we argue because its not about killing the boss, all i care about is doing more dps and i cant do more dps because i am unlucky with gear and its very annoying to me
i am actually using an intellect off hand weapon on that fight just because it has infinite stars and its a dps increece… it feels bad
I love how people that literally don’t play the game have an opinion on this. People that slay those bosses in LFR shouldn’t type anything on these. If you are a person like OP that wants to push harder content like 2.1k in Arenas or 20+ keys or even progress in mythic you would agree with him. Stop having an opinion if your gear is 450 with little to no time invested in your character
People like me are majority of playerbase and are reason why this game exist. Its us who matter and not some 0,1% of playerbase at high end what thinks games is all about spmaing dungeons and raids.