It's not all about you

Some people even pull warmasters into the group while tanking drek already and wiping the raid by that…

Thats either sabotage or just insane dumb

Idk, can’t wait for TBC to get rid of those minmaxer PvE speedracers to go back to their pirate servers of classic and go for another PvE ranking and let us play a proper PvP as it is intended. Because mostly these vanilla speedracers are incredibly bad as pvp players. But they will get their ranking cuz no life :slight_smile:
Go play a real competition game where skills and brain matter and then be proud that you’re best at this game. It’s a joke to think that spending time on some mindless grind makes you good or best player there
How can you be best if a skilled preraid geared player will /cannibalize on your r14 ? :smiley:


How does skill or anything matter in this discussion, everyone know that it takes no skill to grind av.

Low bait

And trust me all of the av ranker hate the situation, and would rather rank in warsong and have at least some proper games, but it’s just not worth the honor if u wanna rank competitive.
Current AV version is just ridiculous.

Problem is, the game does a terrible job at incentivizing it. You’re not helping your team win in any meaningful way and you get nothing out of it after the first few minutes once DR kicks in and you get no honor from the kills. Yea I get it you’re not here for the honor, but a lot of people are and you have this hard split where half of your team does one thing and another half does the opposite.

Btw grinding AV in an efficient matter is far from mindless, as you might’ve noticed, killing Drek in a timely manner with half the horde team spamming their zero cooldown teleport trinket is not exactly an easy task.

Version it or not, start to do something against us(horde) in AV except dying on your mounts and cry on forums. All whine is from alliance, because after first 2 days horde got bored to rush, since rushing full 40 man is innefective and is always lost by horde.
If you’d be winning you won’t be typing anything there, but all your faction members do are dying on mounts during first attack and then hands down.

Dunno i mostly got 3k honor yesterday in 7-10 min when i joined the premade

PrOpEr PvP pLaYeR. Playes AV xD

If there were arenas - would spam arenas :slight_smile: but there is only WSG and AV for now, defending from pony alliance is actually more fun then rush drek
Getting 50-200 honor per kill of mounted guy is also fun :slight_smile:


Bä confirmed troll though so…

Watch me butterfly

Well if you go back to the very concept of this thread; “It’s not all about you” and you spin it back to the individualists then you get a interesting discussion, as this thread clearly shows.

Just playing Devil’s Advocate here:

It’s not all about you either. :man_shrugging:

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Well, Blizzard clearly managed to design a game where if you are disabled beyond belief and literally can’t play at all, you can still be a hero of Azeroth, as long as you have the ability to press “Enter Battlegrounds”.

As long as Blizzard get their credit card payments…

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It’s also well known that the game can be played on a toaster too :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t have individualism here can we.

Individualism - a social theory favouring freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control.

Brrrrr… :scream:


Easy then, we will make it so that WSG premade will be more efficient than AV for you

Wrong, you are implying that if one is less interested in ranking (or reputation) then they know less about the BG. I have a shocking news for you: playing AV doesn’t mean ending a match as soon as possible

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Your gear is awful, mate, don’t think you’re getting R14 any time soon.

Maybe what you are not realizing is that they do not do so with the only purpose to piss you off, they do it because that’s the way they enjoying playing the game

Did that once and it worked. They shut up. But ofc i don’t think it will work all time.

It is good to have a strategy all should follow, but rushing to pve in bg is a strategy i am not willing to accept


I mean, you literally win if you kill the enemy boss before they kill yours. If you want to zugzug in middle of the bg and just kill people why not just wpvp?

If anything I disagree with the statement “it’s not all about you”. I would argue that this game actually is about you, but also about me, and also about that warrior in T2 who is just doing his thing. The important thing to note here is that it’s not more about you than it is about me or anyone else, which I think is the point OP is trying to make.