It amazes me how many people don't like organized team play in a game built around that

You think people premade for a challenge???
Why do People gank?
Why do you group up with others?
Why do you get BiS Gear?

so pointing out retail mentality is dissing retail? Okay. Did not know that. Says more about retailers than me tbh xD

But why should the opinion of retailers have any impact on how they run classic?

Better sit down for this.

Some people play both versions

you didn’t pointed out anything, you just wanted to act superior but if backfired you

I think the real tears come from premades, as their rank 14 dream might get taken away :frowning: But hey casual pvp’er here with no social interaction even though I raid every week :smiley:


Well, you seem too not understand that Classic is a recreation of a game that was. No need for any changes as you suggest.

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lol xD Never done any of that. I’ve just been pointing out that retail trolls are trying to change a recreation of a game thats 15 years old with all of their changes suggestions =P

I know it was a kick in the a** for you horde, but did they not change AV to stop premades? :open_mouth: Was not that how the game was back in the day, but undiscovered? Soon got that changed to a #nochange game :wink:

For us horde? Ignoring the fact that those premade griefed their own alliance more than Horde? Key xD

Mind quoting were I did such thing ?

your evil twin wrote this? Do i have to check your post history as well?? (actually i have already done that)

Ahh, Sorry. You were not a retail trolls that suggested changes, you are just a retail troll. Sorry the confusion. But there are too many of you retail trolls on classic forums it’s easy too take wrong.

And what there is not true? just askin?


So you cant queue for raids? dungeons? PvP? Thereafter get instantly ported too said place and start the run with 0 social interactions? Hmmm… did not know that.

But I play more classic then retail?

Hmmm weird indeed. So iam a classic troll then ?

Your posting history tell me that you are a retail troll =) Now have a good day while I go and play Classic, in a premade, for fun =D Byee.

Didn’t make no difference for Alliance, still lost 90% of games, so touche! :slight_smile: you probably cried about it, as it was effecting your ranking.

only for people that have the achivement of a 5 parse on Lucifron in p3