Not that’s just complete conjecture from you to avoid the point being made, we don’t HAVE to dig up data. There are plenty of ways around this, they can adjust the values to the farthest reliable patch from 1.12 and if they don’t they have that they could at least make the effort to remove appropiate pieces until the last phase. There’s still far too much being allowed to drop in phase 1 from what I’ve read. We shouldn’t have items that take away from a years worth of progress in the first phase.
You couldn’t even be bothered to properly address the post. You don’t get to sit on a high horse when you’ve quote mined me and ignored half of what I said, the developers have SPECIFICALLY stated they wanted feedback. Me not agreeing you is not a tantrum that’s a poor way of deflecting criticism.
You have, literally answered your own question in your 3rd paragraph… “who are blizzard supposed to please?” The answer is recreating the game as best they can (Which they are doing!) everything is subjective and has pros and cons. Throwing out hypotheticals is pointless. If “joe bloggs” isn’t available due to “RL problems” then yes he will miss out, however vanilla didn’t wait for nobody either, it changed massively over its duration (hence the debates we can have now about itemisation etc). I defy any person to recall exactly how something was 15years ago, all we have is our own memories from playing back then with the benefit of playing on private servers with similar info however they are NOT authentic.
I’m still concerned with the power difference though. It’s true that you can’t un-learn things, but you could at least experience them the way you remember them. However with 1.12 items and talents, you’re basically gonna come to MC and have your raid be 30-50% more effective than it used to be when MC was originally relevant. Not only because of knowledge, but in huge part because of higher stats and more powerful mechanics.
When you go to Strat with T1/T2 gear you still will wipe on a unexpected bigger pull. And as a healer you will be often resorting to quick, less efficient heals to keep the tank alive. Vanilla has simple mechanics but quite often they are 0/1 style - very punishing/leaving little room for error. How do you re-tune something that even with 1.12 can almost one-shot you?
Adding new mechanics, “tuning” is just asking to redo the raids with modern style. After that we can redo the tier gear to be better than some random blues and greens outside of raids right? Then maybe fix 1000 other things with changes. Rets will support this!
Hardcore guilds will swipe through raids anyway, while 90% of population will have hard time progression and re-learning 15 year old game. And hardcore guilds will speed run BWL or MC under an hour, maybe even less than half an hour, retail players will have fun watching 20-30 sec boss kills on YouTube and you will be unhappy because with appropriate talents this should take 10 years to kill not 20 seconds…
You should have participated in a FRESH launch of a private server with content progression. There are some that do similar phases like Classic wants to. Gearing up with items up to 1.3 and no DM etc. is quite a challenge. Our raid group created from a leveling guild hadn’t easy. Two main tanks, one doing more than a hundred of Lava runs for Ironfoe, second one similarly with Rend runs for Felstriker, plus a lot of LBRS for some bis crossbow. Then add a raid group to farm elementals in Silithus for Hydraxian Waterlords rep for few hours without end. Having a release date for raids gave time to prepare, yet it wasn’t an auto-clear with all those 1.12 talents or items. There still was a lot of progression, errors and problems with like Ragnaros. We started to reliably kill him at around 5-6 reset and did not kill him few times before. Tanks needed flask of titans and we had to get them each week. Either by someone finding a black lotus or by buying together. Oh, and best guild on the servers got first clear less than 2h from opening. Similarly for BWL or AQ40. There is a big difference between the top and the average.
The items will be in 1.12 version, but if an item was implemented in patch 1.3 or 1.4 then it will be implemented then. Thats the whole gist of the post. Items at 1.12, delivery of the items in the phase corresponding to when they were implemented
In the example of the Shadowcraft Boots, when you can’t really hold the item until it was changed, I assume it is available in its final state in Phase 1?
That part people understood. But not that they would add the improved items in later the phases. Like I said, many people I talk to think they will be able to loot all the items in Phase 1.
No besides the obvious loot content (Dire maul, azuregos kazzak) phase 2 will also see repair robot (BRD), The added crafting recipes in MC (shouldn’t drop in phase 1) being able to turn thick leather into rugged leather (crafting recipe), and various other crafting recipes not purchasable in phase 1 etc.
Each additional phase will unlock more and more items, either by vendor’s or drops, or new released content, until in phase 6 everything is available.
You will not be able to see every drop that was on a boss or instance, untill the specified patch relative to the phases have been implemented. However, all of the loot that does drop will be in version 1.12
im not sure you remember vanilla correctly. Those of us who raided molten core, blackwing lair etc did something players today as a rule mostly dont do – we ran the entire raid from start to beginning every clear for a long time. this was to get everyone the loot they wanted/DKP. Drops were very random, one week could be one or several bosses only dropping pieces for other classes/roles. This was enchanced by all the set items were NOT tokens and were limited one spesific class. The itemization scheme was setup so any guild with less than superb gear would fail at the next raiding tier and even then it would be challenging. Afaik the only blues that lasted until AQ40 were speciality gear for “offspecs” like for example anything NON-resto druid. There were pieces that enabled people to go “offspec” like prot pala, but they were immensely rare. People WOULD get epic gear for all slots, it just took a lot of time, and the raid bosses in vanilla in NO WAY forgiving on low level gear. IT wont take 2 weeks to get all the gear, more like at maybe 1 year if you are unlucky, but it depends on how much you want the sets etc. Tiersets back then could take quite a while to farm. Remember that vanilla was 40 mans raids, not 20 making the # drops that drop now quite few compared to the number of people in raid with DKP.
the legendaries in vanilla dropped crazy crazy rare compared to what they do now, and to get the MC legendaries youd have to raid QUITE a few times to get it even while on TOP of DKP.
I’m Generally happy with progression, as they really trying keeep it old way, but with some obvius fixes not to allow ppl cheat as everyone know this game inside out from private servers.
Keeep good job guys
I’ll take 1.12 items over non-updated items any day. The itemization was quite poor and even 1.12 items wont fix some specific cases; like for example for a holy paladin BiS items are random cloth/leather/mail gear until Naxx and T3 and even then it’s just 4 pieces of it.