Is There Seriously No Gender Option In WOTLK PTR?

Yes but if it doesn’t matter then there’s no point complaining it about it either obviously.

Time better spent on other things would be an obvious reason :wink:

Its a really minimal change that doesnt take a lot of hours to implement its insignificant either way

I’m sorry but why the hell would you make your character trans if you have the option to pick the GENDER you actually want it to be?

It’s not like real life where you can’t control wheter you are born male or female.

I’m pretty sure that if trans people had the ability to choose their gender before being born they would have chosen the one they actually transitioned to.

I don’t think they are like “Oh boy, I can’t wait to undergo painful medical prodecures and hormones therapy to become trans!”, BUT keep in mind that I’m not trans so i could totally be wrong.


I’m just stating facts, it’s not opinion based. The change doesn’t really affect any of the current players either way. It’s just making the game more inclusive I guess but none of the current players are affected by the change at all, people are just getting mad over nothing.
Complaining about this is on the same level of complaining about your child being gay or something, has no bearing on your life at all but lots of people complain and so on either way.

They still could have used that time better. With the workforce of Blizz being as it is every hour is valuable.

I mean I guess it’s up to blizzard how they spend their time. I just don’t see why this is particularly worth complaining about.

No point defending the change either then.


This man is onpoint. If people have no “reason” to complain, Then people have no reason to “defend” it either.


I’m not defending it really, I’m pointing out people are overreacting. Again it goes both ways, and I have the freedom to point out when I believe others are being ridiculous just as much as they have the right to be ridiculous lol.

Plus I don’t think it does not matter.
You keep telling me it does not matter, then I say that if it does not matter, they should have not implemented this and used the time on something else - like telling us where our characters will go tonight.

I mean alright then I suppose we are at an difference of opinion on that matter. I just don’t think the time spent doing this would equate to doing anything significant in other areas.

The question shouldn’t be “How does this affect you”, but how does it affect the people it was meant for?
Do you really think think this change will solve anything regarding inclusivity?
Do you think now people will magically become more inclusive toward others?
It’s quite the opposite, when you force stuff like this down people’s throats they will hate you for it.
It really baffles my mind the length some people are willing to go to virtue signal.


Trans people don’t necessarily enjoy the fact that they have to do hormones and so on. Im sure the change in this game is a welcome surprise for some but nobody I know and talk to really cares for the change either way for anything other than making jokes about body type 1 and 2

I would argue that some of your posts are on the defensive side.

Alot of your responses are actively trying to tell people that they are overreacting or making a huge deal out of nothing. You even go so far and tell people that their character is not affected in any shape or form, now that they are labeled as a body type 1 and 2. Some people clearly take issue with just being a body type 1 or 2.

If we want an inclusive environment, we must respect their opinions just as much as your own opinion.

But you are defending it. Loads of people post threads as feedback here I don’t agree with, but I’m not trawling through them to belittle what they think, I just don’t post. That’s the biggest problem with this forum also being the platform used for feedback to Blizzard, people just dismiss and belittle others complaints and it gets lost in a sea of nothingness.

Facts are opinions unless it’s something so linear as 1+1=2. More inclusive doesn’t mean better, and has a negative effect more than a positive one from my experience. Not having an affect on current players is having this change only appear on the char creation screen of those who indicate so on their account. Forcing everyone to see this affects the impression and feel of the game, and this is just a change we know about at the moment, it’s a hugely poor precedent for the future of Classic in general - started by the other precedent of removing emotes etc from TBC.

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I honestly don’t think it’s that significant to many people either way, you’re correct. I speak as someone from a group I’m sure they’re targeting with this change and it just doesn’t matter. However I don’t think you can make the argument that this doesn’t add any inclusivity at all. Its an obvious PR move but it really won’t get them much clout in the media I don’t think but I also don’t think it affects their timeline for the expansion release at all.

No but they’re not being labeled as anything is just a statement of what body type your character will be. Acting like gender is completely removed is a false assumption. I don’t think anyone has made a convincing argument as to how this actually affects them other than saying they don’t like it just in a general sense. One person said they’re attacking cultural values which I fail to see how this is an attack on anyones culture.

No facts are not opinions, factually this change has near zero impact on gameplay. Factually this change doesn’t do anything to current existing characters. It’s a minor change to the character select screen.

Based on that I fail to see how it’s a big deal either way. You can make emotionally based arguments all you want but it doesn’t change anything.

The most valid argument against it on this thread is that the time could be better spent elsewhere and I acknowledged that as a legitimate concern but due to how minor this change is I really have no reason to believe they’re spending tons of time on it.

Your interpretation, and “emotionally based arguments” I’m not arguing as much as I am truly trying to understand why you’re posting. I’ll say again, why are YOU here?

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