Item restoration not possible, why?

No, whats the reason for restoring item X but not item Y? There is 50 items in my restoration list but not this one, why? I can even see my Krol Blade i disenchanted in October.

No idea, but that’s what I’m stating.
It’s like they didn’t even read what you were asking for lol.


Sorry i misread your reply, just like the GM did :slight_smile:

Ahaha :wink: It’s all good ;p

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That sword should be restorable as you can only obtain it once.

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That’s what I thought too…

Just use the item restoration service?

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Did you by any chance use a server transfer after getting Mirahs Song? After a server transfer your item restoration list is reset.

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Ive said this a few times but once my pet Boar disappeared for no good reason and after waiting 3 days they basically said “This is Classic, get over it. Why you even using a boar, idiot”

Edit: That’s not what they said but it’s how I remember it!

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Boars are bis :pig:

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It’s not in the list. Thats why I opened a ticket.
And never done any transfer.

Afaik the restoration list only room a certain number of items. When you exceed this the list deletes the oldest items.

I assume you have vendored alot of items and mirahs lost its spot:/

I can restore item why did you asked ticket you dont restore items via tickets.

My restore goes up to
Vendored on 14/10/2019
So you sold it before/get rid a lot more items then i do i have it on 21 pages.

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Its bugged or sth like this I can also Restore items from october but the essence of eranikus trinket is not in list…sucks

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Basic notification. Let’s fight against the under employed crew managing the Warden.

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Okay I see.

Well my guess is that if you had opened a request the moment you destroyed the item they may have given it back to you. As it stands you did this months ago and did not care enough back then to ask for it.

Yes I didnt think i still needed it.

Do you have the mats to replace the ones you got if you disenchanted it? If you don’t that may be the reason.

Also you got your answer here. Item restoration not possible, why? - #4 by Yenredyn

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