Is Gogogo culture truly Blizzard´s fault?

It is partially developers fdault because they have implemented timers and challenges based on time, but the gogogogo mentality slowly started before those things vere implemented.

I think its a bigger problem that happens all over todays society to people of all ages. We are pushed more and more everywhere to do more in less time, be efficient, be productive, do more and more work even after work even without actual pay.

This also leaks to games. Its hard to deny this rush because people also like this power trip. This fast paced lifestule is an adrenaline pump which increases our endorfine producvtion and makes us feel good. Problem is that this is not healthy. It leads to stressful life and asa smart people say, stresss is not good even while there are marketing about stress being good, but its not. Stress is a drain on our mental and pgysical resources.

Now you have and theres a story aspect too. The story part of any instance is completely ruined when theres no time to enjoy the dialogue. Those instances are well made pieces of art visually too, People have made quite a work to make them good so its only polite to tyake some time to also look what they have crerated.


I’m not disagreeing with that, but you can’t expect it to happen when you queue for a normal and join with randoms and it’s not fair to complain when someone doesn’t have the knowledge to zoom around after you. Back to the OP, the tank was a jerk.

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Well yes if we are talking purely from verbal abuse, its agreed, no one should be verbally abusing players.

If you dislike the way the groups running, every player can leave the group realistically.



In wrath and cata we replaced tanks and healers with dps to speed runs up lol, this was in full force.

Where do u think boomkin tanks and frost DK tanks came from? Speedrunning content lol.

Blizzard tried to delete the gogogo mentality. Players mass unsubbed til they undid the changes. This isnt on blizzard. This is on whst the majority demand

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If you truly think that driving a vehicle on a public road is about what you can get away with either you are a teen with no driving license fantasizing or you are a public menace and I hope you’re gonna stay glued to your chair playing wow for life, no offense. :sweat_smile:

Well yes, this is why i dont use rdf. I run guild groups and skip normal and heroic mode.

I think rdf is pretty bad for the gsme for this reason. When u remove control of group making from the players it removes the ability for u to create a groups which want the same things.

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go go go E-sport cult
i play wow to speed run tru wow idc about lore or fun …
i link DPS after every pack kill to show off i am number 1 dps …
Wow is all about me no one els …

this cult ruen the game … life is not a race …

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The type of person who says “go touch grass” is really projecting how they feel about themselves.

Caffeine isn’t the issue here, addiction to instant gratification and the things that cause it is.


Yes it is.

Yes… after the first boss, else you get a deserter debuff :joy_cat:

Honestly, deserter could just vanish from normals. Nobody would care, you can fill the spot again in 20 seconds, who cares?

I can personally say that this wwas not about speed or dps. It was purely about CC tanking and that took careful doing and pulling with co-operatrion from party so they kept and ey not damaging the sheep or break too many out of frost nova troo quickly. You also had to keep an eye over every pulled mob as well as surroundings so you did not kite the group too close to next group or that they did not get to hit you too much.

Cant say nothing about moonkin tanking. Did not do that at all nor did i ever seen one in actual work since they were not popular in groups just mage tanks were not popular. It was a very niche school of tanking only done in manually made groups.

In WOTLK when it went to gogogo, it was mostly running behind a tank who wanted fast run with massive pulls and that was easy due massive amount of aoe taunts that were back then. In Cata it also seemed to be running behind a tank and after Cata, i basically stiopped doing any instance due them being too fast, no time to experience the dungeon as an adventure. People just want a fast leveling and manually making groups is not fun either because everyone goes too fast there too no matter what you say when forming.

Cata tried to remove the mentality with dungeon difficulty. SL tried to remove it capping AoE.

The issue is the masses unsubbed because of it.

It may not have been the sole reasons we saw 4 or 5 dps parties for content but it defintly was one thing people did it for

Being reading some of the comments and I conclude the people that want to rush Dungeons are probably the same people that complain:

  • Dungeons are too easy;
  • WoW doesn’t have enough content;
  • There’s not enough healers (wonder why);

Talking about creating a problem and than complaining about it.
Blizzard could make the Dungeons harder and punish mass pulling but that would probably result in:
A) Mass unsubscription like in Cataclysm;
B) Keep forcing their ways as the insane person that never learns with their mistakes.

What’s the solution ?
Probably is: as soon as bad behaviour is spotted, leave immediately. It’s LFD.
Too many times I stayed and healed/Tank that instance even though the Tank was pushing my patience to the limits or the DPS were ninja pulling and now I read because I didn’t vote to kick that player I count as “player that enjoyed mass pulings because he didn’t say a word”. Ok

Edit: I’m starting to understand why people leave Mithic+ all the time.



He was probably leveling his 5th alt and didn’t want to wait for newcomers to explore the dungeon and chill. Most dungeons are soloable anyway, a good couple can duo the most dungeons while you two explore surrounding

I drove to and from work for over 30 years before I retired. Two minor accidents, neither my fault.

But you keep avoiding the point.

When there is nothing to slow you down, SOME people are going to go as fast as they can, regardless of what it does to others.

Yes. I didn’t mean that M+ started the problem, and I’m sorry if I didn’t make that clear. M+ encouraged it, poured fuel on the fire, but it was already there. As long as Blizzard allows it, there will be some people who continue with it.


As someone who has almost exclusively played MMORPG since 1999 and has played all major titles extensively, i can say that WoW has, bar none, the absolute worst dungeon culture that i have ever seen in a MMORPG.

In fact, you can probably say the same of any aspect of the game that requires you to socialize and cooperate with others, which is confusing.

I played WoW from Classic to WOTLK extensively before slowly moving on, and i left a game that was a joy to socialize in, where random meetings forged life lasting friendships i still talk to and do things with to this day, only to come back to what could be compared to the old days of XBOX CoD voicechat.



buff trash melee damage or nerf tanks
problem solved

It’s not, as people get more experienced they are also more efficient.

It does annoy me when they take it to the extreme to the point where they start making mistakes though.

But i also do not like playing with people who are really slow.

Blizzard doesnt rly have a choice.

Catas attempt to end the mentality caused millions of unsubs, SL tried again and again caused mass hemorrage.

As a company surviving on customers u kinda have to appease the demand.

Blizzard cant stop it.

They made mechanics harder, they added affixs which made multi pulling harder, they added requirements to interupt, they put aoe caps on a ton of classes.

The issue is.

The reason it happens is because of difficulty. If u look at +15s onwards mass pulling dont exist, rushing doesnt exist.

Its very much pack to pack control at this point.

The problem is the lower down m+ such as + 5 or mythic heroic and normal is. Theyre too easy. But if you make em harder casuals then bleed because the content becomes too hard for rhem. Make it too easy and the average onwards players start mass pulling to end the dungeons faster.

They csnt win they cant change this.

  • up the difficulty, casuals quit.

  • delete large pulls / fast runs the game hemorrages hard.

  • AoE cap to reduce how many we can hit, hemorrage hard.

Blizzard isnt at fault, its the player demand thats making this,

If blizzard end this, DF will die in a week.

I started in WOTLK and i remember when other players meant something and how we made friends while doing quests together, doing dungeons together. It was nice game to socialize with other players and players also helped others in chat when somebody asked a question about game like they still do in GW2 for example.

Now we are here while other games seemed to manage to keep even world chat alive. Maybe dungeon finder started it as well as changes to game world. Mob density reductions in open world, lack of random elites and the way how powerful classes are all around. Its basically we need our fellow player for litle if not at all. You can do all solo and instances are so automated with great rewards that a group can just run through a dungeon in few minutes. Theres no need to talk tactics or anything at least in Heroic or normal which leads to mentality that we just telöeport in, do the thing and carry on and since its not inside the same realm and all cross realm stuff, we dont get to know playters anymore like in old times when getting to playground i knew who was who, remembereed the names and even knew some by their appearance even without transmog.

Naturally there soon comes a player who says this is all nostalgia and it was really as bad back then as its now but it was not.

Its a human nature that does this and its Blizzard who does the mechanics to reward this fast paced playstyle where other people are just tools to be used for self interests.

Its all about reward for doing certain things in certain time or difficulty. If the reward is good enough, people will be doing it no matter if its slow and difficult but yes, theres still a point where even good enough rewards are not gonna cut it. Problem is that doing the normal/heroic is so litle time consuming, so easy and the rewards are so good compared to work needed that people just gonna do it. Its all about how they implememnted the dungeon finder. It would have been good and well anough for all if it was a just a toiol to automatically form a group, but for some reason they had to add extra XP, extra loot for each random and extra money you get from selling the stuff plus then the gradui reduction of difficulty where heroics became worse that old normals and then they added Mythincs as if that would help in any way. Mythic tier is completely unnecessary. Its the normal and heroic that should be the tiers and they should give good enough reward for doing the “hard” job of talking to each other and trying to take shortcuts should not be easy.

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