It's not all about you

Hey, I agree with all the examples you listen here being totally fine and very agreeable.

Well I can see fringe cases where it could be considered griefing, but yeah.

TL;DR: Imo ppl are free to do whatever they want, but also don’t be surprised that people want to report you if you seek to actively turtle a game where a premade has 20-30 people and they want to end the game fast?
Seems very understandable and straight forward to me…

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Im always fascinated by people like Zakrilege who think the entire world should revolve around them and that anyone need to adjust their playstyle to suit THEM.

Absolutely zero care for anyone but themselves. Its pure narcissism really.

If I want to turtle in AV and have long games then I get to do that. I pay the same subscription fee as you do. You can go premade WSG or AB if you want full control over how everyone else play.

I think you need to change your priorities if you get angry and upset that not everyone else is aiming at maximum efficiency in a 15 year old computer game. Some people actually play to enjoy the game, and doing actual battles in a battleground is one way to do that. If you dont like that then too bad.


Of course you can. :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming:

Agreed. We will call that Rule-1

Not only surprised but also pissed and reporting you for griefing and harassment. You are after all violating Rule-1 we just agreed upon.

Even if you could make a premade of 9999 players in a 10k AV and 1 person was trying to do their own thing you’d still be wrong.


I’m curious, when you get your R14, acquire your gear… then what will you do? Actually PvP? To what end?

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pvp for fun and smash raids with that gear

thank you :slight_smile:

Nope. Nothing forces you to be a douchebag. It’s always a choice and you should take responsibility for the fact you think you’re entitled to acting like one.


Reporting people for doing their stuff in bg like quests and defeding, killing horde? The only reason to report people is to be AFK. So eventually you have no right to report these who are not AFK. No matter you are 20 there because you are premade.
Anyways i got reported many times for defeding from others premades but I never got kicked from BG so far. I think Blizzard already took care of that behaviour.
And as far as I can see most of my AV games taking much longer than 8 minutes, so players taking their actions already and taking part in PVP not in rush, mostly.

Yourself you can expect that horde premades will also counter your rush tactic more often and it wont be as efficient as it is now. So you will have to remaths your tactics. So will some rushing alliance now to calm down in mindless chicken runs and just to adapt pvp reality.


I can say the same, the world doesnt revole around you either. Just because you want to play 1 hour avs that doesnt mean others have the time for it too. Leaving isnt an option either because it will just give you a deserter debuff so it the same waste of time.

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Can confirm that afk reporting doesn’t remove people from bg, at least it didn’t yesterday nor today.

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Are you actively trying to misunderstand me? Scroll up a bit… and read again.

None tells you to play 1 hour AV. We telling you to not be toxic just because we dont care about your bot farming rank.Beacause rushers are not the ones who are getting bullied for their rush tactic. The thing is that everyone has right to do anything in BG. Except being too toxic in chat or AFK. You just expect people to be submissive to your premade which should not even be in AV. You are playing the game in premade because you want. One guy BG still will play what he wants, and thats it. This is normal game where everyone plays and not a war.
Man today I saw horde guys next to alliance fishing at lake in AV. I didnt dare to report them because I found it to be so funny. Best part was, that nearlly none from boths side dared to attack them. And they didn’t need rank for it to have that right to do so :X

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No mate, but since reporting doesn’t work anymore as you intended it doesnt matter to discuss it anymore.
I think Blizzard vallue right of 1 to be equal to 29 rushers in premade :slight_smile: For now.
Must be because there are actively much more players playing without premade. Maybe, but who cares :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve never supported reporting anyone for anything other than blatant griefing. I’m just supportin being vocal when someone does what the majority obviously doesn’t want to do.

those fishing here that want the fast win or fast lose btw.

That game where they have been fishing lasted 38 minutes. One could assume that if they took part in fights, it would last shorter, but it didn’t. Same as some rushers suggest people on BG chat that defending and PVP means lost game because not everyone is rushing. They always think they won because they were faster, while few aoe slowdowners won time for them in middle.
Some people have static mind, so they apply static tactics, their world is static to so they hardly take in acount something else what changes over time.
We always live and lived in dynamic world. Sames go for AV. It also means that rushing tactic is only good if you want far fast honor. But at end of the day it doesnt have to be truth, since opposite team with dynamic minds can adjust to your behaviour and tactic.
So Dondarion, one day you can end with only fast looses. And outcome will be not fast honor, not fast wins. I have seen this before and people blamed everything else than themself not adapting to ‘‘reality’’.

I dont think anyone would disagree that people fishing in av should get reported and banned

Who is the wow legend that can single stop the Horde in AV and make it last 1hour?

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The majority has nothing to ‘want’. They can do their thing and hope to inspire others. You don’t inspire anyone by loudmouthing and bullying and certainly not with falsly reporting.

Your percieved superiority through numbers is a delusion.

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What kind of crazy person leaves chat on in PUG BGs ?