Is There Seriously No Gender Option In WOTLK PTR?

Right. Do you get offended by other people’s hairstyles in real life? I’m super confused here.

I’m reminded of the 15 approved hairstyles in North Korea that everyone apparently has to choose from.


Do you get offended by not being able to get appearance straight from cyberpunk in real life?

Nope. Why would I? That said, I’m pretty sure there are cosplayers out there replicating any hairstyle you can find in cyberpunk.


… but you cannot prevent others from using them … and this is why #NoChanges is th only way for Classic


Because you assume everyone gets offended when one small thing is not going by their thought, so I take that’s the case for you


This whole thread is people getting offended when one small thing is not going by their thought :smiley:

What’s the correct word to use for your feelings about hairstyles in World of Warcraft?


I think people are forgetting that most in-game female characters are played mostly by dudes who have to my knowledge nothing to do with gender identity.

All they want is a sexy body to look at and a girly voice to listen to.

Have u never, as a dude, danced with a female body on the mailbox for gold?

RPG doesn’t include or exclude anny form of gender since its wholly up to the person behind the character.

In that sense you can feel male or female no matter what your in-game character represents or is named as.

especially for a game that many play for the nostalgia. It’s an important factor. Just like the fact that we don’t hear the roaring dragon because it’s skipped too fast. It is a positive change that we don’t have to enter our passwords everytime, but a lot of people would prefer to hear that dragon everytime they log in because that’s how they remember the game.


Doesnt this also apply to you?


If you could provide me with any information contradicting all the posts and articles on the internet about the ‘body type’ change, I’d be more than willing to admit I am wrong on this one.

Yeah, good.

So, because yellow also contains red and green we should just get rid of the word ‘yellow’?

No, it’s not emotional arguments, I’m stating this change opens the door to other ‘minor tweaks’ in the name of inclusivity/diversity. Now that I’m typing it, it’s weird to call this way of changing things both promoting inclusivity and diversity.

Also, where is the black gnomes? Pretty racist to exclude those in Classic if you ask me.


What? Are you serious?

This seems to confirm that you haven’t seen the change. That’s… yeah. Here it is. No numbers: https://

Who is suggesting that we get rid of any words?

Sure. But this is a good thing.

I realise you’re being facetious, but again, yeah, more customisation options would be a good thing too.

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They’re literally just “boobs” and “no boobs”. At least that’s how they appear in character creation. Because in the game it’s still character’s gender in the traditional meaning, it affects your clothes, how NPCs call you, and so on.

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Right. Again, it’s super minor and even arguably lazy from Blizz.

Which is why I’m extra confused that people are objecting so vociferously.


Wut. Where does it say ‘male’ or ‘female’? Where? It says ‘Body Type’, not ‘male’ or ‘female’. Doesn’t this confirm I’m right?

Obviously Blizzard (and in some way you) does, according to the very picture you showed me minutes ago?


Boohoo this change makes me so sad :(( how could they do this :frowning: im so upset the game is literally unplayable now


on retail.

All games where it’s “body type” do it that way. Even if there are some transgender options, using them only results in misaligned beards or characters floating in air during certain animations. They don’t do that to be inclusive, they do that to appear inclusive. If they really wanted to be inclusive, they’d do more than 2 body types to begin with, or maybe even make it a slider like Dark Souls 2.

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This is a huge movement of the goalposts. You claimed that it said “body type 1 and body type 2”.

When I pointed out that it didn’t, you were so confident you were correct that you asked me to “provide [you] with any information contradicting all the posts and articles on the internet”.

Now that I’ve done so, you’re trying to backpedal. Not a good look.

Renaming these particular buttons on this particular screen does not mean that Blizzard or anyone else are in favour of “getting rid” of the words male and female. That’s a gigantic leap of logic.

Yeah, I can see this perspective and I’d definitely like more (and more varied) customisation options in general.


in single player games or on retail, yes, but classic is very specific with its minimalism and limits

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Ha, gotcha. Call it ‘Body Type’ 1 or 2, left or right, east or west, it doesn’t change the fact that we’re talking about ‘body type’ [edited and adding] instead of ‘male’ or ‘female’. They got rid of it.

I know this is a very specific cut and does not include everything else you said in that part of the post, but this is just more proof you know you lost the argument and trying to nitpick on words.