It's time to let us LFR queue for normal, heroic and mythic

Deflecting the question are we ? Yean not worth the time.

Yes, I am one of those people that want to know if the person I am arguing with can back up their claims with at least something instead of broad stroke statements that do not reflect the reality of the situation.

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lol just lol. Every year is THE year. 2019 was it , 2020, 2021,2022. Get it in your head guys it never will be THE year. gosh i am so tired of this is THE year. No it is NOT.

Attained by 13% of profiles

We can assume, a reasonable number of people, a fair bit higher than 1-2% tries out Mythic at some point during a content.

Maybe 1-2% of WoW players get CE, Iā€™d guess itā€™s closer to 0.5 - 1%, but a fair bit of people kill a number of mythic bosses thatā€™s higher than 0.

8754 guilds have killed Tarragrue Mythic before Sepulcher opened up.

8754 x 20 = 175080

Letā€™s use 150.000 people, given how some people probably kill him with multiple characters in different guilds.

If we argue that thereā€™s 2 million WoW players, 150.000 of them would be 7.5% of all players.

Edit: Not even to mention that in the current content, the great Vault has the potential to provide 285 set pieces by killing only Vigilant Guardian and Skolex, which are fair game for most guilds, so I assume weā€™ll see even higher numbers on the first few Mythic bosses this content.


all the people defending gatekeeping heroic (LOL) are the people partly responsible for the game decline. whenever discussion of wow comes between colleagues, they laugh at ā€˜ā€˜lol you PAY to just play a game?ā€™ā€™ or ā€˜ā€˜isnt that like 2005 game with bad graphics?ā€™ā€™ ā€¦

its unfathomable that people dont want new people to join the game!! so they can keep some minor advantage with ilvl/pixels


You complain regularly about the state of LFR and LFR queā€™s and now you want norm and heroic included your trolling knows no bounds.

christ, we really do need a WW3

And you really need to learn to change and stop acting edgy nobody respects that at all.

Iā€™m using that in the future, thanks XD.

Nothing useful from you at all as i suspected trying to act an alpha male oh well shame you can not talk like an adult.

I recon it is hard finding just about any written material useful when youā€™re unaccustomed to punctuation, comas and reading comprehension. Carry on.

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I guess spelling is not best friends with you.

Learn how to socialise, make friends and join a guild lmao

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i was not talking about any reducing any difficulty ā€¦ im talking about normal and heroic finder 25 ppl and mythic raid finder 20 ppl and not making any difficulty reducement just making it same ā€¦ and that way will be harder than normal guild run but if ppl really want to that that they can but warn them that will be really really hard ā€¦ and making that u are going boss from boss and that finder is not going 3 bosses ā€¦ instead that is going last non killed boss and that every pull u are going to be changed group ā€¦ and other option is that u are getting rotation betwen 5 lowest non killed bosses ā€¦ and conected with ppl with similar boss progression what means average % of last 10 pulls or pace of kill in last 10 pulls ā€¦ and that way probably only few ppl will get even chance to get to last mythic boss ā€¦ also biggest problem will be cordiation and setup of specs and classes

The upvotes on my post would beg to differ with your claim. And no, they werenā€™t my ā€œaltsā€ as you like to falsely claim.

The community has expressed a strong desire for LFR all the way up to mythic. Instead of all this squabbling I think itā€™s time for a Blue response. I believe Blizzard can sense which way the wind is blowing and make the right choice, because the point is to make the game more accessible and equitable for all.

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Made from mostly your alts as always :slight_smile:

The forums make up of 200 players out of maybe 2 million so no they dont.

You can not even do normal and you leave keys and raids constantly nobody takes you serious at all especially when you upvote with your own charā€™s

Start treating others with more care in groups and stop trolling so much and people might think you are less of a troll until then you are in my view irrelevant to the forums you treat people in a disgusting manner.

So in other words you donā€™t want to spend too much time in to the game because you actually want a carrie? Not gonna happen. Secondly itā€™s normal that a guild plans a raid otherwise there is no point of being in a guild after all. Never heard of cross realms? Most realms are linked with eachother so you have more people in then your own realm. Also to achieve something like AOTC or CE you need to spend some time in to the game and you need to be worth it.

It looks like the pot is calling the kettle black. I have made many suggestions before which were insulted by you yet ended up in the game in some form, such as my constructive feedback that classes were too simple in BFA.

You know what happened soon after? Unpruning was announced. Donā€™t be surprised if I end up on the Community Council, Iā€™d like to see your shock.

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I canā€™t even.