Is it too late to start?

i was on holiday when classic launched and came back home now, is it too late to start classic? all of my friendlist is already 60 and the raids have apparently been cleared already? is there any point in starting this late? and if so what server is the best to go on?

Never too late to start - new people joining all the time plus high level making alts etc :slight_smile:


Nope. It’s never too late to start.

This isn’t retail. When phase 6 comes out, people will still be running Molten Core and Onyxia.

The people that are currently 60 and are clearing raids are probably less than 5% of the general Classic WoW populace.

Don’t let other people’s experiences sway you or put you off. If you think you’ll enjoy it, play it.


like people before me have said, no its absolutely not too late to start now.

welcome to classic!

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Certainly isn’t too late to start, a lot of the player base hasnt even hit 60 yet. there are always people that clear everything quickly, still waiting for my guild to start raiding and other people clearing it quickly makes no difference to me and my enjoyment of the game.

The low level greens are a lot cheaper now so you should be able to a few decent bits of gear early on which makes leveling a little faster and the zones shouldn’t be as rammed as they were so now is probably an ideal time to start.

All the coming raids will be cleared day 1. I don’t see how it would be too late to start because of that though.
We’re still in phase 1 so you will have plenty of time to catch up to your friends.

Join noggenfogger is my advice


Of course not.
In vanilla wow people stared playing years after launch with no problems whatsoever. I started playing on vanilla when battlegrounds were introduced. Played for couple of months, dropped the game and picked it months later and still got a very enjoyable experience. Me and my brother used the same character and got to rank 14 on hakkar server.

i love that server name :grin: how is the alliance/horde split there?

what a tryhard friendlist you have XD

whole run of MC is how many, 30 items?
for 40 men. that means that in whole month of doing MC you will get in average 2-3 items. sometimes nobody needs an item that dropped.

Getting full set could be a year of farming really XD

So no, it’s not late.

A:H 42:58 at lvl 20+
44:56 at lvl 60

FWIW, I’ve been playing since day 1 and my highest level is 28. (along with a 19,19,17,…)

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Never too late to start this game!

Definitely not too late. There will always be faster and slower players.

I started at release and am only level 50 whilst others cleared MC in the first week

I refuse to believe you have a friends list full of no lifers, but you also took / allowed yourself to be taken on holiday when classic was being released. :smiley:

As a side note - it’s the perfect time to start! Starting zones will be a little quieter and the markets are slowly establishing themselves!

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To be perfectly honest the question frightens me a bit because it Shows perfectly the expectation people have and how this game is played nowadays. I Do not want to bore you with Storys from the good ol time, but dude, seriously: it is a game. Enjoy the journey. Enjoy the athmosphere. The the journey is the goal, Not the rush to Level 60. When we played vanilla 15 years ago it took most of us like forever to become Level 60. If you want Quick satisfaction classic might not be the right game for you.


I was in Tenerife during the 3rd week. I’d easily be 50+ now! :frowning:

On the plus side, I’m tanned, and I ate some awesome food, enjoyed the sun and some drinks!

Back to the grind now! :grin:


no not really too late. im still only 34 and i started playing the morning after release. i still see lots of people around the zones i’ve gone to.

Perfect timing to start. Low level areas aren’t so crowded anymore, yet instances are being run through the entire level range.

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It is never too late to start Classic. :innocent:

ahhhh that’s what travelling is all about for me! delicious food and new sights! and now you get to pick up exactly where you left off :smiley: