Even as someone who wanted Classic (at least in some form, not just plain vanilla from 2004), I wouldn’t be concerned. Classic has a serious content issue and there’s no good way around it that would keep it ‘‘Classic’’.
10 chars
I think that the MVP award expects of you to communicate in a different manner. You’re stating an example and saying that classic has lost loads of players based on it. Knowing full well the debate between classic and retail players I think this polarizing comment based on little factual data isn’t in accordance with what I’ve read of MVPs guidelines. Even less the sarcastic smiley in your comment.
Since you’ve stepped up to the honor of having a green color making your comments stand out from the rest of us peasants, I’d expect a more official answer such as “No numbers are released, therefore we do not know”.
Why? Simple. The comment is polarizing and you’re misjudging the weight green words have on the population.
MVPs have direct lines of contact with Blizzard community managers.
Since we can safely assume you have direct access to communication with managers, your word is taken with a bit more seriousness than anyone posting speculations.
Our goal is to find frequent posters who are a positive influence on the gaming community in some form, whether it be through posting strategy guides or tips on various aspects of gameplay, or even just bringing a positive and constructive tone to the forums when socializing with their peers.
Is officially stating (not an opinion but outright saying and believing) that classic has “lost loads of players” constructive and positive in the classic forum?
Finally in response to the first message quoted, is the effectiveness of Blizzard’s plan and actions to reduce the time spent in queues a way to measure a gain or loss in the classic playerbase?
Hahahahah… This guy… this guy right here.
So mad and jealous, he’s bleeding from his eyes…
Well, if you’d rather be passive when people in positions of authority undermine the values which those positions are supposed to uphold, be my guest. Laugh and poke jokes at whoever doesn’t. When the trend catches on and you end up being ruled by hypocrites, or when you grow old enough to see this is already happening… Keep laughing, because that’s about the only freedom you’ll have left… For now.
Two things have turned me off from democracy: people acting as you do, coupled with the fact that we require a test to drive a car but have no other requisites to vote besides being of age.
This guy is serious. This is dangerous. If I knew where you live I would call the police on you. You might shoot somebody, someday. Thank god you probably don’t live in America.
My god… the things I’ve read here today, but this one takes the cake…
ahahhahaahhaahhaha I just can’t stop laughing at your unimaginable stupidity…
And yet you haven’t been able to construct a single argument. What are you, 12? You think that just by laughing and saying something is stupid, it automatically is? Try articulating yourself a bit if you’re interested in having anyone take you seriously, otherwise the real world will be a shock.
Right, and I am that only because you say so? No other reason? Going completely ad hominem in the most ridiculous and childish way is all you can do?
Thanks for telling me why he has green letters.
Now I even more want him to state dates and times for his observations - which he asks for from me, but does not want to supply himself.
For more info on the MVP program, there is a link here: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20749397405#post-3
A distinctive posting text color (green) is given to identified MVPs who answer other players’ questions consistently and accurately. It lends a note of credibility to what they post; it allows players seeking answers to take what they say at face value, and frees up Blizzard representatives so that they can focus on their primary responsibilities.
Q. What does an MVP do?
A. MVPs promote constructive posting wherever they can. They contribute to the community and encourage polite discussion throughout the forums. When you see an MVP post, listen to what they have to say—they were also chosen for their knowledge of the game.
You sure want to be MVP, huh? It’s killing you inside that you are not?
Oh, lordie lord lord, bring justice to the forums, mister white knight internet warrior that is totally not childish and very very cool adult.
Vewy Coool moon. (Thumbs Up)
Edit: Oopp… he’s replying immediately. Triggered again!
Ahh thnanks. This means that if I had been posting on those forums for all of my playtime which I have not only been plaing - heavily in Vanilla, since Cata less and less but never actually stopping - then my lettering would have been green too
I don’t. I’ve never said that. You’re wrong. I’m merely contrasting the “should” with the “is”.
It’s called thinking. You should try it sometime.
Explain how I am twisting rules. The burden of proof is on you if you make an accusation.
Also, look up the definition of stalking. Your English is lacking.
Keep calling me names. It’s surely a way to “win”.
Win? What are you winning?
You are just a very bitter old man.
Getting to read your posts is priceless. You have your head so far up your a-ss you don’t know what is what anymore.
Your posts are starting to sound like a really bad rap track. Imagine an old school beat:
Uh, look up the definition of stalking, your english is lacking, uh uh. Keep calling me names, it’s surely a way to “win”, uh uh.
Please please please reply again, I am loving your meltdown.
Win? What are you winning?
Nothing. I didn’t say I was. I said you were.
You are just a very bitter old man.
What exactly makes me bitter, or old for that matter? You’re being very free with your insults without backing them up in any way.
Getting to read your posts is priceless. You have your head so far up your a-ss you don’t know what is what anymore.
Honestly, at this point I’m just going to stop answering you since you are obviously just trolling. Either that, or you have serious issues expressing yourself. I hope this is only your internet persona because I sincerely doubt you go around talking to people like this in the real world.
@Manipura: 37 data sets vs 37 othes is not as much as I would like, but considering some people make claims based on much less… Well… I was not being sarcastic.
Which would be what, exactly? I get accused of sarcasm, lying and several other nasty things on occasion. Most posters are not impacted by me or any of the other greens in any shape or form.
Only by some. As for the access… since Takralus left and that was already years ago, I have had direct contact with a blue for a grand total of once, if I recall correctly.
Unfortunately, what is happening is what several posters posted long before Classic even launched.
I feel the question is biased, but the answer is still a solid no (from me).
@Warecs: The observations were made yesterday, roughly between 21:20 and 21:35 server time and the earlier set a week earlier roughly between 21:45 and 22:00.
Actually, not necessarily at all. MVP program has always been rather small. I am not sure of the exact count, but I think there currently something like 13 or 14 of us as far as English EU forums are concerned. There are also several very helpful posters around, who have declined the invitation to “the green dragonflight” as some call us. If you have been around the forums long enough, you probably even know several of them as at least five of them are active on either the general or newcomer/returnee forum.
@Foursaken: Please do not break the forum conduct code. Manipura is not envious, he and Warecs just do not see certain things in the same light and context as I do. That does NOT give you the right to attack them.
@All: I am going spend some time at the movies, I need a bit change after an interesting, but rather tiring school day. If I am not overtly tired, I will return for a while before I go to bed after I get back home.
Classic was a poisoned apple imo.
In my case: tried classic, loved the overall feel of the game (slow combat, riskier world, a game that is much more than just an instanced action rpg where you do either bgs, dungeons, raid, or arena, in a formulaic manner with zero fluff), but couldnt keep with it because of the lack of some of the better aspects added since vanilla (arena, ratings , m+).
But i cant get back into retail since classes feel so bad to play, and the world feels so empty and pointless after having played classic.
BfA is killing BfA.
Short answer: Yes
Long answer: Absolutely