Ion take my levels!

I was talking to a friend in game about this and one of their main concerns was how farming of legacy content would work. A system that has every expansion at the same level would naturally complicate the farming of old raids. It has the potential of even making it unsoloable.

My solution for that would be an achievement, like we have pathfinder now for flying, create a meta achievement (do so and so achievements on this expansion) to unclock legacy mode. This would also allow them to time the enforcing of legacy mode for the current expansion, making it possible only when appropriate.

Yes, it is a big deal for collectors. Not because of lore or immersion, but because of soloing old content for pets, toys, mogs, achievement hunting, etc. Making sure that it can be done and that it can be done solo, like people do it now, should be high on the priority list for the devs. Otherwise they will upset a lot of people.

I would be for that. I just loathe the idea of squishing levels. I would be happier with literally any other change that does not touch the current state of my characters.

No, it’s NOT a permanent solution. And if it’s not one, why bother at all when there’s other, much more viable solutions that cause no bugs whatsoever?

Another reason to leave the levels as they are and not change them.

I know what you meant, but it does not work. we need there to be 120 levels at this point. it is impossible to correctly divide the content we currently have over 60 levels without completely and utterly breaking the game.

It literally has a track-record of having worked for many, many years on end without being an issue.

Not every point should have to give an actual ability you can put on your bar and click. A point can do many things, from baseline stat increases to a usable ability to a cosmetic change or even allowing you to wield an item that you weren’t able to before.

Leveling up and receiving a talent point that I can spend however i’d like is one of the more rewarding things I have experienced over the years.

Why don’t you people understand that reducing the amount of levels we currently have is what would break the game? that is the whole problem here.

That’s why we need the old one back.

…was created with that idea in mind. WoW was not. You can’t just take changes from other games and copy-paste them in WoW and expecting them to work just as well.

It’s not… because if they keep piling on levels you are, at some point, required to squish again.

Lmao good luck with trying to get people to accept losing their progress. They would all quit the game sooner than they’d start over.

I dont think there would be problem with having old content soleable because this wont remove any level from the game, it will make some of them optional. Internally there will be still 120 levels today, or 130 in the next expansion, with every expansion having enemies and gear better than the previous one, so there is no need for Blizzard to rework all the previous content. So, i have not skipped WOTLK there should not be problem for the game to allow me play on WOTLK zones with the same stats and gear as in BfA zones, but in case i have skipped WOTLK the gear and level is reduced like in a Timewalking dungeon.

Sounds like a good plan, 120 levels are simply to many.
Gaining levels no longer feels like your moving, growing, progressing.
It,s so strange to me,that while you level relatively fast, the progression feels dull and slow.

So pls also take my levels

No, is not, obviously you have not read anything from my post because the entery point was to explain a possible permanent solution that wont require any squish in the future, because precisely the purpose is to not pilling new levels with every expansion.

The proposal is to make leveling separate per expansion and not make mandatory to level up in every expansion. So, 1-60 levels per Classic, then 1-10 levels per expansion requiring players to level only in 2 or 3 previous expansion and then make mandatory only the last one or last two expansions. That makes 100 mandatory levels, and it will remain 100 levels today and in the next 20 expansions. With new expansions the only thing that would change is that one expansion will be moved from being mandatory to being optional.


Tbh I hadn’t even really thought about a squish, but of all the things blizzard has nerfed, this probably is a good one.

How many lvls do people really want? 130, 150, 2000? Its already at the absurb level, such that you get meaningful abilities every 15, 20, 30 levels??

But this isn’t how scaling works in WoW nowadays. What they did last time was aligning two expansions, so that they cover the same level range. As it is now, the scaling is linear. If you are doing Outland/WoTLK and you are, lets say 65, you will be 65 in very zone of those two expansions.

I have to assume they will work with the tech that is at their disposal, otherwise it would be more work for them, and probably more bugs. So instead of just having two expansions side by side, so to speak, every expansion would cover the same levels. This is why it is important to consider how legacy mode will be enabled and to find a solution for that.

So you’re saying that if we go with his idea, I Can do all of Northrend, Cata, Tbc, MoP, WoD, and Legion on a lv60?

…Sign me up lmao.

That can be done outside of the story/leveling flow.

What progress? With next raid tier everything I have will be trash tier. Gear to be replaced, RIO M+ score gone, current neck level irrelevant and much higher. Things like account/character bound achievements, mounts, pets stay but any actual progress is close to none right now.

And even if we would get a clean world - there likely would be an option to login to the “old” world and so forth.

If you start the game all over again? From lv1? with 0 achievement points?

WHAT progress? are you kidding me?

Wait what? How would that even work…

New world doesn’t mean you loose you account/characters.

Your character stays on Quel’Thalas realm but also a copy is made to Quel’Thalas-NEW realm and from that point those characters are separate in terms of what they have, how the game works etc. They share armory, achievements points, pets, toys, mounts and can use them in NEW if the new version allows it (like say: no flying). One of ways how it can be done.

oh ait

that sounds like a sh*t ton of data they’d have to store.

But better take my repair bills and transmog costs.

Like I said in a previous post, it’s not a perfect solution but there could be incentives in place to make people do old content. And yes, I think there’s a very good possibility this is what will get as a level squish. A system that is already tried and tested in game right now.

The point is the current system uses levels to determine power levels and that in turn dictates what content can or cannot be soloed. You cannot solo Legion raids you can solo WoD raids and that is based on the level difference.

The question here is if reducing the level difference would make WoD or even previous raids unsoloable, and that has to be accounted for by the devs.

They leave existing data behind them allowing to make significant changes without the need to update every previous expansion or base game. Just like their servers will be running Retail and Classic they could run Retail, Class, New. When they squashed ilvl it had to be done for everything - more work. The same would be for level squish - every old expansion would have to take it into account.

Or entering an old instance you can get a buff 99% damage taken reduced, increased damage dealt by 999%. Based on content age or also progression/reputations.

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Not if they have to run twice the servers as you said:

Retail and classic are completely separate games. nothing is shared between them unlike how you want the following…

You don’t update existing content for new rules - that’s the point. You leave BfA at level 120 while for every expansion after that you set a world with like fixed 60 levels, no flying, vastly different class/spec and game mechanics.

What is shared and what is not is up to developer decision. Classic and Retail share your wow subscription and Blizzard account. Retail and New could have a symbolic link between two toons as well as share WoW account-bound things.

You mean the 1-shot gameplay? No thank you, I’m here to play a video game not do a wierd unbalanced rush chore