Is premades just a lie we tell ourself to feel better when we get rolled in random bg?

The only thing that will save this PVP is changing the Horde us Alliance system to the Red Team us Blue Team system, where groups of 5 people can randomly get into any of the teams. A random player will also be able to get into any of the teams. This will completely eliminate queues. This will completely eliminate synchronization. But there is one problem, my young friend, no one will do anything. Nobody cares about us for a long time!

I wish this was the case. Even solo queueing the queue times seems completely ridiculous these days. So not sure about your matchmaking theory, and it’s extremely common to face 5 stacks even when solo queueing.

so with what people argue about and such we do actualy have premades in random bg’s. thats a shame. i myself are new to the pvp world after playing world only. So i was just curious and did not mean to start any arguement.

But i do think it is a shame that they can bypass the system and play toghetter in something ment to be random. Do they use the same bypass to get overgeared in to then?. cus i have seen people have twice my health in bg’s even though i have full pvp set and conquest piece. it would suck even more if so.

And if this is the case then why arent blizz acting? considering they have been lissening way more during DF. i would think they would like to clean up the more casual side of the pvp world and send the groupers into arena’s and rated bg’s toghetter and if not then ban them?

Most of the time they are tanks if they have that much more hp than you, otherwise the difference is between
AH PvP Gear
Honor PvP gear
and Conquest PvP gear. Ilvl makes the difference in HP most of the times.

The ones bypassing the system is the ones who are syncing their ques up to get more than 5 ppl into the same BG/Epic bg. 2-5man is still acceptable for the most part.

Blizz have history of not acting on certain things even when its obviously breaking CoC or ToS. We have no clue for the reasons either.
Maybe they dont have anyone who wants to look into it? Maybe they dont want to put any resources into it? There can be alot of reasons which simply just dont make sense.

It sometimes feel like they believe silence is the perfect answer to it.

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If you want a genuine answer it sounds like this:
-Why do you like group up against randoms?
-Because we have friends? We only group up 5 , dont worry.
-If you got so many friends, why dont you go rated BGs?
-Oh becuase we dont have that many friends.
-Oh, then where do these other groups of 15 more people come from when you sync?
-Oh, thats just our other friends that we only bring up when you use an argument against premades.
:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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i remember someone asking "why don’t u spam comp stomp when its up
“because its not fun to play against bots and always winning, i need to feel like there is a player on the other side”(makes no diff to them, makes a huge diff to the player getting gy camped and uninstalling wow, thats for sure).


Yeah I was also told to stick to comp stomp by someone most likely in a premade… the irony in that is next level


The EBGs are like Roberto Carlos (the singer not the footballer) I want to have a million friends".

In this case a legion of one-armed people who follow the rat kids of the premades ones, those are the most pathetic even.

after now 50+ random bg’s i have been rolled 40 times and won 10… i dont think pvp is for me :sweat_smile: think i will try m+ instead


Just leave when u se premade as i do, fixed it for u guys.

Just relog an alt re que bgs again, sometimes it gets chain premades but it’s how it is.
It’s the best solution i got for u.

This is the most random, unraletad comparison which I still understood, that I’ve ever heard on this forum xD

You don’t leave when the premade is on your side.

I always take the free ride if i get into one solo que ofc, it’s not really my fault if i get into one :slight_smile:

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I used to always leave as horde when it was horde sync premade. For a while it was impossible to do epics, when the sync cowards completely ruined all epics.

Now it’s a lot better. Mostly scattered syncers. When it is a horde sync premade, I sometimes stay just to see if it’s still mind numbingly boring and if it still gives me that special feeling of being a disgusting coward in the worst imaginable company. It is and it does.

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It’s actually not me that shoud leave it’s them, why shoud i leave if i just playing and getting into them btw :smiley: ?

The only players having fun are the ones doing the ganking. Random BG’s have become extraordinarily stale since these same individuals continue to run rampant.

Tanks are immortal and cannot even by killed by a 40 man team. Spell Steal them Dispel them is just a waste of mana as they do not even drop an inch in health. This is further exasperated by the item level disparity, communication and skill for RANDOMS.

Logging in and joining 98% against premades makes the game dull and stale. Nobody wants to spend money on a sub to be ganked 24/7 by the same individuals day in and day out.

WoW PvP is probably the only pvp game I have come across where this type of behavior is being tolerated by the devs even though you have thousands of players complaining about this.

It simply is not fun, entertaining nor fair play and only the most dense person will continue to play in this pillar let alone throw money at a game that is horribly unbalanced.


Altough I do understand that World of Warcraft is ment to be played with others within a group, community or guild, I also believe that players should have the option to toggle between solo queueing pairing you with another solo or if you’re playing in a group you then get paired with another group. When TWW is out, my main focus would be between Blitz/Solo shuffle along with the actual rated contents but I certainly do hope and like to think that Blizz will change PvP matchmaking that I mentioned above, if that’s the case if playing ‘alone’ I’m happy to wait for a good 10-15 min for an actual quality match and not an one sided one.


Most days I have to wait, 15-30 minutes for a blitz game, some days they just never pop, especially late at night. Still way more fun and enjoyable than the joke that is randoms/epics.

The sad reality is that these people have all but killed this game as far as fun is concerned, what’s even sadder is that they are actually proud of themselves for having done so. Proud to have become the living scourge of the game.


15 to 20 minutes of waiting and when player number 16 jumps he does not appear.

I love how certain hunter who is dedicated to throwing sh*t at me in this forums leaves the bg before starting just when he sees me, when I was in a 2/5 group and we had a healer with 900k in the team.