It's not all about you

So now your back at namecalling. Nice. No, I aint stupid for not wanting to listen too chatspammers.


Well I never started calling you any names prior to you labeling me as a douche, so may I suggest some self-reflection?
^ as a result of this your post is incorrect btw

My stupidity remark, is related to you pretending to not understand the social dynamic that you clearly do…

Okey,there is no point in arguing more with you. You have yourself stated that you have no life. and one cannot argue with that which has no life.


See you in AV when you get blanket CS’d trying to turtle our games.

I understood. But that wasn’t my point … once again …

You don’t really have to farm 1 million - whatever the number. What you need is to be ahead ? Being the leader of your faction ? Right ?

But good news : the others rushers are facing “turtlers” too. That is my point. Everybody in the same boat.

Be faster wouldn’t give you any garantee. Since the others premades of your faction may farm faster too.

Pretty the same that was in 2005-2006 actually.

I’m not English, I hope I’m understandable.

(I said “turtlers” for “turtle game”. But a 30-45 minutes BG is the most seen case, and that’s not that awful, and absolutely not a boring everlasting “turtle game”. Let’s be honest it’s just a normal one, regarding what was, and should be, AV)

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Ahh yeah, now I understand.
We have relatively good control on our realm tho - most people are working together and cooperating, so no real need for competition. We just agree on honor-targets.

A few people in my guild minimize raid chat when they’re in bgs because of some of the people in there. I’m pretty sure the majority of people “sabotaging” you in bgs aren’t doing it intentionally, maybe some will do it but they are outliers to the rule.

Most people are just playing AV the way they want.

What if you want to play av by sabotaging tryhard ‘premades’. Much lols to be had there!


I mean that’s fine, assuming you are also fine with those ppl being upset with you :'D

So in the end you want to feel some kind of fulfillment / joy by being one of the best players in one of the best guilds in Classic WoW. If that is a meaningfull goal to you then you should go ahead and keep on going. Do realize though that in many other peoples eyes it’s not a meaningfull goal because being the best in classic wow mostly comes down to who has the most time on their hands.

You can’t expect these people to be part of your journey simply because your goals are misalligned. I agree that people who actively work against you to sabotage you are a-holes but also don’t be too quick to assume someone is actually trying to sabotage you. It might seem that way but there is no way of knowing what goes through their mind. Most people have good intentions.

All im saying is some mutual understanding goes a long way. Live and let live and everyone will be happier for it. No need to be rude to each other, everyone has their own goals which are to be equally respected.


contrary to popular opinion in this thread. I didn’t post here to ask people to follow us or anything like that.

OP posted that people who want to go fast shouldn’t be angry about people who don’t want to go fast.
I simply want to show the other side of the coin, and as it has proven - there are plenty of hypocrits who are angry at people who want to go fast too :wink:

I just want people to communicate and whenever possible, enjoy the game without being aholes to eachother :slight_smile:

I rarely, if ever, post anything to these people who slow down my games a little. I do find it extremely funny that 90% of the time it’s a rank 2 human male warrior with T2 helmet shown and Quel’Serrar though :smiley:

Are these people actively trying to slow down your game though? That’s probably not how they see it.


Well in this thread we’ve gone back and forth on this problem numerous times and I come back to the same thing.

If a vast majority of the BG asks you not to do something in both /bg and /say, and you still do it then you are sortoff an ahole.
I’m not arguing that they shouldn’t be allowed to do it, they should be and I won’t report them, grief them or harass them for it.
But this is a game riddled with social interaction, social norms and rules etc - so ofc people will react in a manner befitting the action, it’s just natural.

Like I said, a lot of people probably don’t understand or care what the hell you’re speaking about. Seriously, I know so many “dadgamers” as you’ve called it who are just interested in doing the quests and finding people to fight. They don’t even have raid chat open because so often it’s so negative.

There are a lot of “dumb” players who don’t know tactics or anything, like everyone else has said, some people just want to do their own thing.

You’ve honestly done a 180 from before, which was the impression of “i will yell and insult if i need to get to MY rank”. So which is it? You will yell at people to get things done, or you never yell and grief people who “get in the way?”

The ones who do intentionally mess with you (met a couple of them too, who try to queue snipe and in general be a butt, so they do exist), are such a minority in comparison.


Cmon idiots. Its not like u end up with a premade every game. Do stupid things when u arent with a premade and when u are with a premade be happy that u get a win, by the sound of it it is becoming a rare thing outside premades in AV. 6-7min and u get instant queue into a new once, considering its like almost 400 AV it cant be that big % that u end up with a premade 2 times after eachother, maybe 80 of them is premades so say 20%.

So you lose 7 min on going with it, a premade that gets screwed because of u probably loses an hour+the time of turtle, that still need to be played before reset. As said, thats 1 hour less sleep for 20-30 people since those u farm against most probably got 5 wins for something like 3k honor each that hour that u got pretty much nothing.

What main objective on av? Suck each other’s wand on mid?

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hahaha “sabotage my games”
to be fair they aint sabotaging your games, ppl dont even know you.

secondly, you deserve to get sabotaged when your in a guild that revolves about sabotaging the server they play on, the auction house, the farming zones etc etc.
your in a cheating guild and i can only respect the ppl who slow you down
(as myself i do not buy ANYTHING that is linked to the guilds NEW GEN or PROGRESS)

to be fair you get what you want, if you manage to find “60” ppl
(i know its not YOU finding 60 players but your guild is just full of the same 300 autists)

your crying “dont sabotage me” while your guild revolves about cheating and sabotaging dont make me laugh boy !
your part of those ppl who id rather not see in a BG even if ur r14 fully packed in gear cuz ur really a nobody even with titles.

the world doesnt revolve around you, thats the reason why ur tryharding classic in moms garage 15 years to late.


You are laying down the law like that right from the beginning of every AV you run back to back.

And you don’t understand what people are trying to tell you here?

I think we done talking. Hopeless case if ever i saw one. :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming:

Imagine people not falling in line behind General Zakrilege… for shame. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

That is exactly what you are doing.

You are the actual one starting it and screaming the loudest.

Steamrolling other peoples free time and cash is not the ‘social norm’, i can tell you that. Not even when there is 20 creeps like that in one AV.

What is natural is people getting sick of the elitist attitude where some people think everyone else is just there to be used and abused.

But please keep swimming upstream mate… its very entertaining if anything. :wink:


The problem with your argument is that you perceive people not falling in line as being a-holes while they are just playing the game how they want to play it and are probably even really nice guys / gals.

This isn’t about social norms, it’s about how people are free to play the game however they want to without having to adhere to the masses. It’s their subscription and nobody has any right to expect anything from them except for them to enjoy themselves. This isn’t politics or business where decisions have to be made for the greater good, we’re talking about individual people with their own goals and mindsets that are just as valuable as anyone elses in the game.


If we could 40man premade, wee would.