It's not all about you

So I’d like to like to post this and this is directed at the honor farmers and rep farmers in AV.

I’ve been playing quite a bit of AV since it was released and the self entitleness you witness is unbelievable really.

“Rush Drek, I don’t want to fall behind on honor”

“Don’t defend just let them win so I can get into another game”

“OMG another 45 minute game can you just lose so I can get into another game”

The world doesn’t revolve around you. If you want to be sweaty and are aiming for a high rank, fair enough and good luck too you but don’t expect others to have the same mind set as you.

If I’m honest I couldn’t care less about honor and I’ll eventually get the rep required in due time…I don’t need to zerg the the content in 2 weeks and leave myself with very little to do until the next content patch.

So you’ll find me in the middle of AV taking part in the epic team fights, playing the objectives and defending when needed. The 45 minute games are fun and that’s what a lot of the player base wanted (well AV that lasts for days but this will have to do).

You don’t like that? Too bad, deal with it.


Cringed at “epic teamfights”.

Spam blizzard, half of both factions just leeching doing nothing.

Wow you’re right, this is just like Lord of the rings cooleroonie big battles.


Not at all, I’ve had some great team fights in the middle of AV that don’t involve AoE spam and have been quite even like 4 v 4 and such. But I feel sorry for you if that’s been your experience!


Farmville MMO we got.

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i dont think as many people want this as you think…


Fully agree with you mate. I choose however attack horde at Balinda and Stonehearth. When you do that with like 2 mages and another hunter you manage kill about 5-8 horde in traps and mage aoe spam. Its unbelieveble fun and real pvp. Appart you if you surrive you get another wave of horde to kill when they leaving balinda. Like this you also break the game for rushers, because many hordes are forced to ressurect at initial GYs and they fight back alliance rushers.
I noticed that some horde applying this tactic too. So maybe we get some pvp there in end of the day.


I agree. I got reported for doing the insignia quest, several people get yelled at for delivering quests or not zerging etc.

Sometimes I like the hour long BG and sometimes zerging is fine. That’s my opinion tho.

But reporting people for doing objectives inside a BG is absolute dogsh1t.


Agree. I’ve had some great fights with horde in AV. Most times I find myself agains some lvl 60 and it’s really satisfying to kite them around and finally kill them and take the loot to head back to base to turn them in, best feeling

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Imagine, during your rep farm you are farming maybe 200-250k honor over the span of a whole week.
We are in there for 15-18 hours every single day, farming honor. We usually farm 200k+ per day, by premading etc - whenever someone who is like rank 2 or 3 decide to singlehandedly slow our games down, ofc it’s annoying?

You can do whatever the hell you want, we carry you to victory regardless, just don’t do stuff that would slow us down… is that too big of an ask?

Enjoy fighting mid!

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Whoaw… entitled much?


Well, I mean yes - and no?
Like I said, we go there to farm honor as efficiently as possible so that we may rank and also have some semblance of a social life. Is it then too much to ask that when 20 people in an AV spam their macros asking you to just follow our zerg for an easy 7minute win, that you at the very least don’t actively sabotage it?
If you think about it, who is really being selfish there? The 20 people asking you not to mess it up, or the few individuals messing it up because they want to “play their way” ?


Some people play for PVE RANK, and some play pvp for fun.
At this state of AV and way you farm rank, the actual rank is total garbage. So any stupid argument about efficiency or that honor farming is on first place in bg is total trash argument. YOU actually did decrease meaning of rank by the way you play the game.And you are taking pvp away from us others. So please whatever you farm, just stop doing it because some of us are in bg for pvp and for fun.


You are delussional mate. I personally don’t care about “pvp skillz” if you want that, go play arena on retail.
Me and most others grind r14 because of the gear and because of the clout…
However, you are free to farm more honor than us and “take back the meaning of your PVP rank”.

The 20 bullies who think their needs are superior to everyone elses.

Those 20 people should just go about their business and leave other people to do the same.

Simple isn’t it?


Well, you don’t see us making thread about how sh1tters should stop being sh1t… right?
Problem is that this impacts both camps. If you want a turtle, and try to make a turtle, you do that knowing the social reprocutions it will have; Read - whispers from 20 pissed of people.

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No, instead you bully people ingame.

They can be pissed off all they want. Still doesn’t mean their interest is more important than that of others.

We are all playing the game and the anomalies are the ones that want everyone to play their way.

The real social repercussion here is that 20 people opress a minority.

Its a computergame, not an efficiency study.

You are only as efficient as the most un-efficient person in your 40 man group/community. If you cannot accept that you shouldn’t be playing in pug groups.


I just do what I want in AV tbh.

I lost a bunch tonight cus horde are learning how to counter Ally tactics.

There were so many people screaming in chat who couldn’t accept this, raging, blaming everyone else, swearing at people, being rude and slinging insults at the people trying to encourage each other when we could still win, “just afk and lose quick, you all suck, this is a waste of time”

So I went and did some PvP (shock horror, pvp in AV), did some quests… and I had fun! In one or two we turned it around and actually won.

Either way, I don’t care. I play games to have fun, doesn’t matter if I win or not. Don’t really care about rank or min-max, don’t really care about honor gained, and as selfish as it seems I don’t care about ragey-mctryhard who wants his rank 14 zerg tactics and everyone to play to his expectations, if he starts raging at me I right click “ignore”. Easy.


without taking either side of the argument, it’s just about people wanting different things from the same source.
Let’s say you got 30 ppl wanting to rush and 10 that don’t:
it takes less ppl to play defensive than ppl to play offensive so if the the 10 are deffing does it make them selfish?
I just think that the question is phrased really badly, yeah it’s not just about me, but it’s not just about you either.
Some want 10h turtles, some want 7m rushes, if you are fair it should just go by a majority vote if you rush or play “how AV was meant to be played”


Or everyone do whatever they want, let the flamewar go on in chat… it’s just text that don’t matter, enjoy the game.


Yep, if the rankers really wanna dictate how other should play they should just go for WSG premades tbh. There’s a reason why you can’t queue as a group for AV and bullying others cuz they wanna defend is just stupid. Well said OP.