It's not all about you

Oh really let see who is delussional more. Let me pick on your manipulating mind.

whenever someone who is like rank 2 or 3 decide to singlehandedly slow our games down, ofc it’s annoying?

You can do whatever the hell you want, we carry you to victory regardless, just don’t do stuff that would slow us down… is that too big of an ask?

You ask original poster is that too big of an ask?. I mean really you first insult people for being rank 1 or 2 because they play less than you and then you ask for their emphaty to actually farm your rank faster by not “slowing you down”. You clearly don’t understand his post. Because it is out of your narrow mindset. What you did there was actually playing on his feelings that because you play xy hours you deserve that he should not to ‘‘slow you down’’. I mean by what title? Hours played? Or by numbers of people in your premade? Your tittle means only you run like cows to final boss without need of pvp. Number of your people in premade? You should be even quiet about fact that you exploit que system. You destroying experience for people who are joing empty AVs because you decline enter when you don’t get same number of AV.
Its not your game, its not even your bg and its not your premade if there is one person who is not in it. So as long he is there he can pvp as much as he can, and it stills fills the original meaning of AV more than your cows running for boss.

One more thing to add, all this crap about efficiency, you can call it how you want, but you lack of understanding. Many of us are in game to play actual game and many of take it in this way Fun>rewards>rank. And if you think we change our hierarchy because you and 20 of your friends want to farm R14(by exploiting poor designated que system and bg itself) you think wrong.

As I said you wont understand any arguments people tell you here, because you:

  1. Lack certain empathy level for others goals in game, yet you call others to be selfish for playing their way. You multiple times negated yourself in posts to others here on this thread.
  2. You are too narrowminded and you think all this game is here for gear and rank, so you lack more wide-open mind and thats hardly fixable, because it is likely nature of the person.

And what will be next? You will ask horde players to not defend so you can farm your rank faster?


Based & Funpilled

In those situations, is the best time to reply them ”go to retail”.


World doesn’t revolve around you either, if a majority of the players want to rush and you go defending then deal with the afk kick dude

Also, you seem to be trapped in a nostalgia bubble - nothing epic about blizzard fighting on the bridge


Implying there is an option to 40 man >< We are obviously doing what is most efficient for honor per hour…

But if WSG premades is worse honor per hour, why would rankers go there? :thinking:

It implies that they have less interest in ranking, thus know a lot less about how to play AV, yes.

Blame the game, not the player…

Oh I understand, that the minority wans the majority in my games to bend to their wishes since they are dad-gamers who seek nostalgia.

You are actually wrong, I can empathize - but I know that I can’t care (because it costs me honor per hour resulting in less sleep for me).

No, if rank 2 human male warriors don’t turtle their own faction I will win in 7min regardless of what hordes do.

Some of you who reply to me in here seem to miss the mark. It’s not like the rankers who are rushing don’t know how you would prefer to play the game or anything like that, but we are in a constant state of competition with everyone else on the server. This forces us to have to be douchebags and scream at people in order to get the results needed - since there’s no 40-man queue implemented.

We understand how you want to play the game, but if we want any measure of sleep then we can’t let you.

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Yes I get so mad when I am defending in WSG and they don’t want the game to drag. Let our flag carrier die and so on the whispers.

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sorry to burst youre bubble but the compitition you speak off ended 13 years aggo.


Weird, I’m looking at the brackets on honorspy on my realm - seems to be very much ongoing here…

Yeah obviously.

Which is exactly the cancer that is eating all the fun… ‘beeing efficient in doing per hour’. Like its a fluffin’ job.

Unfortunately for you and the other efficiency nutso’s, there’s people with different idea’s about what is enjoyable.

And their (free) time is at least as precious as yours. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Idk I don’t really get the argument… Ofc everyones time is valued equally, but I don’t know why we have to respect your wishes on how to play the game when we are the majority in the game? It just doesn’t make any sense, and if anything is just pandering to snowflake-mentality.

What if my source of fun is making AV efficient?

Because its not a dictatorship. We all pay to play and we all have the right to fill our time the way we want. It could be 39 to 1 and then that 1 still has the right to play unhindered and unharassed by a bunch of thugs.

No, its about respecting the fact that you are equal to all the other players with as much rights as anyone else.

By all means roll however you want but stop harassing other players who don’t feel like following your ‘commands’.

Do whatever you want and allow others to do the same. You don’t get to rule over my wallet or my time.


Not if those 39 people are hindered by the actions of the 1, sorry but that’s just stupid and you can’t possibly defend that.

How the hell can you write that and still write what you wrote above? You are actually arguing that 39 people should play and act differently to accomodate 1 person, yet you claim that everyone is equal? Mate, that’s not how the world works…

Cba posting with you anymore, grow a pair and post from your main character instead, cuz at this point I’m pretty sure you are just trolling.

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How are 39 people “hindered” by the 1? They are not.

I just did.

39 people can rush to the other side while 1 person stays back and play defender as that is that persons preferred playstyle.

39 people don’t have to accomodate the 1. They just need to lay off the abuse and let everyone play the way they want.

I’m not paying a monthly fee to be the personal slave of a bunch of narcissistic droolers.

Ah, running out of arguments and looking for a way to throw some dung? Sorry mate, discussions are done with words, not with avatars.


No I just think ur arguments are terrible and that you are a troll

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I don’t really care about honor or rep in av, but what I do care about, is winning.

The 45 minute games are poop right now because its not about killing eachother its that both groups try objectives and fail hard, that’s why they last 45 mins right now.

My arguments are perfectly fine. They support my rejection of your claim on my time and wallet.

The reason you don’t get it is because you lack empathy. Everything you do is important and the ‘little’ people should just comply.

lol… every time someone runs out of arguments i am the troll.

How old are you… 12?


Some self-reflection might serve you well Shogath…

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To sum it up: Just give us premade AVs so rankers can organize themselves in groups to rush and if you don’t wanna do that, just dont join those premades. Easy fix.
Noone likes to have their time wasted by either side of the spectrum of people, so imo it would be the best to be able to seperate the two groups. You don’t join a hardcore guild and then complain about minmaxing. You wouldn’t join AV premades and complain about rushing.

No, it doesn’t. I hope you get reported, and that people do the opposite to spite you.


yeah its pretty bad and boring lol