Is There Seriously No Gender Option In WOTLK PTR?

You called them Body Type 1 and Body Type 2.

I pointed out that that’s not what they’re called and asked if you’d seen them ingame.

You said they are called that, proving that you hadn’t seen them ingame.

It’s weird to complain about something you haven’t seen.

I’m not sure what you’re arguing about. Are Blizzard removing the words male and female anywhere else? Are Blizzard saying that you can’t use the words male and female? No. So Blizzard aren’t getting rid of the words male and female.


Its simple. There is only body type 1 and 2. As i have stated before and over and over again. There is no male or female, nor does any of the other 10 genders exist in wow. A multi billion dollar company could easily have found a way to make it possible to have gender for everyone and such in their character creator, if they wanted it to be so…Now keep in mind blizzard is only a indie developer tho, so give them a few years and they might be able to secure funding to add something new like a button or two.

This is however a good thing. Nothing can be more inclusive than this since everyone is the same and if someone would question this, then they are clearly not an ally of inclusivity and diversity.

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Yes, and they are ‘Body Type’ 1 and 2 because there is two options. Still remains ‘Body Type’. I really don’t see any backpedaling, honestly.

They got rid of the words ‘male’ and ‘female’. Fact. And you agree with me. ‘Anywhere else’ was not what the topic was about. You yourself are moving goalposts here.


Here’s 10 random examples of the words ingame.

Of course it was. You claimed they were “getting rid of” the words, not that they were getting rid of them from the character creation screen. This is in the context of your “what next? Male breastfeeding!?” type hypotheticals, so yeah.

Nope, again, you specifically said they were called Body Type 1 and Body Type 2, even when I pointed out you were wrong. The fact that you thought this (and that you didn’t say at any point that you had seen them ingame) shows that you hadn’t seen them ingame. Which, again, makes it weird for you to be complaining about them.

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A bunch of links yadda blah blah blah

Yes exactly. These quests must all be removed. They are highly problematic and not inclusive at all. Gender should be removed from all quests just like it was removed from the character creator.

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You can do this, I do. I never open my launcher (only for updates). Go to the Wow_classic folder and copy WoWClassic.exe to desktop - click that one to play :wink:

Can we please just agree that OP was right for starting this topic, and I (and many others who probably did better than me) was right for worrying about this change? It seems like you are trying to change the direction of the discussion to not have to admit you were not seeing the main point of this post. If they remove male and female, they will probably get rid of them in quest texts too, since it would make little to no sense to have the text say ‘female’ while the option of choosing ‘female’ yourself doesn’t even excist.
They got rid of ‘male’ and ‘female’, and this sets some weird precedent to more ‘inclusive’ changes. Period.


Nope, sorry. I firmly believe that people are getting upset over an ultimately inconsequential change that is nothing to worry about, and nobody has presented a coherent reason for me to believe otherwise.

They haven’t removed male and female, which are genders. Your character can still be male or female as you prefer. They have removed those labels from the buttons on the character creation screen.

That’s a good thing, especially given that your example (which you obviously intended to be absurd, which is problematic in its own way) was “what’s next? Black gnomes?!” to which, I mean heck yeah, give us black gnomes.

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The button for male and female are gone. That means that the option to chose gender is gone ingame. its that simple.
The argument “you can just use your mind and decide gender on your own outside the character creator” is stupid. You could do this before aswell, but clearly that was not good enough. Its body type 1 and 2 from here on. Gender is simply removed from the game characters and hopefully soon from the quest logs.

This change is lazy, bad and not enough.

If you want a male character before: pick the option that looks male.

If you want a male character after: pick the option that looks male.

It’s that simple.

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It’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever read.
A person has XY or XX chromosomes.
XY = Male
XX = Female

There’s no more.
Anything else is nonsense that people invent to be modern.


No. What you just described is how to pick body type 1. Nowhere is it stated that its an actual male who would identify as a male in the world of warcraft (or any other gender)…Because those options arent there.

Its just body type 1 and 2. Genders like male and female and the 10 other genders are a thing of the past. Get on with the times grandpa.

Well, alright. I’m not going into this discussion about feelings again. The fact that they removed ‘male’ and ‘female’ is still correct. I hate to start the ‘I was right, you are wrong’ argument as it adds nothing to the discussion, but it would be good if you atleast somehow stated OP was right for worrying about this issue.

They have removed those. You just showed me the picture! Come on! Male and female are sexes by the way. I often get the idea people mix those up on purpose.

Lastly, yes, that’s a good thing. However, that doesn’t automatically mean every other change is going to be a good change, for example picking your prefered pronouns. Because, as you said, your character can be whatever they want to be, they don’t have to change anything in-game to help you do so.

Nope! Sex is a lot more complex than this and there are many chromosomal configurations and variations.

Do you understand that masculine-looking women and feminine-looking men exist? Do you understand that people with a chromosomal sex inconsistent with their phenotypic sex exist? You might be intersex yourself without realising it. If you’re a man, you might have ovaries and a uterus. Have you ever had a scan to check?

For your information, the following chromosomes/gonosomes have all been scientifically recognised and studied:

  • 45, X
  • 45,X/46,XY mosaicism
  • 46, XX/XY
  • 47, XXX
  • 47, XXY
  • 47, XYY
  • 48, XXXX
  • 48, XXXY
  • 48, XXYY
  • 49, XXXXY
  • 49, XXXXX
  • XX gonadal dysgenesis
  • XY gonadal dysgenesis
  • XX male syndrome

47,XXY is also known as Klinefelter Syndrome or KS. The extra X chromosome can come from either the father or the mother. Interestingly, only about 25% of people with KS are diagnosed thoughout their lives. You might have XXY chromosomes yourself, right now!

What about 46, XY complete gonagal dysgenesis? A person with that intersex condition is phenotypically female and will generally have normal female external genitalia. Would you still consider them male? What about this case of a healthy and unambiguously female chimera with 46,XX/46,XY karyotype? Still male?

Here are 25 scientific papers and articles to help you self-educate on this topic:

If you believe that these chromosome/gonosome variations don’t exist, please provide a single similar source that investigates and disproves their existence.


Man, stop digging your own grave. Saying 1 out of a 10 million people are born in a different way doesn’t change anything.


What’s body type 1? The body types aren’t numbered ingame. The fact that you think they are makes me think you haven’t seen them ingame. It’s pretty weird to complain about something without even having seen it for yourself.

If you were applying for a job (or a passport, or whatever) in real life, and there was some kind of mixup with the paperwork, and the section on the form that said “gender” was blank or said N/A, would you suddenly become genderless? If, because of the mixup, it ended up saying that you were Female when you’re actually Male, would your gender change?

Of course not. It would have no more effect on your gender than this change does.

The descriptors/labels on paperwork, character creation screens etc are obviously subordinate to people’s lived experience and personal identity. If your character was male or female before the change, it is still male or female after the change.

Nope. The fact that they removed the words male and female from the character creation screen is correct.

Male and female are genders. They exist just as much as previously. The words are still used and referred to elsewhere ingame. They have not been removed anywhere outside the narrow context of this change.

As I’ve said, I firmly believe that OP (and anyone else worrying about this issue) is/are wrong for doing so, and I’ve tried to set out my basis for that belief as clearly as possible in my posts.

Sexes or genders, but yes I’ve also found that people tend to conflate the two.

Sure. If future changes are bad, I’ll happily call them bad.

What’s wrong with this?

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It means this guy is factually wrong:

Also, in Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality and How sexually dimorphic are we? Review and synthesis, Anne Fausto-Sterling suggests that the prevalance of nondimorphic sexual development might be as high as 1.7% (which is 170,000 times more prevalent than you’re suggesting).

If you’re in a reasonably sized guild, you probably have more than one guildmate falling into that category - and, again, you might fall into that category yourself without realising it.


No, they are sexes. Stop confusing them.


How can you call someone a male or female when they could’t even pick male or female to begin with?

Everything is wrong with this. Too bad I can’t say why, for my post might get hidden again.

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Are you denying the existence of gender entirely? I don’t understand this line of argument.

The same way I did before the change? Most characters I see after the change could and did pick male or female, and even did so by clicking on Mars and Venus symbols, instead of masculine and feminine silhouettes (not that that makes a difference).

If you can’t or won’t say what your problem is, it seems weird to bring it up.