Is Classic killing BFA?

Not noticed any difference in Retail gameplay as before, LFG still takes a few minutes to form a group, plenty of people around doing World Quests, Boralus looking populated.

I’d say no it’s not.


I didn’t think I would stop playing BFA. But I have. Not enough free time for both wows and so far questing in Classic is a good deal fresher than running the same M+ for the 1000th time.
If I ever get that far, maybe I’ll get bored with Molten Core. But I never experienced that at the intended level, so this is new, 15 years or not.


Humans do everything multiple times. We repeat the daily work cycle because we need to sustain our lives, we sleep every day because we need to sleep, we eat/drink our favorite foods repeatedly because we like how it makes us feel. We even re-read books or re-watch movies.

Etc. etc…

We play Classic BECAUSE we want to repeat/relive/experience again a period in our lives we enjoyed or because we simply love the gameplay it offers and how easily it puts us in contact with likeminded people.

And some of us saw only a short period of Vanilla and didn’t live 12+ years on a pirate server.


9.0 will probably kill Classic


Oh, please, this topic is 2 weeks late. Could have posted this to any of the old topics, but I guess yet another like bait thread.

And no.

It is same sub. pool, think. If classic does well - bfa does well. If BfA does well, classic does well.

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No. For me it’s 50/50.

I think there’s two sets of people coming from retail to classic. Some are those that are more likely to enjoy the way modern retail works, but are curious. While some of them might find they prefer the way classic works, I’d wager most will return. It’s a very different game.

The others are those that played classic (or BC), preferred it, but were playing modern retail because, it’s what was available. You might get those back, full or part time if it turns out they were wearing rose tinted glasses and were spoilt with the QoL changes the modern game brought in. Or, they might just not come back.

Most that stick around in classic are those that probably quit between wrath/legion (mostly between wrath and pandacraft I suspect).

TL;DR. Yes, and no. Kinda, but maybe not for long.

We’ve been over this way too many times already on both classic and BfA forums. As far as I’ve noticed, after initial ~3 days of hype most of my friends and guildies are back to playing BfA with many of them playing classic once in a while - but not all the time.

I wouldn’t mind the next expansion putting some classic stuff back in the current game, I’d enjoy it. Even if it meant I’d have to grind mobs, grind to progress my abilities and learn to go at a slower pace in the group instances, I’ll celebrate it as long as the time gating and too much RNG get kicked out of WoW and never comes back.

But for now, could we just stop the “this will kill that” campaigns? Both versions of the game can be fun.

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No. Classic has a long way to go to offer a fraction of the content available in BfA.

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Maybe? Time show…

I now play classic and tomorrow i login BFA and after 10minutes i quit and go back to classic…bfa is boring for me now…my friend list its same, all friend play classic and all tell me its a more better then retail…but all those people play TBC with me before 12-13 years…

youngest players prefere kids-friendly retail WOW i think…


Can’t say anything like that. Classic is new, bfa doesn’t really have anything new.
So players are moving elsewhere.
If this trend persists after 3-4 months then we might be able to make an analysis of it.


I would say, one has to compare the release of the Classic WoW, with the release of the next retail Addon (chapter). Any release is an influx of players, so the release of Classic is not an indication of the continious success, as you point out. Besides, retail is at the end of an expansion, ofc people are fed up with BfA, esp, since it’s considered quite bad by a lot of the players.

Classic is “new” content now. BFA patch 8.2 has been out for a while, most people finished what they wanted. All there’s left in BFA for now is the weekly stuff. A lot of people take this downtime to experience Classic while it’s “new” and they can experience the leveling while the whole community also does (before 90% of the player base is doing endgame).

Retail isn’t going anywhere.


Right now maybe it is, but when the next content patch for BfA comes, I’m sure it will generate interest. Some will likely flip flop between the games based between BfA patches and Classic phases.

Interesting, so you think that if I wasn’t playing Classic right now I would somehow have an active subscription and be playing BFA?


lmao you crazy

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How many times Im gonna read this bullshiit

OFC YOU ARE GOD IN BFA, its 15 FCKING YEARS LATER AFTER CLASSIC. Lv 120 means you killed LK, Deathwing, Ragnaros twice, Garrosh, Stoped timelines, Guldan. Ofc in Classic you are nobody you just started killing boars but also in BFA you start from lv 1 just like in Classic so Im sorry but your argument just sounds braindead


So basically whats happening is something got released and everyone gets to play it with no extra cost, everyone is coming to see what all the fuss is about.

However if people truly despise BFA they’ll mostly stick to classic. If people like retail or classic more in general we’ll know around the 1 month mark I think.

I dont question why you are a god it makes sense. i just dont like it personally. I just prefer the journey you take on in classic.


Classic didn’t do anything that BfA didn’t already do a hundred times more severely. All of my friends have resubbed back to WoW for Classic after not playing the game for years, however. Some of them did try BfA but quit in abject disgust shortly after, along with most of the player base.


Retail is a cesspit. I tried to go on for 5 minutes to sell my naxx stuff, made me want to vomit, it was like I had to hold my breath