Is it worth buying dragonflight?

I personally pre-purchased but i did it using gold, so I basicly got it for free and it doesn’t really make a difference even if I dont play it.

I don’t have beta, but to me DF looks promising. Dragonriding looks fun, hopefully Dungeons and Raids are gonna be fun. I also really like that the theme is more down to earth and not something from out of theis world (like Shadowlands). I also really like new talents, and I believe its gonna make leveling alts more fun.

Depends . Do you like raiding and m+ ? Then ofc . If you dont there is nothing to do in the endgame for you so nope its not worth it

Well yeah they will catch up. Im not saying its impossible.

But if ur looking at just getting gear. Then realistically you prolly arent playing the game for rhe right reasons.

As u could make the same argument of

“Why not just skip every expansion til 3 weeks before the game itself shuts down u can skip on thr grind”

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Having played the beta and reached just level 64 on my mage now. And even though it is just the Beta. I cannot for the life of me find any will to play retail after getting into Dragonflight…

The Isles are absolutely guarguantan in size. I can’t really find the right description to put it into words just how much of a sense of exploration the Dragon isles feels like. Not like anything ive felt in wow Since Mists of Pandaria. The side quests aren’t nesceccary, But optional. But i lost my self in two hours last night just relaxing and doing side quests, And i really enjoyed it. I felt no ‘‘Gotta go fast’’ Rush fomo to reach level 70 as fast as possible. All I wanted was just to take in the zone and quests and explore all the new enviorments… And by the Loa has Blizzard knocked it out of the park with this one.
And it’s been an age since WoW was able to make me feel like this playing it.

One might feel a little worried the first time you sort out your talents at level 60. And worry about their preformance and not being able to get enough talents for the abilities needed at first. But then you level up and realize… ‘‘Oh I am getting a talent point for each level up to 70’’ :sweat_smile: One might quickly assume the talent tree you log into at 60 is what your getting at first.

The expansion feels allot more light hearted at first. And allot less gritty and dark compared to previous expansions. There is so far no faction conflict, But there is conflict and a threat definetely looming on the horizon and its not introduced like any massive big bads we have had before, Its allot more subtle… But it leaves you wanting to find out more and see where this built up too.

Dragonflight might be the first expansion i’ll pre order my self. But i wont recommend preorder too anyone. I personally do it cause I like what ive seen so far. And I really want that Artbook and heartstone effect :face_holding_back_tears:

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If you play at the end of the xpack. Let’s say this week?
Grind for 2 months and Boem, nullified because DF launch.
Doesn’t make sense to suggest ppl to start late…

Maybe not now, but when last patch came out or mid expansion at least.

Well if you’re not excited about it you’re not hyped for it so there’s no reason to do it, no.

You can actually go on the PTR right now, I believe even without a subscription, and try your class out for a bit. It’s not gonna be the Dragon Isles obviously, but it’s gonna be your class, and see if you like playing it.

Gear ain’t the problem, but reputation what was required for gems and conduits.
As I said mid-end expansion.
Maybe someone enjoying grinding mobs and quests, just to get nullified after you done it. It’s regression not progression:d Then go for it.

I Play game solely to get gear and feel stronger and unbeatable while doing m+

WHO are you to judge why people Play game ?

And i gaurantee you i do much more m+ and on much more chars then average player. And i have fun when gear drops and im more powerfull .

Dont Care about chalenge. If game was nerfed by 50% i would have even more fun .

That’s also why i had fun now in classic on dk - i was overpowered from first moment playing it.

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You need to wait until they show us more about issues shadowlands had. If they tackle balancing in m+ and loot scarcity it might be worth it.

But those topic were not mentioned yet in beta… So just wait a little longer

Tell me you are Robin. Without telling me your Robin :eyes:

But … but … but. But the start of every expansion is the fun time, the time for new shiny things, and optimism, and hope.

Missing the start of an expansion is missing the best experience of it.

But all your grind becomes pointless after EVERY patch anyway. That is the inevitable result of putting catch-up in the game, so that people can join later instead of having to work from the beginning.

Everyone has to work out the best formula for themselves, depending on what they get from the game.

Keep a close eye on news from Dragonflight Beta.

But never, never pre-purchase ANY game!


Gratz on post 69 69.
Never post again :white_heart:

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As I understood OP ain’t new player and don’t enjoy things what new players enjoy.
Of course if it’s your thing go for it.
My opinion, start at mid-end expansion, wont waste your time ( to me it’s waste of time, grinding reputations, just to get nullified my progress with each patch.)

I am looking forward to this. No more compulsion to log on and do your daily chores, much better, similar to classic servers where I just log when I feel like it. Good change.

Yup everything you do in a game is meaningless that is true and wow definitly feels like you are doing it all for nothing since they make all our progress nullified after each patch… thats why we play games for fun and not to do some chore/work what wow feels like sometimes… thats why i am highly doubting if i should buy it or just stay gone since i am pretty sure the pattern will stay the same in the next expansion…

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The end game is exactly the same as its always been. Raiding and m+. Just now borrowed power and daily chores are not needed to get into that. Witch up until now seemed to have been what people have wanted the most :sweat_smile: Idk …Some people just have a resting b face as default. And just always have to make up new stuff to complain about.

If not into m+ and raiding and such. Dragon isles is an open world content treasure throve at least so far. I have to add.

I have beta access, but I want to wait and have the entire adventure all at once along with those I play with.

I’m playing BETA because of 2 reasons

  • Retail is boring + s4 is trash
  • I want to test Ret paladin and few of my alts so i know what is gonna be fun to play gameplay wise.

So far ret paladin looks amazing :smiley:
Concentration gameplay with exorcism on big AOE pulls that’s my thing

DF sofar good for me.

Enhancement shaman tree seems solid. Profession overhaul seems fun.

If they dont ruin m+ , its good to go for me.

Raids will be prob amazing, but sadly i dont have time for it.

Atm waiting for the final touches.

(Also waiting on websites for cheaper prices)

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