It's time to let us LFR queue for normal, heroic and mythic

This is going to be an unpopular opinion but I agree to some extent even if the OP has shown themselves to have made unsavoury actions in game previously.

I’m not opposed to the idea but I would leave mythic out of it completely. There would have to be completion (all bosses of previous level) plus ilvl requirements first and I would have it also split into wings. LFR would have to be opened fully alongside normal for this to work better, there really isn’t any need for raid finder to be held back over several weeks.

I know many people will oppose the idea but the current system doesn’t work for everyone (for different reasons) and “some players are bad” isn’t a good enough reason when you can still make your own groups or go with a guild/community etc to avoid those players you think are bad or if you just have no patience (which is very common).

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they even do that in another game which shall not be named
to"force" you to swap from boss to adds
even if said mob in other game can be killed by 1 dps not two
life grip/and ff rescue gotta be removed

for me i got people who spread with those missiles
only knockback that killed them was the big guy from trash before Dausegne
standing close to the edge does that id rather welcome flex SoO kind of queue

As something akin to a social experiment? Checking on how much repair costs a single button press in the LFR tool can amass?


Have you seen LFR? Have you seen the people playing LFR? What makes you believe, normal, heroic or mythic would be different?

With a lot, and I mean a lot, as in a lifetime worth of it, luck you might down one or two bosses in mythic at the end of the expansion, but other than that, the implementation of said system would be nothing but a gold sink, given how people would use it farm repair costs.

I’d only agree to this if there was also spectator mode for it. Watching people not understand a single mechanic a wiping the group over and over sound fun.


Queueing for mythic raids with an entirely random team, including setup. Ye what could potentially ever go wrong in an evironment where a coordinated team with voice etc etc takes 20-300 pulls on average over months to clear it during progression depending on the boss per boss.

Even Heroic would be an utter mess for the higher bosses. Especially encounters such as Anduin and Halondrus. Oh and i can already see Dread Lords intermission.

Ditto. Perfect for devouring some truckload of popcorn.


Funnily enough Normal is usually way more enjoyable than LFR. Simply because of the nature of LFR.

I still remember sitting for hours on LFR N’Zoth on my Warrior for the weapon. Something that has never happened even close to that on normal. Even if we went in with people that were first timers but actually wanted to kill it.


Agreed, definitely.
The fact that people can queue for LFR together with the mentality of “I’ll get carried through this, no worries! Success is guaranteed due to the stacking buff we receive!” makes it the least enjoyable difficulty, for me personally.

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No, you don’t want LFR for Normal/Heroic/Mythic. You don’t want that.

If we would have that ingame, most players using that matchmaking would complain that they get players that don’t do the following:

  • Communicate
  • Follow Mechanics
  • Contribute enough to kill Bosses before Enrage-Phase
  • Edit: Kicking players via Votekick

Additionally, on heroic/mythic Difficulty the Queues would be much longer than regular LFR already. LFR Difficulty already takes around 1-2h to form a single Raid group, depending on the time of the day.

On Mythic MM would require around 8h probably to form a functioning Raid group.

Edit: What adding LFR to Normal/Heroic/Mythic would essentially be is wasted resources for a dead playlist.

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Good idea wouldnt work unless they nerfed all modes by 80 percent

Players are tired of waiting in queues so add queues?

Group finder isn’t a queue system, you post group or apply to group, no queue.

Isn’t this what you’re expecting? To be carried? Since people won’t be able to decline you? I mean you do understand votekick system exists and they’ll still kick you from the LFR version of heroic raid?

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it will be easy,won´t that be?

He will probably do something like this one here again and blame it on other people for “making him this way”

And yes, thats him. A screenshot he uploaded himself.


I said it yesterday and I will say it again. Dolva/Vinzora is fighting leavers by leaving. He is not the hero we deserve but he is the hero we need. Also does anyone have a list of his characters I don’t need my groups to be “saved” by him.



First of all, sure have it, we raiders don’t care. But that will be misarble for majority of the groups. Sure, some will have success, but very low %. I can’t see how full unexperienced pug group would kill mythic bosses, when dedicated guilds need 50-200+ wipes to get first kills.

But what we do care is - a lot unexperienced “raiders” will come into normal/heroic, thinking that compared to LFR it’s only numbers tweaks, and when the reality hit - boy oh boy:

  • there will be crying in forums to nerf difficulties so bosses may be killed easier
  • I doubt that at least 50% of LFR raiders use any sort of addons, which is mandatory in higher difficulties (dbm/wa/…)
  • there will not be stacking buffs from wipes in normal/heroic/mythic
  • quality of raiders will be questionable, there is a reason why people have some requirements to join. I’ve been doing few LFR runs for tier pieces, and I’ve seen people with 245ilvl doing 1000-1500dps. You won’t get a single kill with dps like this.
  • toxicity will be quite high, with a lot of vote-kicking to remove the “tail” of worst dps/healers who puts lowest numbers. Ofc hopefully this wouldn’t happen before the first pull, just because player bumped his ilvl to get in, but being without additional powers (like double lego, 2p/4p, etc.).

I wish this would work, really hope so for the people who “must” sit in group finder to raid.

But there are other ways to get into raiding without commitment, and ofc this is joining raiding guild as a social (typically you join mythic raiding guild which has normal/hc alt/social raids on 1 day). I think joining such guild as a casual is the best thing that could happen for a casual dad who plays 3h/week:

  • as a social, you are not expected to join every raid, to be on a schedule. You can join once a month and this is fine for the guild - you are a social.
  • as a social, you a free to leave the raid earlier than the raid end (for example 1h earlier, etc.). Again you are a social, no one bats an eye, just be friendly, thank everyone for the raid and say goodnight :slight_smile:
  • most of the time the only requirement to join is having set ilvl and reading the fight. That’s it. You don’t need aotc, you don’t need 11/11, etc. You come, join and get the progress.
  • social/alt runs most of the time goes super smoothly. There are usually ~15 main raiders on their alts/mains, and they are enough to carry additional 5-8 socials who join. Social themselves have to at least put in effort in executing mechanics, rarely someone bashes people for their numbers. Just do the tactics, raiders will do enough damage.
  • loot is better as well, usually there are tons of spare loot which is shared via roll system. On a good raid, you may get 5-8 items in a single raid.
  • also you will need to join discord, but you may stay silent full raid. Just listen to raid leader and that’s it.
  • no requirements to join guild as a social, other than simply being a nice person.
  • it’s very chill, you are having great time, you are having efficient raid with a lot of kills.

So go to wowprogress, look for some high HC/mythic raiding guild which in their description has “we also offer social/alt raids”, whisper given contacts and never ever bother about LFG window for raids :slight_smile: it’s that simple.
For example on one of my alts, on wednesday I joined normal alt run, started with 238ilvl (required to join was 230), after the raid I was 251. We cleared 10/11 wipeless in 2.5hours amd went our ways. Pure enjoynment, and I am not required to join next week, I might just chill near TV.

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Normal and Heroic raiding should be added to LFG/R


kicking bad performers isnt toxic. in fact its beneficial to the group


if you asked me this 2 years ago i would say naah

but you know what? i think it doesn’t really matter
you can’t do harm if you let people que for normal hc raids
who cares
at the end of the day LFR/NORMAL/HC is kind useless because of mythic raids


I dragged a guildie into LFR N’zoth once, i still think she hasn’t forgiven me for that. I tried explaining tactics in the most simple way possible but people were still unable to perform basic mechanics.

You’ll end up with people thinking they are more than qualified getting 1 shot on the very first mechanic happening. They then start screeching for nerfs cos it’s obviously to hard for them.


Who gets to decide what group size should be ? who decides who gets replaced ? LFR for normal/heroic/mythic would not work i mean LFR itself only just about functions and that has a buff.