It's time to let us LFR queue for normal, heroic and mythic

Ofc it does if he is having problems getting into a group. The idea is inane anyways and the que times would be even worse than normal LFR its called being logical and looking at whole picture maybe you should try that.

Maybe not NM/HC LFR, but a newer version group finder with auto-invite and options you can pick from, would be way better then what we have now. And it is true that while you are waiting an hour for an invite you are not playing the game, itā€™s a sh!t experience. And that people quit over that. IDK why people care so much about mythic raiding anyways, almost no one does itā€¦

Normal maybe at a push but heroic sorry i disagree it would make more harm then good. Players are leaving the game in droves already and the very small player base is already split. I know it is awful but if you wish to raid at a higher level you have to commit to a community or guild or make your own run and take the time invested its always been like that even before LFR was a setting.

Do you have a source on that ? I raid entry level mythic bosses and i care about it but i am part of a good guild that has good officers and GM. To say such a sweeping statement without links to factual sites and numbers is a little overboard to assume.

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Itā€™s overboard to assume that almost no one does mythic ? Itā€™s like 1-2% of the WOW population. What are you talking aboutā€¦

No a lot more do it just do not get CE that is the difference please i implore you to actually use logic before you post such inane comments thanks , have a real good rest of day :slight_smile:

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then you need to try and make a group for rated battlegrounds !

Right and where is your evidence of that, mr. facts-n-logic ?

Not a mister and the 1-2% number you say is the number given for getting CE but the onus is on you to prove less do it and please do not assume peopleā€™s gender kind of rude :slight_smile:

Look i get it you do not like being told you are wrong that is okay but a lot more raid entry level mythic than 2% especially when cross realm opens up after HoF fills up there is your logic and facts.

Okay miss, my apologies :wink:

Apology accepted thank you :heart:

It would be nothing really interesting. They just wipe after 10 seconds, then everyone calls each other noobs or other insults, and leave.


This is exactly what would happen in mythic / heroic lfg XD

what you dont understand is that your goal is to increase the amount of people who will complete mythic raid, which is a BAD thing.

you see, the strength of a mob is decided by the average strength of a player. if most of the players own mythic gear, very quickly the mobs will become much much stronger.

mythic raiding is optional content, it boost your strength beyond the game requirement and to do it you need to organize properly.
this is not something that can or should be accessed via an in-game automatic system.

it can also lead to decrease quality of raids.
if blizzard see no one beats mythic raid with in-game system, the boss quality will be reduced to fit to the players.

they will eventually do it.
people can adapt better than you think. and anyway, bosses strength would be reduced.

Yes supported by the fact that every guild that does mythic ends up clearing the whole raidā€¦ oh wait.

That goes against the notion of adding LFR queues to Normal-Myrhic because people want the challenge, also what is the point of reducing the difficulties when other modes already have the reduced difficulty. This is sounding more and about ā€œI want the gear and not the contentā€.

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Delusion is strong in this panda

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i find it hilarious that you think people go for mythic for challengeā€¦
people go there for gear and only gear. challenge ? do mythic+ 20+ or dont play wow at all.

but if there is an anomaly of some players who go for the challenge, im certain you can find other players who go there aswell without the finder.

i never said you have to go for world firstā€¦

Neither did I, I said complete the raid.

Amazing generalization abilities you got there but sure ok lets entertain this idea. Doing a 15 will guarantee you a Mythic raid Ilvl items from the vault which you can convert into a Tier set item next week, a 15 is way easier and way faster than mythic raiding soooo what is the point of LFR mythic again ?

Also I searched your character on armory, It doesnā€™t show any raid achievments (FoS), have you actually been in a raiding enviroment to speak so broadly about why people do and donā€™t raid. I mean if itā€™s not your thing ok but itā€™s looking like you are just here talking aout your behind just for the sake of it.

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raids of competent players can finish mythic raids. you dont have to do it on the first week or even the months. after 3+ months most active guilds are strong enough to complete it, if they try.

but not one in their right mind will commit so many hours and days just for the challenge. this is why we got mythic+. to allow players get gear and higher tier content without the need to waste half of our life.

Before I respond to this. Answer this so I know Iā€™m not wasting my time.

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the fact that you searched history of people to win arguments (people got alts and secondary accounts) shows that you are one of those who would rather waste their time. so maybe you are one of the few who doesnt care about the gear.

but are you really telling me, that if you see an upgrade, you will not pick it up ā€œfor the challengeā€ ?
because lower ilevel = harder.

this is a fact:
as in the nature of mmorpg, the chase and aquisition of gear is a priority for most players.