It's been confirmed, RPPVP will cease to exist

Hello Blizzard and fellow forum dwellers,

A blizzard employee reaffirmed today on Twitter that Zandalar Tribe will indeed be terminated on August 10th.

I’ve been advocating for saving RPPVP every single day since the consolidation announcement sometime early June. But it would appear our efforts were for naught.

Not surprising, I know.

I won’t be reiterating the reasons for RPPVP, I’ve done that enough… I’ve made countless posts on the subject. You can check my forum activity if you’re interested.

With my task unsuccessful, I’ll be retiring from the forums and will be taking a break from WoW. Maybe I’ll come back sometime later, or maybe I won’t or maybe I’ll delete my account like I did with my 15+ year old retail account.

In any case, I’ve had a few memorable interactions with some of you and some a little less. Some good debates and some not so good debates. But all in all it was interesting and fun to say the least.

I’ll be online on Zandalar Tribe till the end (August 10th) and then Gatorin will disappear along side Zandalar Tribe and “House of Solitude”.

There will most likely be a level 1 hogger raid (hype) on Tuesday August 9th around 19:00 server time for anyone that’s interested.

Farewell mortals :wave: it’s been fun.

P.S. and no you can’t have my gold, I gave it all to my officers.

P.S.S. Cya in Cata :joy: (jk)


Somewhat typical that they answered on Twitter. Again. And never here. Whatever, instead of ranting about Blizzard’s decisions and communication skills, I just wish you happy journeys in rl. Quitting is actually a sensible thing to do right now. Glhf and stuff!


I didn’t get to interact with you in-game, but I have to commend you on the way you have handled yourself on the forum. You have acted with honor and compassion and have always been clear and concise.

If by the slim chance that anyone from Blizzard is actually monitoring this. are you happy you are losing players of this caliber? I don’t think you even care anymore by the way you have acted. That should speak volumes to anyone considering adding money to your coffers.

WOW, literally, just WOW.


While this RP-PVP Realms comes to its closure, its not impossible to do such things on other Realms, if there is a strong and committing community that keeps it forward - there is always a way.

However if you strongly stay to this decision then i wish you a good luck here on onward.


The thing with the strong, committing community is, the people who stayed on HW and the ones who transfered there from the other RP severs are great, but there are so preciously few and blizzard won’t let anyone on the server.


Thats for sure very unfortunate, really bad on Blizzards end to gatekeep people.
Hope they lock it up asap.


I’m sad to hear this. You fought the good figth.
Good bye and winds be at your back!


It´s really time to open the transfers from all realms sigh

Gatorin, i had expected this outcome, but i had wished for you it would be different.

It´s sad to see you leave, i think you are a person I would have really liked to interact with on HW. :confused:


“How to destroy a perfectly healthy and balance realm in 2 moves” Achievement unlocked.
“How to terminate rp-pvp in your continent while it thrives to others” Achievement unlocked.
Great job BlizzardEU! /clap


True for all 3 RP Realms, which is so annoying/sad

Celebras was the most populated, active, with most RP in the end => Killed. And not all roleplayers will move to HW (only a small amount of Roleplayers), HW does not even benefit from this!

Hydraxian Waterlords: Yes, is allowed to survive, after a lot of players left due to the free transfers, and many will probably not come back.
The realm is allowed to survive, but weakend.

i would lough, if it wouldn´t be so sad…


If only they could open up the free transfer to HW from all realms before the prepatch … then wemight have a chance.


Some people are going there from ZT at least so it’ll be a bit less dead, can’t be worse than here anyway.



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Sure, they could before. But, most of all I wish they keep it open some time after the merges. Once the dust settles it may be easier for people to make a decision, as they know the servers aren’t going to change.


The first and most important design pillar is: Nurture and Protect Social Experiences. The compelling social experiences within World of Warcraft are why many of us first fell in love with the game. To retain these experiences, we want to help players build friendships and deepen their relationships within parties, raid teams, guilds, and server communities.

Nice contradiction Blizzard.
RP players should have their server this isn’t normal.


For me, ZT died with 2nd wave of free transfers in February. I’ve already mourned and accepted it. Sad to see the last little remnant of RP-PvP be snuffed out by our uncaring overlords.
Ah well, what fun we had back in 2019-2020! I absolutely adored the random spontaneous RP that happened over the first months in the levelling zones. But it all went down a steep hill in P2 and onward. I hated the roving bands of PvP minmaxers exterminating the Horde wherever they found them. And then with World buffs griefing and AQ collusion and TBC the random RP all but died. And then with Transfers it died for good. I love RP, but I love having AH and raiding current content more :man_shrugging:

To the memory of Zandalar Tribe.


Open it now - keep it open well into Wrath Classic, yes please :smiley:


Farewell bleeding exile brethren. I don’t know where or when I’ll continue as there will be literally no place like the Zandalar Tribe.

Maybe I will migrate to a minority horde pvp server (total horde domination pvp server = pve quite honestly) and try to ignore the immersion breakers, or be a neutered savage on Hydraxian Warlords.

Good luck on your journey.


That’s what i’m doing Sir Moo, Earthshaker, going to be hard to get gems and glyphs I guess for future gear but… i’ll worry about that when time comes

Roll on the corpse runs xD

Blizzard can you tell us already what you plan on doing on the 10th??? yeah sure realm is shutting down but what you doing with us all ? before I transfer.


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