It's not all about you

I just wow how you all the time quote people and in one reply you negate what you said before…

It implies that they have less interest in ranking, thus know a lot less about how to play AV, yes.

Mate every bot could know play AV the same way as you do. AV is broken, you can’t blame that they don’t know how to play AV just because they prefer to pvp in battlground which was once designated to be PVP. In one post you say you can’t blame people how they play AV then in another post you play people for how they AV if they are there with your premade. I am glad that we can agree at least on one thing. That AV is broken so we all can blame it.

Oh I understand, that the minority wans the majority in my games to bend to their wishes since they are dad-gamers who seek nostalgia.

Absolutely wrong mate, you dont understand, because I dont see nostalgia I seek PVP.

You are actually wrong, I can empathize - but I know that I can’t care (because it costs me honor per hour resulting in less sleep for me).

Lol again, because you want sleep we are forced to play your rush tactic? I mean I all the time see what you trying to do here. You want people feel bad for defending? Or not listening your tactics because you are premade? Really? You can’t see how manipulative you are? Man you are not saving world you are farming rank in wow, where everyone else pays subscription, not only you and your 20 friends.

Mate you won’t make any effect with sleep argument. Personaly I dont see anything hardcore about rushing boss 200 times per day. For me you are just human bots…

Totally wrong again. In healthy society can’t 39 people dictate to 1 what to do. Here again it only shows how you lack emphaty, because you taking people as numbers. Its not working like that, but seriously I can’t explain to you how to empathy other people. It is the same as with word FUN. You can’t really explain it in deep meaning itself.

Appart being active here on forums as you are and you use argument about sleep. Again negating yourself. To me it shows you have enough time for sleep yet answering and reading on forums.
To explain, it then makes you look that you are trying to make feel bad that they not letting you sleep because they slowdown your progress and that you showed only here to shows us how hard you have grinding your R14. But none cares abour your ranks here, we care about way how the AV is played and here we organize to change the way it is right now.

And please don’t try to go defensive in your posts. Original poster mean’t in way that he can play it the in way he wants. You with total manipulative and playing on feelings made others people to react to your posts personaly, to try to explain you that you have no more right in AV than anyone else. No matters ranks, number etc.
Go sleep please you have another ‘‘hard day and night’’ in front of you, we others will play AV by our ‘‘nostalgia’’ way.


There are 2 realistic options that would please most everyone:

  1. Slash the honor reward of AV significantly. (Down to 350 hp instead of 3500 for example), rankers go to WSG for much superior hph. PvE heroes like me stay in AV till exalted and never touch it again, than it’s free raign for PvP heroes to fight on the field of grief, summon bosses, ferry mining supplies and goats, whatever your heart desires.
  2. Allow premades into AV. Simple as.

Can some wise knowledgeable forum person enlighten me on why that wouldn’t work / be bad for Classic?

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Sorry, it took me some time to answer this one. I was rolling on the floor, laughing my *ss off.

I need to self-reflect???

Okay… :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming:

You may want to look up the words ‘self-centered, egoistic and narcissism’. You may come to a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Then again, typically your type of personality hardly ever come to any sort of insight on those matters.

Here’s to all the players in AV always doing the opposite of what you tell them to do.



I’ll be sure to afk/leech/fk up or whatever, whenever i see this egoistic warrior in the same AV.


I respond to you in the 1 min wait time before games ><

Like 4th time you’ve mentioned empathy - it’s at the level where I begin to doubt if you even know the worth. I don’t have to empathize with anyone, I can sympathize -sure, but no need of empathy in this case.


I’ll actually explain my point with my entire posting here for you:
The threat is called “It’s not all about you” where OP is trying to explain that the people who rush should allow people who want to do anything else to do so.

My point here is that this goes both ways, and that they are in opposition with eachother.

The point OP tried to make is impossible and something that is only possible in a fairytale land.
Nothing will change.

Imagine arguing that asking people to not counteract the majority of a battleground is a result of narcissism. One could easilly argue that those who goes against the majority are self-centered narcisists who’s personal experience is so important to them that they refuse to cooperate, and even work against the majority of the group :wink:

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If it only was about just asking… :smirk:

And not partaking in the rush is not ‘counteracting’. If anything, defending will still help your cause. And those that are merely there to get some quests done are there as legit as you. If not the game would have been designed differently.

In politics its quite logical that majority rules.

In a computergame where people spend their free time and money to get in some entertainment its very logical to follow ones own interests… and not that of the majority. Again, we are not here to serve you.

But its clear you are still blind to anyone elses needs but your own. :wink:

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Just to be extremely clear, I DO NOT CONDONE people flaming other players for not participating in the rush. I only ask that once you are asked in BG chat to: Not cap certain GY’s/Don’t pull warmasters/Don’t actively try to turtle the game. That you at the very least consider not doing so if your BG is mostly a premade.

Certainly, does that mean we can’t have some spirit of cooperation internally in our own faction?

Not that it really matters, since meta is shifting to WSG premades or 500+ people queues on ally in AV :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think u dont understand what a dictatorship is, maybe should look that up.
If the majority of a group asks for something it’s closer to a democracy…


Considered and denied. Not even a premades time and money is more important than my own.

Of course you can… with anyone who wants to join you. The rest of the people are to be unharassed and unbullied.

Easily said on a forum. Meanwhile you seem to facilitate and certainly defend “the will of the majority” through harassment and bullying.

I know enough to see that some people would jump at the ocasion of beeing one. Probably without even realising it.

Not in a computergame, as i said earlier.

First none asked you to ephatize with anyone. Stop trying twisting around. I only pointed that your lack of emphaty makes you do not understand the original poster and his stand. And as thread goes you only prove that with every your so logic and mathematical responses. Like those where you count people like numbers,
Second and once again, this is a game, everyone plays it as he wants. Please wake up that 39 of you farm rank and has higher rank doesnt mean you will tell one person what to do. You can ask them thats all. But as i said many of us wont listen to you. We came for pvp, we pay for subsricbtion and not you and your 39 friends pay it for us. I tell you one more news.
I pay subscribtion to have fun i want.
Here is question for your mathematical mind mate:
If you and your 39 friends paid for my subs you think I would accept that and play?
You might answer right, but you probably wont understand why is answer what is it.


And I am the self-centered narcisist??

What about the people who actively try to work against the majority of the battleground?

This is so weirdly worded that I don’t even understand what you are asking.

Hey, if you want to fight mid, by all means - go have fun. You seem to think I have any issues at all with what OP originally stated and this has spiraled so far down it’s insane.
All I ask is that you don’t be a dick about it, and in return neither will we. Is that so hard to understand?

Please note that both of you frequently resort to ad-honimens in this debate, rather than trying to actually debate the issue at hand - and it’s silly.


They don’t exist. They are only in your head.

The only ones that truly need to be taken care of are the AFK’ers. The rest is doing AV stuff, which doesn’t nescessarily mean the same thing you are doing. Nobody is there to follow YOUR orders.

You just can’t wrap your brain around that concept, can you? :smirk:


Hmm, my personal experience would suggest otherwise.

Well, maybe not my orders per se, but possibly one of the other 15 people spamming macros telling rank 2 human male warriors to not pull warmasters - because we are about to pull and kill drek. Whilst the intent is good it jusit slows down the game and provides nothing of value in terms of honor, reputation or quest rewards.

Just the fact that so many players are blocking the battlemaster – which makes it harder to enter BGs – shows how little consideration there is for others.

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Make a target macro and bind interact with target on a key and you will never have that problem again

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Ah, the ‘inferior’ ones. :rofl:

OMG the inefficiency … :scream:

How very DARE they. :roll_eyes:

Yeah, because just having fun fighting couldn’t have any value to anyone… right?

Maybe its just the method you people use. For some reason you don’t seem to inspire everyone. Amazing isn’t it? :smirk:


I mean, when 15 people spam you not to do it and you do it… If you then are surprised that they are upset, then idk what to tell ya.

Are you within your right as a paying costumer to do so? Yeah probably

can you please elaborate? You are talking to a macro-noob here :slight_smile:

you can make a macro that says "/target " and put the name of the battlemaster, flight master or whatever there. When you click that macro you’ll target said NPC. Then in your keybinds under targetting you can find “interact with target”, which is by default not keybound iirc. It does the same as rightclicking a NPC. So just click your target macro and then the interact key and the window to que for the BG will pop up :slight_smile:


I know you are deliberately guiding the entire debate into one specific ‘obvious’ moment. But don’t forget we started this thing over people turtling, besides what OP said.

Not to mention:


@Zakrilege - Again: You don’t get to determine how people should play THEIR game… not even when you are “ranking” or are in a “Holy Premade” with 20 others.

If anything, i think premades should be forbidden. But thats my opinion.

No, not “probably” … definitely!