Is RDF really ruining social aspects of the game?

And then let it take the time it takes, people have no patience any more but need everything now, work for what you want.

Wrong warrior in T5 helmet mate, im not Undúrael…

I would like your optimism … but I am leveling right now in hellfire and if you are not going pala + 3x mage you are not even getting inv and people leave instantly … and its gonna be exactly the same on wotlk …

WoW is not primarily supposed to be easy, it’s supposed to be fun!

I understand that its hard now depending on server ofc, but like I have said Im all for RDF coming out when it came out when it should aka in the ICC patch then the people who come in really late will be able to level up before Cata, I have even said I would be all for having the normal dungeons unlock from phase 2 and even going a bit early with HCs being added in phase 3 if enough people demand it.

I do agree, thats another reason why I dont want early RDF

Im actually really sorry I thought you were that guy, but I cannot find the post you say you clearly want RDF though. :stuck_out_tongue:

I get now your impression and respect that. However, if you want the RDF at a later time, why are you not saying it clearly. If you reply to the main point “we want RDF at any time”, all I can see you say is that players want it early and thats wrong, not saying that you want it at all.

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Its not a problem, everyone makes mistakes from time to time ^^. My posts might have been in one of the other 500 threads on the matter but im fairly sure I have one atleast hidden in here but trying to find anything in long threads is tiresome.

I do have a tendency to play devils advocate in things like this as well so sometimes my points get a bit lost as well. My postion just to be 100% clear is I want it when it should be put in, if that is not happening I would rather not have it at all just out of fear that Blizzard would break it or something els because they cant be trusted when it comes to messing with their own code (they had the succubi death loop broken for more than 6 months I think) but if they could do it without breaking the code, have a staggered release of it so lets say phase 1 it works for lvl 15-70, phase 2 71-80 (norm) and then phase 3 or 4 80 hc dungeons, would be a nice middle ground where the people pushing in the beging still have to put in effort to get their groups and their gear, and then relaxing it over time to help alts and people that come in later out.


When the majority of places are “wrong places”, you don’t have much choice. And yes it’ll be significantly worse in WotLK because more catch-up gear is available.

Sadly the only advice is be the change you want to see, this advice sucks but the best way to not get stuck in that is to make your own groups for things, I personaly always try to take lesser geared people (if its a pug raid) into it so that they get a chance atleast

This entire thread is discussing RDF - a dungeon feature. If you hadn’t realized that.

Have you even stopped to consider that what being succesful to you might not mean the same thing for others? There is so many different ways to enjoy this game, and being “succesful” at it.

And who are you to determine who or what type of person is allowed to play World of warcraft?

That’s an incredibly poor attempt of trolling tbh. So simply because we don’t agree with you we don’t know what it means to be social?

As others already been trying to tell you. Wotlk classic just isn’t for you. You should stay with the one you like and enjoy.

Let me ask you this: Before Blizz started this whole debacle and said that there will be no RDF this time - Were you yourself not expecting it to be in this time around too? All of you now against RDF, were you not expecting it to be in?


At least you’re aware of it^^

Personally, I’d rather have RDF than hope the majority of people on my server will miraculously change minds. Not to mention I’d rather bring geared people myself if it’s a farming run, and I’d rather have a system in game that makes it easier to find said geared people. Because, as I’ve said many times, raids are the heart of the PvE experience in WotLK, and dungeons are there mostly to get gear for raids. Anything that makes it easier to get dungeon runs going makes the game better IMO.

Honestly. You keep coming back to this with alot of people not agreeing with you. It’s getting quite old. Maybe try something else instead.


I think most of the people in this forum have played WoW from at least TBC. We’re many dating back to Vanilla and even a fair amount having played the Alfa and Beta tests, so stop acting as if you’re the only OG here :smiley:

And sorry this answer was an answer to

Sadly most of them working on wotlk classic, if any of them, weren’t involved in wow back then. So yea, basically none of them has ever touched the code before.

Indeed that is when i originally started myself, about a month after TBC release all those years ago. Who would have thought I’d still be here almost two decades later :smile:

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I don’t think Blizzard gives a toss about spirit of classic, authenticity, wishes of community or anything other than short term profit.
Like I said in the pinned thread, they are proven liars. I now firmly believe that they either:
a.) Do not know how to get RDF, faction/race change and even disenchant button working properly in Wrath superstructure atop Legion client. So they lie through their teeth making up excuses why they CHOOSE to cut those features.
b.) Their market analysis shows that witholding those features for several months/quarters/patches will result in optimal amount of lvl 70 boost sales. So they lie through their teeth making up excuses why they CHOOSE to cut those features.

After Diablo Immoral debacle I’ve lost the last shreds of hope I didn’t even know I still had for the company. They are a gaggle of unscrupulous profiteers wearing the decaying flayed skin of the old Blizzard.


I would bet all my millions I don’t have that your option b is more accurate than any of us would believe tbh.

And still you dont know what i am talking about. Good job.

He’s still under the delusion that communication will be somehow required for WotLK heroic dungeons, even in P1, in the same way it was needed for TBC heroics in the beginning. At this point I’d just give up, some of the people on this board are just too far off the deep end and will believe whatever they have to in order to make peace with their perceived impression of the game. It was the same between Vanilla and TBC, it was the same between pre-nerf and post-nerf P2, and it’s the same now.

The truth is - aside from explaining people how vehicles work in Oculus and some of the trickiest achievements - dungeons will be a complete cleavefest. Even now, in TBC last phase, people at least need some degree of CC sometimes, because most classes are restricted in their cleaving potential and tanks either lack the AoE burst threat to keep up or the bulk to just facetank certain packs without CCing unless they’re overgeared (which, these days, they often aren’t otherwise they wouldn’t be doing dungeons to begin with). In WotLK, even blue-geared parties will just bulldoze most heroics with laughable ease, no real tactics required. Let alone once we are in T7 gear come phase 2.


What does RDF mean?

Random Dungeon Finder