It's time to let us LFR queue for normal, heroic and mythic


LFR queue for normal, MAYBE heroic, i would agree with. but mythic should never be on the lfr queue.
mythic is one of the “optional” content of wow. it requires a well organized group. LFR mythic just simply doesnt work.

Who freakin cares? Just give the people who want it the option to try. Doesn’t cost anything => brings a certain number of people in. Win - win.


simply that is answer to you and whole ppl … lfr for all difficulty might work but with different way … and that is simply that u have lfr / normal/ heroic/ mythic but with specific rule and that is that u have 5 open bosses and most easy 5 bosses and that have conected to you 2 numbers first is average % of how much boss had hp on you last 10 pulls and other one when u kill boss average time to kill … to match ppl with similar quality … and when u start that u are counted that u did 10 time 0 pulls so that u need 10 pulls to put all data to remove that bad data … so that u have some kind of progress on bosses and ppl with similar % of progress are in same group … and that when u wipe on your first boss from 5 open that u are going to 2nd than 3rd than 4th than 5th and if u kill one of this bosses u get open next boss from list and that whole time untill u reach to last 5 mythic bosses where u are geting from 5 to 1 than 0 if manage to kill all

LFR hardly works now so any setting higher would be a waste in my view and please do not be so aggressive when you talk thanks :slight_smile:

Mythic doesnt work that simple. It doesnt matter whether you have roundabout the same % progression. You dont know these people. They dont know you. You dont know how these people play. You and they are not used to the setup that is randomly generated. The prep before a pull (and every time a SINGLE member gets changed). Not to mention each guild already tackles a boss differently even with a rough guideline.

Then open the LFG tool. Create a “LFR Mythic group” and take the first 24 people that join. Good luck, have fun. Please record it tho.


If you decide to do this please record it and upload on youtube, I really want to see 25 random dpsers do mythic XD.


idea is give option to ppl that they can do that and go to see where it will end . not making as main part of game

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Another Vinzora’s thread. At this point everyone should just go with “meh” and ignore OP and mute the thread.


I’ve did LFR wing from anduin and so forth with my DK alt.

Jesus anduin on LFR is hilarious easy.

I was so confused that there is nothing happening really until lk spawns.

That LFR part was actually very smooth and could watch some YouTube next to it while tanking XD


Or, here’s a crazy idea, you just make a group and inv whoever has XXX ilvl… ez

When I went into BFA I had like 2-3 friends that did the content I like… now I have 15 or so plus my guild.

Making new friends ain’t hard.

People shouldn’t have to waste there time forming group, all you should have to do is press a button to play the game.

Well, if you want to do content that requires it you clearly do.

Why not. It would be a total grazy show, but why not xD

This post is complete non-sense.

Maybe LFR for Normal MAYBE

Other than complete non-sense. Like how would you? Why would you? No just no.
And also why bother being in the guild then? What would be the point of the game then? You just signed up for the Mythic raid and then you are AFK in the Mythic raid instead of the LFR one? And you let yourself be carried through it? Complete nonsense complete.

I don’t think adding a group finder would be a disaster of toxicity and players quiting.
I believe the opposite actually.
But even if it did, half the threads here since it was added are and have been about mythic and normal toxicity and the disater that it is.
So what does it matter if we add little more? At least we get to enjoy our toxicity with some easier group finding that way. ^^


There is truth to what he’s saying though. LFG is a nightmare unless you are max ilvl or get lucky with gear. IDK if LFR heroic/mythic is the solution, but an ease of access to this type of content would be. I think making LFG auto-invite with a lot more options like 11/11 HM clear in order to join or x ilvl in order to join would be way better than what we have now. With some sort of prevention method of being kicked like in LFR. People are saying that having low gear means you want to be carried, where in fact i think the opposite. If you only invite people who are max ilvl to your raid, you’re the one getting carried.

Truth of the matter is the OP is a serial leaver in m+ and raids that he makes no wonder they struggle to get into groups or keep them with the rep he has over the forums and in game.


It would be a disaster of epic proportions… we’d soon be bombarded with posts like “OH why am I forced to communicate because of this silly mechanic, it should changed so I can sit alone in room in complete silence”

I mean, we already have those, imagine how much worse it would be…
But by all means have it added, I’ll laugh myself silly from the sidelines

Maybe, but that doesn’t really have anything to do with the topic…