It's not all about you

Zakrilege you sound like the most entitled, self indulgent loser I’ve ever had the displeasure of encountering on this forum.


Most likely a person who blames lag or w/e when he loses vs someone, and lost matches/wipes are always someone else’s fault but his.

Playing wow is a waste of time. Some ppl know it, and assume it. Some don’t.

Anyway. So you have to manage “efficiently” the time you’re losing ?

Interesting concept.


Let’s imagine for a second, that you need to farm 1 million of something.

You can do that at a rate of 1 000 per hour, or 10 000 per hour. Which one do you prefer to do?

Yeah, fu*k me for playing the game the way I want it to - and being able to gather another 60 or so that want to play the game in the same way as me. I’m the bad guy, for sure!

It’s not that you should not be allowed too play the way you want. That’s kinda been the deal here. Play the game the way YOU want. but dont force it on others.

This victim-mentality is getting old. so stop it…


You need to seriously read through my comments. I only ask that they don’t actively sabotage my games and then go and complain when 15 people get upset with them, that’s just low EQ…

So person A that picket up a quest saying: Capture a graveyard, is actively sabotaging your run by doing his quest?

Again, read my responses here… No he is not.

Okey, Now I’ve read your comment in this thread about it. And the post you made about it. and some other threads where you have been replying. And my statement stands. You are a douche, and the saboteurs your talking about does not exist. You might have caused enemies AFTER you started kicking people for no reason, and AFTER your display on the forums now people MIGHT try too sabotage you, but it was not an issue before you made it one.


Yeah, I for sure did not encounter ANYONE trying to pull warmasters before I posted here :'D

For the record, me and my premade have never votekicked anyone from any of our games. But yes, I guess I am a douche for having the gall to ask people to not directly work against me and the other 20-30 people in the premade’s goals.

Haha, get of your high horse mate.

That wasn’t my point.

But ok let’s talk about your problem : with the interserver everybody is in the same boat. Many ppl want to rush AV as fast as possible. And these ppl have to “face” (:roll_eyes:) ppl playing another way.

All competitors in the same boat. You “lose” time ? PPl aiming high ranks lose time too.

So … I don’t get it.

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So pulling warmasters is now sabotaging you? Or is it a player doing what he wants with no ill intent towards you?

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If you don’t see the value in trying to farm the 1 million honor or whatever your weekly goal is, in as fast as possible then I don’t know what to tell you…

Idk man, you are extremely blind when you can’t see 5 people posting macros at the start of the game stating that; we are a premade and this is our strategy, please don’t pull warmasters as it provides nothing of value and wastes 2 minutes of our game.

And once we reach drek another 10-15 people spam in /s:
Stack on healers, Let premade tanks pull if you want to win in 20s.
Please don’t pull if you are not in the premade etc

When a certain person then runs in blindly and pulls 4 warmasters - you should expect those 15 people who have been trying to communicate to you to be at least a little bit upset.

Wether it is ill intent or not bears little value here, as there a very clear signal of what was the desired outcome of a lot of people in that BG in both /bg /yell and /say. So wether it is incompetence, ill intent or just in some way shape or form not paying any attention to the game - you dunn goofed.

But no, we are douches…

(just to clarify) Pulling warmasters on itself without anyone asking you not to do so is obviously not sabotaging us… Look at the big picture.

So yes, Not listening too you IS sabotaging you… No it’s not, it’s someone minding their own business =)


No man, it’s very low-tier and basic social interaction… So don’t complain about the consequences of it…

I know you struggle with this, as animal faction are known to not cooperate on anything - but here on the alliance we tend to try and work together when it makes sense.

No, it aint. You are joining a BG where anyone can join, and then starts commanding those outside of your group. That aint “social interaction” it’s commanding people around.


Are you this dumb, or are you just pretending to be?

The use of the word “need” here is interesting. Why do you feel that you actually need to farm this honor? Are you sure you are enjoying the game by playing this way or do you just feel the need to keep doing this untill you reach your goal? Is that goal worth a journey that includes sleep depprevation and getting frustrated with people?

Look I don’t want to tell people what to do, but reading your posts reminded me of 10 years ago when I was addicted to WoW. The social pressure and “need” to be on top of my game were making me do things I didn’t actually enjoy. I see a lot of that mentality in your posts which is worrying.

I’m sure this advice will fall on deaf ears but maybe you should abandon this R14 dream. Get some sleep, see some friends or family, play a different game or watch some Mando. You don’t need to farm honor.


Interesting philosophical question, that is rather easilly answered.

I play this game to speedrun raids with my guild.
In order to be able to do that well you need to min/max your char.
The r14 weapons are bis untill Naxxramas, so if you want to min/max your character for speedruns prior to that content-phase that is what you “need” to do.

I can ofc opt out of this, but then my character would be sub-optimal - which, if my ranking journey fails is something I can live with, but it’s undersireable.

And don’t get me wrong, playing this game for stupid ammounts of hours every day does weird stuff to your brain, but having done this in the past, there will be long periods of raid-logging later so no need to worry :slight_smile:

And at the end of the day: I enjoy min/maxing this game and my character… As I do in most games I play.