It's high time to nerf melee uptime

Except enhance :smiley:

Sure, but getting rewarded for “good chain CC” is still very much a thing.

If you Los your healer that is also not good positioning. I´d argue with how much CC druid has access to it probably shouldnt be tanky in the first place as it has an absurd amont of control n so long as cyclone exists in its current form you´re left with no choice other than to focus the druid as to prevent it from taking over the game with the best CC in the entire game.

If clone was made dispellable like almost all other forms of CC or given a cooldown they could be allowed more freedom elsewhere but boomy was the supreme overlord spec for almost the entire DF expansion.

Alot of specs relies more heavily on their teammates to do well, warlock usually falls into that category aswell where it gets tunneled. Affli is the exception atm where its simply so comedically overtuned. We´ll see how that plays out after the patch.

DF only s1, and i was done. I play only caster, and df was about being ranged instanter not caster. Quit becouse class design was boring, and nothing coommon with older exp i liked, like mop for example. At TWW boomy have quite better design. can build my boomy around quick cast wrath, so iam happy. With treant, solar eclipse buff, wrath feel little like wotlk boomy. (But against decent 2x mele) i cant cast more than 1-2 time, then need to bear and run. And need to switch to ranged instanter build (sad).
Cyclone is uniqe. In good hands can be win spell as well, like other cc. But teammate job is counter this spell like all other long duration cc.
When cycloned u cant be healed and damaged, it has it pros and cons. Otherhand cc like fear, etc (even dk disorient) got enough high braeking point that most time u are attacked for 70-80% of its duration. Works more like stun atm.
I dont want one shot anybody. I like old style pvp when hole team work for win.
In my opinion versatility could be buff 0,5x damage, 1,0× reduction (atm 1xdamage, 0,5x reduction). Think that instantly kill 2x mele zug zugers, becouse teams will be loking for more specific well paried cc comps.
Dont really know its would work but is just my thought.

no worries, melee nerfs inc

  • Feral
    • All ability damage increased by 3%.
    • Rip damage increased by 6%.
    • Ferocious Bite damage increased by 3%.
    • Feral Frenzy damage increased by 10%.
    • Druid of the Claw: Ravage damage increased by 3%.


Solution: new pvp talent resounding scream; whenever you psychic scream, the void flings you 15 feet away from the nearest enemy effected by your scream.

The thing that truly baffles me is how - after deciding that micro-CC was a problem back in DF - we now have more of it? Why am I being knocked up by WDP and Shockwave? Why are DKs fully DR’ing stuns across an entire team by themselves every 45 seconds? Lmao.

You could buff Precognition to also Disarm every enemy player within 15 yards upon triggering and it wouldn’t matter in the slightest. All Precog did was move kick to the bottom of the priority list, you’re still gonna get hit by every pseudo-interrupt in the game first.

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priest need some mobility for sure.even raiding is awful

Sure if we make casters cast again

What is this “melee uptime” you speak of?

A couple of things should be done, but it’d require reworking all the classes to an extent or rebalancing where their dmg comes from.

  1. All instant cast damage and healing spells should habe their impact reduced. This means that, all things equal, if you pit a casted ability against an instant one, in general the casted ability should deal more damage. Instant heals and damage spells should have only two purposes:

A) Buffing an existing spell/making it stronger. For example, flame shock lava surge now causes lava burst to deal x damage and have 25% faster cast time, stacking up to 2 times. Or riptide healing very little initially, but significantly buffing your following surge casts etc.

B) Acting, as they were originally intended, as ways to deal damage when you can not afford to stop moving, but you still want to make your globals count. For example, if frost bolt dealt (sigbificantly) more damage to frozen targets than ice lance did, ice lance would now only be used when the mage can not afford to cast.

The thing is this treatment would have to be universal. There’s plenty of specs, healers and casters alike that are built around their instant casts. Elemental shamans, balance and restoration druids (actually almost all healers), frost and fire mages, etc. And the ones who do cast usually have some sort of ways to guarantee their casts go off, like devokers (obsidian scales + hover), or SOME warlock specs (e.g. hellcaller destro).

So you’d have to rework and redesign all of these specs around theie now casted damage profiles, which would have to be also taken into account in encounter design.

  1. In return, melee mobility and micro cc would have to be nerfed (e.g. wyvern sting, putting more utility behind choice nodes, etc).

You could go as far as to go back to the classic design of really building on a spec’s strength and also it’s weaknesses. Maybe mages lose all self healing from their barriers and/or iceblock. Maybe priests remain as immobile as they are rn and have to drop out of shadowform to cast holy spells. Maybe deadzone should be introduced back to hunters, or stances to warriors.

Even if you only do the mobility curb and making casters cast again, that would make the game much more readable and much healthier already. But you could also curb on stacking modifiers for some abilities (e.g. anti-magic shield).

That’s what I think would be better for the game. I know people enjoy this m+ GOGOGO BIG DMG meta but the last 3 classes released are all hypeemobile and can use x y and z axis, and it would be nice to have a class and prevailing class design where mobility, instant casts and moba mentality didn’t reduce all classes to the same template of burst mobility, aoe dmg, micro cc and defensive trading.

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If you dont want to be the priority target, play another class.

Im sorry, but priority targets are made in pvp based on survivability vs damage if left unchecked.

Want to have fun playing a spellcaster while no one attacks you? Play Boomkin, arcane mage or devoker.

This is BS for, SP right now is not even near to be strong enough to be concerned to be left unchecked. People train SP because it is an easy target.

Haha, this for sure only time I see mage cast is poly or ring of fire - rest there blasting out mongo lances my dude :smiley:

You mean Frost mages and Evokers?

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Mages and dragthyrs are the problem not for Melee alone.

This there are way too less disarm ingame
Almost every specc beside Priest have a interrupt but disarm
Witch range got one? I am not counting meeles
Bommi a dispellable one? How else?

Give shadow a Disarm 30sec cd aoe disarm
You can have my root what does it do if i am 70% slowed hole game and dont have a ability too come away from meeles

People actually dying to damage that takes a considerable amount of time to set up?

MM, WW and space lizards are the 3 classes that annoy me by far the most atm. I never thought i´d see the day where a class managed to annoy me more than demo lock did in DF or pre nerf frost mage.

I´ve no idea why WW and MM are like hitting a brick wall, it feels like they have permanent wall from start till finish. If i was forced to just pick one it´d probably be MM though because as per usual its EVERYWHERE like an absolute rat infestation.

How about we prune CC instead of adding more of it? Also shadow does not need more CC at all. Spriest was always team reliant n always required the player to be able to perform while under preasure.

Its also worth noting that spriest is doing quite well sitting in the upper portion of classes atm across the board.

I agree that melees has too much micro CC, but other melees are also affected by this CC spam bloat n its obnoxious as hell. I want all CC severely pruned. CC should be something you use to try to set up a kill window, not something you mindlessly press everytime its off CD.

Our CC needs to be changed. There is zero point in us stunning a DPS unless we cross it with a Silence on healers. DPS players can also do random stuff to accidentally ‘outplay it’. DK’s: AMS is off CD, best press it and randomly immune the stun. Warriors: Reflect is off CD, best press it and randomly reflect the stun. Warlocks: see previous. Shamans: let’s randomly press Grounding and immune the stun. MW: Let’s randomly press Revival and immune the stun.

Our Root is the worst root in the game, you auto attack it and break it. You kill an Earthgrab Totem and you’re still rooted, no other ‘Root’ is as bad as Priests’, hence why everyone just plays higher threshold fear. Speaking of our Fear, you need to be within 8 yards of a target. Good luck landing meaningful CC on healers unless you’re playing with a Warlock or Sub Rogue. Our ‘slow’ requires channelling or it immediately stops. Meanwhile DK’s press 1 button for an undispellable, best slow in the game.

However CC isn’t really our biggest issue, it’s the spec design being wildly incompatible with PvP. I would do crazy things for Damnation and Void Origins back as well as instant Halo.

Doing well across the board? Above 1800 in 2v2 it is the 13th most represented DPS spec. Above 1800 in 3v3 it is the 8th most represented DPS spec. And in Solo Shuffle, well, there are only 3 people above 2200, so Shuffle data is clearly not indicative of much when the MMR is bugged/intentionally broken.
