Is Classic killing BFA?

exactly its why aliens dont visit

Hey ,there fans of the classic and the modern WOW. Im a vanila veteran and i can say im so glad that they resurect it .My apenion is that from Wotlk retails were slowly killing the game and the reason for that is that the Team making the game changed .New people new ideas .Where the problems came from ? I think its not from the new lands and conteinmed but from that , that they change the core and the meta of the game .For me the game mechanics turned tottaly wrong .Now days we got 10 or plus classes with not varayaty at all they looks all the same to me (mindless clicking bottons builds ) from wich you dont recive the fealing that you play unique class and build and you feal STRUCK in huge graphical content but with no charm and gameplay of its own.

So blizz did great economical dessision by ressurecting the classic .They brought back many oldschool players like me that stoped plaing the game like 10 or more y. ago.Mager reason for that is that blizz team lack good mechanics engeneering that can make healthy and interesting game core .With the years passing the team working on the game become a team with good graphicall disainers and no peorsons that have the mind set to creat interesting mechanics and gameplay.

They realised that and decided to lock back in the past.I hope that now when they have working verrsion of good known mechanics they will try to find what was so fondamentall and to keep it live in the new versions .

For me what is inportant in a game is not the graphics and the huge world but the charm the options to chouse your own way of gameplay and to custumise your characters the best way they suits you. In BFA you got like 10 classes with 3 stright line builds and simmilar gameplay no matter what your class and spec are they look elemantary and same to me all of them

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Nope. BFA is killing BFA.


There are meta builds in both Classic and BfA, sorry to burst your bubble. You can experiment but if you want to play in most optimal way you will have to follow meta build. Gameplay of Classic classes feels absolutely horrible in comparison to BfA. Autoattacking or wanding with 2 (or even 1) button rotations isn’t quite a peak of class design.

Sorry but you are either biased or have no comparison.

Classic is new?

classic will kill even new one , blizzard create worse and worse product the further they expand.

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10 chars

So why in the actual balls are you on the Classic forums?

Your name is on point tbh.

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