It's high time to nerf melee uptime

8/25 in shuffle, 13/25 in 2s and 12th/25 in 3s is what i would call a very healthy place where it sits in the top 70% for shuffle, top 50% for 2s and top 54.17% for 3v3.
2v2 is a comedically unbalanced gamemode either way where only a handful of specs are ever even viable in the first place.

I look at median rating for the top 50 players for each respective class as looking at highs n lows is a terrible way of looking at numbers.

Yes the root is pretty bad but the question is if it should even exist at all in the first place. Im so sick of the whole “but but but this class has this ability! i want it too” garbage thats been happening for ages now.

I want to play different classes to have different kits. Currently the only damn difference is access to different tmogs n numbers it would seem.

I havent played spriest since mop so i cant speak for how the class plays as a whole, im sure it has tons of issues but lack of CC is certainly not one of them.

Deliberately ignoring that every other class other than Monk and DH has more than 1 DPS spec?

Warrior: Fury and Arms. More Fury than SP.
Mage: Frost, Fire and Arcane. More Frost than SP.
Warlock: Affliction, Demo and Destro. More Affli than SP.

Oh look we already have 8 specialisations from 3 classes. Let’s keep going though.

Death Knight: Frost and UH. More UH than SP.
Druid: Feral and Balance. More Feral than SP.
Evoker: Aug and Dev. More Dev than SP.
Hunter: BM, SV and MM. More MM than SP.

I just listed 7 classes there that have a combined 17 DPS specialisations. There are 7 classes there that have a spec that is outperforming SP in a relatively fair sample size. But you want to make SP look better than it is by putting all of the specs in when you know full well that everyone just plays the best spec for their class.

Why shouldn’t SP have a root? We are the biggest punching bags in the game with the worst kit for kiting melees!

I will re-direct you to:

Changed =/= ‘give us more cc’.

What relevance does multiple dps specs have to do with anything? I dont play frost dk n never have, if unholy is trash ill play my warrior instead, if warrior is trash aswell i guess ill take a break from WoW. Not everyone plays all specs.

With that logic you could aswell dabble in some disc n be permanently viable every season. Just like you want to play your favorite spec most people want the same.

You mean you think spriest should be permanently S tier because it only has one dps spec or whats the argument you´re even trying to make with this statement? spriest is doing better than arms atm by a significant margin.

That you’re saying it’s ‘8th out of 25’ to deliberately make Shadow look better than it actually is when SEVEN classes with multiple specs STILL have a spec that is stronger than Shadow. Did you…really need that explained to you?

Literally proving my point. You and the majority of other WoW players only play the strongest spec of your class or you reroll.

Since we are talking about DPS specs, then no, it’s not the same logic.

…what? Are you hearing voices? My point is that Shadow is not as strong as you’re saying it is and it needs a severe rework since its playstyle is incompatible with PvP.

Because all Warriors have just rerolled to the easiest spec in the entire game: Fury. Why even bother playing Arms when Fury exists and could be played by a 2 year old?

Arenamate currently shows 52 Arms Warriors in 3v3 from its 0 rating threshold. It shows 204 Shadow Priests and 355 Fury Warriors.

Is your SP v Arms performance a genuine submission when people are literally not even bothering with it since Fury is disgusting?

Once again the point completely flew over your head as is customary whenever you´re involved in anything, I frankly see no reason at all to discuss anything with you seeing as you´re not just delusional n biased you´re also generally unpleasant to interact with since you have a mental breakdown n begin spewing insults the moment someone disagrees with you n my interest in interacting with those type of antisocial disorders is very limited.

I never once said i rerolled. I play two classes n two specs. If both of them are unplayable i´ll unsub, that part was extremely clear n somehow that still went past you.

Spriest is just as strong as i said it was. The statistics shows this perfectly clearly, class is completely irrelevant. I dont know why you think BM hunter should be unplayable because MM is busted.

Either we look at classes as a whole in which case priest is overrepresented as hell, or we look at specs individually as is appropiate in any kind of measurement. In both scenarios spriest is doing perfectly fine.

Where did I insult you? Can you point it out please?

‘If this spec I like is bad I will play a different class’ = rerolling.

Which is not strong at all.

‘Fine’ =/= good. Plenty of specs are ‘fine’, in fact every spec in the entire game is ‘fine’. but that doesn’t change the fact that it could use attention in some very glaring areas.

But regardless, by your own admission:

So what on EARTH do you know about the shortcomings of MY spec which is the sole dps spec for an entire class and is inherently a popular spec of choice anyway?

6 insults in one message. Having a bad day or are you just resorting to spewing insults whenever someone disagrees with you? That would be quite hypocritical of you, would it not? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

No, im simply pointing out a very clear pattern with you n your historically n consistant behavior.

If you find me pointing out your behavior to be insulting, then perhaps you should look into changing the behavior.

My day is going great actually! finished my last workshift for the month so im now off work intill start of october so its like having a mini vacation.

I dont know how on earth you find playing two classes at once to be “rerolling”. Blizz are infamously terrible at balancing, if my class is underperforming but still playable im fine with it. If its forgotten about for 6 months n left in the dirt however no, im indeed not going to deal with that. This is a hobby afterall n if im not having fun it makes no sense to stick around. As i only enjoy a couple of classes that tends to resault in me unsubbing.

Where did I insult you in this conversation? Point it out. Or do you not like that I’m disagreeing with you so you’re going ad hominem and bringing up old things? Tut tut, that’s a bit lame.

Where did I insult you in this thread?

What you have said to me ARE insults, do you disagree?

Here is you saying that you will only play the game if at least one of your specs is good. If one of them is bad, you will play the other that is good. That is rerolling. If I said ‘Shadow is bad, I’m going to play Disc’. That’s rerolling, too, is it not?

Indeed, because if they were any good the 2 specs that you play would have received appropriate nerfs by now.

When was the last time that was applicable to DK and Warrior at the same time?

Yeah, this is a problem in Arena. Solo ranged needs to not be a thing. I’ve played several of these as a MM hunter and it’s just no fun. Just had a game with UH DK and WW monk against me and a warrior. 2 of the rounds I was stunned and died before I got out of stun. The DK even did 5 mil damage with a dot… 5 mil with a f dot! Just absurd. And yes, I’m fully geared and way above 20% vers. Ranged are fleeing from Arena, and I understand it. It’s completely busted.

If my statements had been unfounded they would have indeed been insults, when there is a very clear pattern however it is simply that. Pattern recognition.

If you consistantly behave in a certain way you can expect to be judged based on that behavior. If you dont like to have that image then change the way you act.

When you take a dump in your pants 6 days in a row n arrive on the 7th with clean pants you´re still going to be judged for those previous 6 days intill you´ve had a sufficent amont of clean pants days.

If frost randomly got giga buffed n became absurdly op i would not reroll frost for the sake of power. If unholy is gutted n left in an unplayable state n frost is super op, im still not rerolling frost. Ill play my warrior since i enjoy my warrior assuming its in a decent state.

Yes both fury and unholy are overtoned. Both already recived nerfs n has since then been overtaken by feral n MM in terms of performance. Unholy is getting another nerf next patch where doomprocs will only burst 2 wounds down from 3 which should be a quite significant nerf n hopefully bring it down a notch.

I dont know when both DK n warrior were undertoned at the same time. I tend to take long breaks from the game no matter balance due to boredom. I picked up fury in DF sometime around retpocalypse give or take. DK i´ve played since wotlk.

The only time i recall unsubbing entirely due to balancing was first patch of BFA where unholy was completely unplayable for the entire first patch which lasted about 6 months, i played for most of it n then unsubbed n dident play for quite a few years.

At that time period unholy was so bad though that it was genuinely unplayable, the worlds best unholy dk´s played blood dk in arena that entire patch because it was impossible to survive against anything with unholy.
At that time i only played DK n dident have any alts.

Where is that pattern in this conversation? I think I’ve asked maybe 3 times now? Why can’t you point it out? Is it because in this conversation there isn’t one from me? Or are you the type that holds grudges against people and uses it as leverage against them to make yourself feel superior? Is that it?

Can you please point out where I have behaved like that with you this evening? After all, your response to my valid responses was:

Can’t remember doing that to you here, and if there’s anyone that HAS done what you’ve said I am doing, then it’s…you?

Maybe you would, but I would say ‘well done for not doing it today’. That’s a difference between me and you and that answers one of my questions from the first paragraph! :slight_smile:

I don’t remember Petkick ever playing Blood?

Sooooo, this:

Is just words for the sake of words?

If you want to compliment people for behaving reasonable once a week thats fine by me, but thats not how the world works as a whole. Nor should it. Society doesnt reward you for doing once what is expected of everyone everyday.

I´ve already stated that i judged you based on how you should be judged, based on your behavior. If you want to change that image thats entirely in your hands to do so.
Due to your general behavior in virtually every single situation you´re involved in the ball is in your field to show other sides if you wish to be seen differently.

Im not going to explain how patterns work to you, i have full faith in your ability to figure out that part on your own.

I dont keep a journal for WoW balancing, im simply not passionate enough about it to bother doing that. I dont know if petkick played blood or not. I know Volkovitch and Cervantes did for a while. Unholy was in a considerably worse state than spriest is currently atleast by a significant margin. If you want more information about it you can research it yourself. In the end of the day its utterly irrelevant how balancing was 6-7 years ago.

Majority of the things you say are words for the sake of words because you get stuck up on semantics. If you want me to carefully phrase everything like i would when explaining something to a child i can do that for you.
I assumed you´d be capabe of figuring out the meaning on your own seeing as its not a very complex conversation. Was i mistaken or are you just nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking?

You seem far more obsessed about wanting your class to be strong than i am. I played fury for majority of DF where arms was the big boy spec meanwhile you happily blasted away with spriest when it was overtoned as hell. Now fury n unholy are overtoned n im happily blasting away.

Most people play more than one spec. If i play two specs n one is terrible n the other one is good, me choosing to play the good spec instead of the bad one does not qualify as rerolling seeing as i already play them both.

So I can use your insults of me against you forever, nice one!

For the (??)th time, please point it out here. Is there a particular reason you can’t/won’t?

Which…I have done here…but you can’t accept that :rofl:

Every single situation…except this one?

Stop making things up. I have not said that the numbers need tuning, I said I want the design to change. If my spec was anywhere near as disgusting as EITHER of your specs I would find it boring to play the game.

So overtuned that it had ZERO EU r1’s in 3s in both season 4 and s3 of DF?

The only time SP was overtuned in DF was season 1 for like 4 weeks and guess what: I played 30 3s games and 100 shuffle rounds that season, so I’m not sure that constitutes ‘blasted away with Spriest when it was overtuned as hell’.

It’s just too easy to say when you hide your characters :confused:

But you’re wrong regardless. If you play both specs, you play both specs. If one of them is bad, you’re rerolling to the other one for that season or until the other one gets buffed (although DK and Warrior have both been A - S tier for a very long time now anyway)

So let’s say season 1 Fury is good and UH is bad. You’re playing Fury.
Season 2 Fury is bad and UH is good. You’re playing UH.

Aka rerolling.

“which i have done here” ye no, still as insufferable as ever. It might just be that whole constantly seeking attention vibe that is rubbing me the wrong way. Who knows.

If both fury and UH are decent ill play both, if one is terrible im indeed not going to bother gearing both. Your opinion on that matter is utterly irrelevant to me. For me its a matter of saving time seeing as i dont have as much sparetime anymore as i once did.

Either way i hope you got some satisfaction out of the attention but im going to end the conversation here because im quite frankly bored.

Where did I insult you, please? Let me just re-direct you to your claim:

Responding to your factually incorrect claims about me is…rubbing you the wrong way? And you have the nerve to accuse me of spewing insults whenever someone disagrees with me?

No not really, if anything I’m quite concerned for you!

You’re welcome for the lessons. Next time before you call a spec overtuned and then accuse that person of ‘blasting it’ when it was, I suggest you check your facts. Cheers!

Nerf mage mobility, in that case you can nerf all melee gapclosers. Simple solution

Couldn’t kite a DK as druid this game is doomed, game designers are completely out of touch.

In what word a well-known weelchair plate wearer like Death knight is supposed to have 99% uptime on the allegedly most versatile and mobile class in the game ?

Dks kit is just really good vs druid and the game is moving away from classes having their own niche role in the game dk cant be a slow moving no gap closers meele if phsycal damage tunnel it and the necrotic wounds are only stacking to 18% instead of 30%.
Same reason rdruid got tranq bubble and auto put all hots on the target when they was supposed to make sure hots were up before the go happend or pre bear setups.

Problem is, every classes don’t get the same treatment.

Some get very powerful new tools (DK and its new “2 charges of mount in combat immune to all kind of ccs” thing to name only one) while others are stuck with an outdated kit from 2010.

Druid even lost Temporal displacement, which objectively wouldn’t be overkill to be given back now.
Just take a look at mage’s infinite TPs.

Yet the class (Druid) is stuck with Wild charge as its only way to create distance, while DK for instance has 4 gap closers (2x Death’s grip 2x mount in combat thing) warriors also have 4 (2x charge 2x leap)

To continue with the Druid exemple, they also lost Incapacitating Roar, while every other class were given plethora of new ccs / micro ccs.

So I would be “okay-ish” with this new gameplay we’ve been moving towards since SL / DF if only all classes were given the same treatment.

It’s far from being the case at the moment.

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you was given instant casts for every caster also so its not like the kiting part actually matters you was also given precog the only classes that can really complain right now are spriest and the spec is very meta depending where if it can beat meele it just beats everything unless a setup comp can manage to kill it between cds.

You can also use wild charge and disengage to cancel death grip which negates the 2 stacks of it thats why its there also the fact it can bug out at any moment if a player is at a higher elevation than you.