people were really struggling with keys over a +10.


Now compare that to

Mythic Helya
Mythic Gul’Dun
Mythic KJ
Mythic Argus

try 3 chesting a 15 cath/seat/ upper kara in legion

Why do you think I was bringing up Legion on Launch?

You could just spam m+ and pray for titanforging if you wanted as gear progession, and in fact that was what a lot of people did and enjoyed.

The game always performs better if it is easier, it is just a fact at this point. S3 of DF should have been the end of the debate after 20 years of World of Warcaft, but of course people here who tie their ego to their WoW performance refuse to face the facts. Can´t have the baddies go around in nice gear, then ur no longer special :rage: :rage:

Heck even Legion proves my point With Ion getting his feelings hurt after EN and Blizzard then ramping up the difficulty for M raids. I´ve written about this and Preach´ video about at and how it was the actual beginning of the end in my Asmongold was right threads.

Notice how no one has ever been able to point to WoW being the most successful when content is hardest? Funny how that has never ever happened. If ppl really loved harder content and incredibly hard content was necessary and healthy shouldn´t that be the case?


It is their fault and they have the solution.

They nerfed the survivability of tanks resulting in fewer people queueing as tank. They are directly responsible for the current tank shortage and the longer queue times.

Dragonflight = Stronger tanks, more tanks, shorter queues, bigger trash pulls, more fun, more player participation.

WarWithin = Weaker tanks, fewer tanks, longer queues, smaller trash pulls, less fun, less player participation.

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A badly played Disc won’t even get past the first pull in NW, the big Scarab in CoT, the 2 biggies before the 3rd boss in GB, the Orb-tosser in DB, …

Don’t spout nonsense. To play Disc decently, you need to know the encounters and when to really be popping. And your tank/team mates need to know when to use spot healing, as that’s Disc’s weakness.

Doesn’t matter. They’re almost all capable of reaching those levels. Ergo, there’s no reason to deny any of them access to much lower content. Simple stuff. We are just too idiotic to rely on “tier” lists for relatively easy content. It makes no sense. Heck…they don’t even deal with the affix that “we” do…which may or may not influence the “meta”…

That may be the goal. No guarantee that it’s being reached. I doubt it will do much.

Give me a break. Quite some tanks can survive just fine up till 11-12s with barely any heals. Just cover the tank-busters and they’re good. Are people even playing tanks, or are they just repeating the same stuff from when they announced the change? Just use your buttons as tank…rough life.

That’s 100% true. But you know how people easily fall in love with celebrities and copy-paste their opinions and all that nonsense?
That’s pretty much how the average Mythic+ player’s brain works. It’s happened to me multiple times since BFA someone will tell me we should do this or that because Method, Echo, or specifically Gingi does it.
So yeah, balance-wise the game is in a decent state, but you really need to look at the mental state of the players.