Issues with gear after the item level revamp of Dragonflight pre patch

I know that, but I meant items which did not initially scale up get their ilvl increased in bags as part of an update.

Vendor items and heart of azzaroth did get a ilvl increace :frowning:

I found it weird how I logged into a char that I hadn’t played since WOD which had a full WOD Season 3 gearset and his ilvl was extremely low (ilvl45-46) compared to even heirlooms that capped out at lvl34 (ivl79), quest rewards were giving 2-3x the ilvl at the same level, despite that the chars gear for the level would have been really strong previously.

Legion artifact starts at ilvl20, maxes out at I think ilvl80 with full relics? Again this completely makes no sense relative to the level range it existed. If you do Legion quests at level40+ you get as high as ilvl120-140+ while doing the Dragonflight Pre-Event at the same level would give you ilvl114 blues.

The whole gear progression in the game while levelling is broken beyond belief, and it gets worse every expansion.


I am not sure this is related but my gear rewards from the WoD mission table have greatly increased in iLevel… I used to vendor them without a thought but now they are more or less appropriate for a level 60 character and one of my alts is actually wearing a couple of them. Don’t know if it only applies to the raid items or also the token items.

Looks like some tokens are awarding correct / high ilvl items compared to normal drops that are not scaled in Siege of Orgrimmar as an example.

Why did they even reduce the stat density of gear?

Like, what is the actual benefit from it?

The reason I can see is to make the item level increase between character level 1 and 60 smoother. The way it was during SL is 50-60 gave you over half of the range. Level 50 items were maxed at item level 135 while level 60 items were maxed at 311.

I can understand changing this, but honestly they should have just squished the Shadowlands things instead of messing up everything from Vanilla, especially since they can’t even do this properly.

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But does anyone actually care about that? I mean i don’t for example.

In fact i dislike this, as it badly affects gameplay in dragonflight, more stats can lead to a better rotation, especially for things like haste, or mastery/crit when they have actual interactions for the spec.

So we are trading something that is subjectively important, for something that objectively has a negative impact on gameplay.

What i found out, is that they didn’t reduce ilvl, they reduced stat density. Same ilvl, less stats.

Overall it’s a pretty bad idea.

It was always bad, but this time it feels they didn’t even know on what base they use ilvl of items when leveling.
This was a problem in SL when you did Threats of Fate and got items from quests that were 20+ below your upgraded heirloom. Now it’s completely broken.
It’s not even following a logical path (at least I can’t find any). I got a 110 ilvl thing on my level 32 character yesterday, while I have a green item that is 37 (for level 26).

I wonder how this all will be fixed - if ever.

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The “how” part is not the hard one, as they changed the scaling and stat distribution of all items many times, and while it wasn’t perfect, it worked. It’s only now that they applied the new formula to only like half the items, and not change the ones that are already acquired.


I wonder if Blizzard even knows of this problem, because there is still no fix.

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u can get basicly level 66 without even entering DF zone in the first day and have a ilvl of 300+ :rofl:

Not sure honestly, there has been 0 communication about the scaling issues in dungeons & the ilvl issues. I have been spreading info around reddit, sent in-game feedback etc

Sadly there is no good way to get Blizzards attention these days, there are probably thousands of bug reports so they probably don’t read all of them, tickets getting automated responses too

Been testing around a bit.

Old raids up to Cataclysm (including MC, BWL, Sunwell, ICC, Firelands, etc) drop ilvl 66 green items and epics between 106 to 116.
Tokens from ICC are ilvl 35 even if fully upgraded to 25 heroic.

There is more than one ilvl thing broken I guess.

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I was thinking about this, and the problem is that it doesn’t work with the pace of levelling.

Levelling is so fast that unless you are lucky with drops you will easily end up with gear that is massively behind the expected level. It would be far, far easier to provide a vendor with an armor set at 50.

Think about how it works now - you go from ilvl 20 rewards at the start to ilvl 150 or so by lvl 50, but it only takes a few hours. So what you will end up with, in practice, is a character with some slots being almost completely useless. In the old scheme, you were ok up to 50 then you probably had to get some crafted gear or greens to deal with 50-60, but with the changes as they are your gear will be mostly terrible for the entire levelling experience.

How is that an improvement?

Those of us with heirlooms are sitting pretty, but those without will basically be wet noodles for most of their time to 60.

I really don’t get the point of this alteration, either in theory or in practice.

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I did some testing again and it’s worse than I thought.

Ok, I’m a level 11 warlock with Chromie set to WoD.
My gear in detail by ilvl
Green item: ilvl16 (level 8 to use)
Blue item: ilvl 36 (level 11 to use - normal dungeon drop, lfg)
Heirloom: ilvl 29 (level 11 to use)
Green quest reward: ilvl 12 (level 11 to use)

I hope this don’t scales up that way to level 50 which would mean you are questing and your quest rewards are less than half ilvl of a Heirloom. This would be a terrible experience for everyone without at least a full set.


u forget that there is a small chance gear turns epic when you loot it :stuck_out_tongue:
in BFA zones there is 0.001% u get titanforged gear even they removed it from game

Yea those numbers are a red alert, especially for new players, since the reward system is currently nonsensical and if you lack items that at least fix themselves, you can end in situations where you lack massive amounts of power to deal with the content you’re being asked to do.
Imagine queing for a low lvl battleground and find yourself at half the health of other participants because they got gear that scaled and you didn’t.

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never i think. because as you say, they have NO IDEA AT ALL!
example: in SL start area there are lvl 10 mobs for lvl 10 char at the beginning. and then a bit upstairs are the mobs “SUDDENLY” lvl 60…
and green items are ilvl 9. but blue ones are ilvl 26 !..

well… that’s not funny!


“SUDDENLY” lvl 60

is not correct, that’s really intentional.

Example: This is the case for the area north west in Bastion. Even before prepatch, this was NOT intended to be explored during leveling, as it is an endgame/maxlevel zone.

What area are you talking about?