Is RDF really ruining social aspects of the game?

While that is the case, its not the point. The point is, like stated in the post I just quoted, that Blizzard announced it wont be included at all. Not a word about it being introduced later or at the original patch date, which they even got wrong.

Implying most discussions are about “we need it day 1” is a strawman argument and missing the main point. If they announced to release it like and when it was released back in the day, most wotlk fans would have been fine with that. But they cannot even get the date of original release right.

I mean, it’s not like they’re gonna have a NoChanges attitude anyway just because we ask them.

Sadly no, but I’m not giving up until I do.

I have seen more people conviced it was in since day 1 than I have seen people actually say it was intoduced in 3.3.5 (now I have seen Blizzard being mistaken so thats 1 atleast and I seen a few people say it by being sloppy), by proxy of how people argue for it I can say that atleast 75% of all who argue for RDF are arguing for it from day 1 seeing as they say things like “you wont be able to get your emblems without it” and thats factually wrong seeing as there were dailys from the beging for a daily HC dungeon. Most of the “wrath fans” that I see on the forums are pserver players and guesse what those usally have RDF from day 1 and im not paying blizzard money to run a glorified Pserver, the lesser of 2 evils is to not have in a feature from the last Mayor patch so they wont have to touch the code but I have a feeling that they will walk back on this just like they did on their idea of nerfing DS becouse the most vocal players are always the once who get their will through, no one knows for sure if the majority of the players want it or not, the people who take random youtuber number 5s survey are not the majority of the palyerbase the majority of the player base are not active on the forums or in youtuber and twitch streamers communitys but just play the game. Only reason why it seems like a majority to some people is becouse people who dont care have no reason to voice that they dont care.


Tbf, people’s knowledge of WoW history on these boards is and has always been shaky at best. It gets especially worse when people purposefully remake past events to suit their perceived views of the game - revisionism at its finest.

Everytime a side is or looks in the minority on social media they always throw out this “silent majority” excuse.

Consider this, then: when Blizzard was thinking of nerfing DS, they saw a massive opposition from people, much like what we’ve seen for RDF. But when they walked back on their intent of nerfing DS, did you see a massive surge of people decrying this? Where was your silent majority there?

That is true.

Still not caring about if they nerfed DS or not most likely, im not saying that im on the side of a silent majority I think they dont care enough about if its in or not voice any opinion at all about it tbh. Just like most players most likely dont care if Bobby gets a bigger bonus or not when they dont voice any oppostion to the boost and the mount when it was announced for tbc.

Its amazing how you avoid addressing the main point I tried so hard to emphasize.

Btw. where are the many posts of players claiming RDF was released day one, for example in this 160+ post topic? I cant find them.

And, if there are no numbers regarding anything, why go for changes in the first place and argue the player wanted it?

Yup and I still don’t care. Truth be told, I don’t care about RDF one way or the other either. I care for NoChanges because of all the other changes these changes you talk about normally pulls with them. Blizz having thier fingers in the code leads to nothing good!

Your point was null though seeing as it was just that Blizzard wrote something wrong.

Any post that claim things like “you cant get emblems without it” is a argument for it being there from day 1 by proxy and so is “not being able to gear up alts”. I have seen tons of those but running to find one to quote is not worth my time seeing as those arguments show up all the time.

I dont argue that people want it so you will have to ask Blizzard why they say that not me.

Thats only your faulty interpretation. “You cant get emblems without it” is ofc wrong, but it has nothing to do with RDF, as RDF only granted some bonus badges for queuing random instead of specific dungeons. It was never the main source for emblems. The quote “not being able to gear up alts” has nothing to do with it being released day 1 back in the day either. Its an argument that alts/casual players will have a much harder time finding groups later on without RDF.
You dont understand their arguments and interpret something else into it, like your “day 1 argument” that doesnt really exist to the extend you describe.

You say you dont argue, but it is your argument too, that you “and other” players want the change. Its about numbers, that have no backup.

Lot of people would be ok without RDF at later date, thing is it kinda trickled down to No RDF vs Early RDF …

I would be perfectly ok with rdf coming later over none at all … but seeing how blizzard completely scuffed release of phases during TBC AND the main thing seeing how finding groups sucks currently on TBC, I think it would only make it better if it was on day one …

You will still be able to easly gear up alts people did it before RDF was a thing as well. People saying you wont be able to get badges without it are clearly Pserver players (or listening to Pserver players) and on those servers you usually first gear to pre bis and then go into raids so you need the emblems to be able to raid there.

My argument is literaly that I want it to come out when it was supposed to but sure just strawman me

And what makes you think it’ll be any different on WotLK Classic?

No, but it will ruin 70 boost

Its not as easy without RDF

What I mean is, what makes you think that people won’t demand at least pre-BiS before inviting you to their raid? Without RDF, the life of newer players and alts will be that much worse. All for what, exactly?

Its gonna be fun, when people will demand full SWP/T6 for normal wotlk dungeons …

well all the bosses wont be overtunned so you wont need to have full prebis to kill them, and you might be running with the wrong crowd if they demanded that you should have full pre bis in Kara for example, just like you are looking in the wrong place if they demand it for Naxx

Ill tell you, since you might really not know. Once most players are raid-ready, got their rep etc., most will only go for the one specific random dungeon for the daily quest. The new players and alt chars will be a minority and will have trouble forming groups for other dungeons than the daily one, at least on mid/low pop servers. Its not impossible to gear up, its just much more time consuming to find groups. The RDF makes these two groups of players aim for the very same content (any heroic dungeon) and lets them play together. Otherwise, they wont besides the one specific dungeon a day.

Your argument is that you will quit once it releases, because in your opinion it is the end of an MMORPG once players dont need to form social bounds to play dungeons. You mentioned many many times that you are not alone and you speak for like-minded players: your community. I cannot remember you saying ONCE you “want” RDF to come out. Because you dont and say youll quit once its implemented because you wont be able to enjoy the game anymore.
You are 100% against the feature and now you say “My argument is literaly that I want it to come out”. I dont know how to even argue here, because Im not sure anymore if you are not just a committed troll.

They wont, maybe the groups pushing server first lvl 80 but not normal leveling groups.