Is There Seriously No Gender Option In WOTLK PTR?

Of the 46 chromosomes that a person has, sex is determined by only two: X (female chromosome) and Y (male chromosome). A woman will have two XX, while a man will have XY.
The sex of a baby is fixed at the moment of conception.
This is so because all the ovules contain female genetic information, they all provide an X chromosome, that is, all the ovules are “female”; while s***rm can carry an X or a Y chromosome. Depending on whether it is one or the other, it will be a boy or a girl.

Any other situation is a genetic alteration, but it cannot be said that it is a new genre. It is an alteration.


Can you not read? I was talking about sexes, not gender.

Sigh. The globally adopted symbols are very different from the option to pick man and a more skinny man.
By the way: yes, they could be male or female. Now I’ve got to assume they are male or female, or be called a something-o-phobe.

So in short you accept that you were wrong in your first post:

And you’re unable to produce any evidence against the existence of the many variations that are possible.

Good to know.

It’s even harder to argue that the change is removing sex than that it’s removing gender.

You still have biologically male and biologically female body types to choose from, just as at present.

Do you have trouble distinguishing which one is supposed to be “male” and which one is supposed to be “female”? If not, they serve their purpose as labels.

Wouldn’t it be the reverse, in your view? That you ought not to assume?

That said, how often does the sex (or gender) of anyone’s character even come up? I just don’t see the scenario where this makes any difference.


Male and female are just made up words to describe a person with distinguishable traits.

Now that more and more people are changing there behaviours and how they look, these 2 terms will not anny longer work for everyone.

And to use science or biology to prove that there are only 2 sexes is factually wrong as already proven above, no matter the low chances of there being differences. They are still facts.

Just because there are few handicapped people it doesn’t mean we as civiliced people should just ignore them. Or do you people also go bonkers when u see a handicapped bigger car parking spot near the store?


This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever read as you can’t even separate Gender and Sex, but ok :ok_hand:


I like this, means we can change gender at barber for 10g instead of 15 Euro :slight_smile:


This is irrelevant, you also could do this if the old labels Male/Female were still in-game :wink:

You say this bcz I said Male/Female insted of…?
English its not my primary languaje.
So oh, sorry! I didnt choose the right words.
But you know exactly what I wanted to say about this.

Where? Which picture is which?

In game? No. In real life? No, they are male or female, unless they tell me otherwise. But now you’ve got to assume whether someone is male or female, for they could be a transgender as well. It’s not right.

I know right? Why change it?

No one was talking about genders, stop bringing up the gender thing. I know it’s hard for ‘progressive’ people to stick to one or the other, but at least try. Sex Is being removed. It’s all about inclusivity, but I can’t choose to be a male gnome anymore.

You guys keep coming up with straw man arguments, it’s not even worth discussing anymore. Haven’t seen a single proper argument as to why this change is a good change not excluding anyone.


#NoChanges of course :wink:


Are you claiming that you can’t tell the icons apart? https://

Can you tell characters apart ingame at the moment? If so, and if the character you’re making doesn’t look male/female according to your preference, click on whichever icon isn’t currently highlighted and you’re sorted.

What’s changed? What’s the problem? Why isn’t it right? Anyone choosing the “male” body type or vice versa while considering their character female would likely do that both before and after the change, so you’re equally likely to experience this now.

It makes the game better and more inclusive for some people. It doesn’t change anything for you.

Sex is absolutely and definitively not being removed. The only thing you can even argue is being removed is gender. Sex is unchanged.

Why do you keep on repeating this? I’m complaining others are complaining as well, ergo it IS a change. I do not like it … in WoW Classic!
#NoChanges forever!


It doesn’t change anything material for you.

This change is on the level of the company that makes your breakfast cereal deciding to swap to a new font for the text with the ingredients information on the box.

What does this mean? It changes pixels for me - same as it does for you.
And it’s a change!
And I’m allowed to dislike any and all changes in WoW Classic.


I’m not saying that, although I could start a discussion stating I’m pretty skinny in real life, but according to you, the skinny option means female. I’m a male, and I don’t see an option that says ‘male’.

Stop using this kind of answers. It does make a difference for me, I wouldn’t have started a discussion if it wasn’t.

Sex is removed. You can try and keep confusing me with those terms but it won’t work with me.

This actually would be the company changing the name of the ingredients… which is weird.

The game looks, sounds and plays the same.

You can do all of the same activities in exactly the same way as before.

There is a minor and purely cosmetic difference to the character creation screen, which you can mod out if it disturbs or upsets you.

There is therefore no material or meaningful change.

“The skinny option” has breasts. I agree there should be more options and that is worth a conversation, which you’re welcome to start. But at the moment you have “the option formerly known as male” and “the option formerly known as female” and they look exactly the same as before.

Why does it make a difference for you?

How is sex removed?

Not that weird. If you go and look at your shampoo, you’ll almost certainly see “Aqua” in the ingredients. This is due to a quirk of the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) system.

I assume you don’t write angry letters to the company that make it complaining that they should call it water instead.


sounds like a change

Yes. But not a material one, which is the point.

No, the point of Vanillataur is no changes, at all.


I actually didn’t think of this until another user mentioned it the other week. I’d say that’s a near definite.

Wait, have they added new hairstyles beyond what there should be for Wrath?