It's time to let us LFR queue for normal, heroic and mythic

Kind of weird that people are so against something that doesn’t seem to appeal to them. Maybe it’s not for you, and so why would care so much? OP isn’t asking to replace, or remove anything, just to add something.

Again some real weird energy, and why does all the opposition always come with such an accusatory tone? If this system was added and you don’t like it, then nothing has changes for you, you still have your group finder, and guilds. You don’t partake, cool but why all the hate?

It’s pretty weird behavior.


The issue I see is that people who partake in LFR heroic or mythic will end up failing miserably, becoming upset about it and either yelling so loud those difficulties will get nerfed or yelling loud but get ignored, so they leave the game.

Either case would be a negative for me and either case would consist of them yelling very loudly, which would arguably be quite annoying.

“Why would them leaving the game be a negative?”

Because more players = more funding for the game. More players = more items on the auction house, more people leveling professions, etc.

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I think it’s ok to be concerned about the success of groups that you’re involved in but being concerned about others success is only beneficial if you consider how it affects them. Your point seems to focus on how others success may or may not impact you negatively.

Not only do you draw some weak connections (assuming revenue/development impact) but also comes off as a bit selfish as you couldn’t be bothered by whatever their feedback might be about the system (yelling). I think if you focused on how they could be successful in these groups and less on yourself, you might be able to come up with some solutions to your issues.

Of course it does. Why else would it be relevant to me?
If I didn’t believe the implementation of LFR normal, heroic and mythic to have an impact on my own experience, I wouldn’t care about it.

Please enlighten me on any outcomes I might’ve missed. I’d guess I missed a bit of “people complaining about long queue times, since that already happens for the LFR difficulty”, but other than that, I can’t think off any other outcomes.

No, not the feedback about the system, about the difficulty. Sorry for not clarifying.

The average LFR player doesn’t carry their weight. They play very little mechanics, don’t understand the difference between a circle that needs to get carried into a group and a circle that needs to get carried out of the group and are weirdly toxic given how low their own performance is. In addition, their wipe resistance is botheringly low.

Any feedback about the difficulty of normal, more drastically heroic, or most drastically mythic, by players on the level of the average LFR player shouldn’t be taken serious, thus “yelling”.

And I don’t mean to be insulting towards people who mainly play LFR, to each their own how they enjoy the game, but we both know that LFR is usually carried by a few people who actually know what they’re doing and is mostly people being carried through the experience.

I personally believe the main issue is the underlying guarantee of success in LFR that creates the mindset showcased in LFR.

I just don’t see a group of people queueing for Mythic, dying 300 times to Halondrus and finally downing the boss, without first of all spending over 24 hours in the same instance, and second without them giving up, replacing players, thus starting their progress anew, and so on. Imagine Painsmith mythic, a boss that even very good guilds have spent roughly 100 tries at, with a group made up out of people who’ve no idea how the boss works but have enough itemlevel to queue for it.

Normal has much less room for error than LFR. Heroic has much less room for error than normal. And ultimately, mythic has much much less room for error than heroic.

I can see it working for normal at best. Anything above that will end up with tears and a ton of repair costs.

And that’s me focusing on how they could be successful in these groups. When the best guilds in the world spend 12-24 hours ingame time on progressing a boss, it’s just not realistic to expect people to queue for it and down it in a reasonable manner.



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Would not shock me at all ats its full of trolls already and racists and homophobic players there.

You insult every player each time you leave a key or a raid you make you are the worse person i know and how you disrespect others play time with your actions.

“Every class is basically just spamming the same 3-4 buttons over and over. Can you please bring back class complexity? There should be a huge skill gap between the terribad and elite players in order to keep things interesting and give players something to strive towards.”

This is not what i call indepth feedback how each class could have been unpruned and sorry to tell you it was planned way in advance of that inane post.

Your kind and especially you will scream at the top of there voices for nerfs you already do for normal raids as you cant get passed Anduin.

I think the most beneficial way to implement this would be to merge LFR and normal into one, solo-queueable mode. Then unlock heroic queueable after a full clear (or maybe 2) of this new normal/lfr mode and a required item level.

Maybe even add a new solo proving grounds for all roles. Make the DPS one full of groundfire and reflect shields that one-shot if you don’t target swap. :smiley:

And then to leave mythic as is. The hardest level should stay organised teams only.

Another alternative would be to just merge LFR and current normal, leave heroic teams-only as well, but give maybe valor upgrades back from MoP so that you can upgrade your normal gear to heroic ilvl after like… 6 months of farming or something. Can be time-gated etc, the thing that pulls players back is the fact that it’s possible.

Right now, if you don’t have time for group-forming and you don’t have the life that allows for guild commitment, the game ends after ZM. LFR isn’t even worth it.

People can’t even kill LFR smoothly half of the time and you want the same people to be able to queue for normal/heroic/mythic? Yeah right lmao what a joke.


First, no one cares if you killed the first boss on mythic difficulty, that means nothing It’s a stupid statistic.

  • I beat less then 10% of the raid, with OP powers that can be re-acquired until i get the best ones, i’m a mythic raider now! No, you’re not. You just beat the first boss, just like if you beat the first boss on a different game, unless you finish it, you’re not experiencing much of it.

Second you could probably beat a couple of bosses on mythic difficulty by pubbing anyway. So idk why people are against LFR for mythic ( i don’t really care for it, cause it will be a sh!tshow, but so is doing mythic with a guild right now. That’s why so few people clear the raids.)

Third the amount of guilds that boost people through mythic is a joke, which skews the statistics you give, same goes for heroic.

Fourth, most people don’t care about mythic, but defend it for “x” reason. You also seem one of them…

You were the one who said only 1-2% of people do mythic. Now you’re going back and saying “Well the first boss doesn’t count.”

Kinda silly if you ask me. “Oh damn, I’ve been proven wrong. Well I’m not actually wrong since I meant something different!”

You can. I’d argue Vigilant Guardian and Skolex are fair game for most people. Anything after that requires a bit more coordination.

Which shows that you didn’t understand the statistics that I’ve posted. You know, the one about guilds killing bosses, the one that doesn’t count individual players, but numbers of guilds. The one that won’t get affected no matter how many people get boosted.

Yup, the fact that I’ve got every CE achievement since G’huun and am currently on 6 Mythic bosses killed, which by the way is very easily checked if you actually cared to do so, does make it seem like I don’t care about mythic.

Do me a favor and do some thinking before you do the writing and the clicking of the reply button please.

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Yes it does not count. Killing one boss means nothing. Just like in any other game, WOW is no different. You can put all the statistics you want. Doing 10% of something means nothing. This is still an extreme minority, most people don’t care. Even your statistics you just show that most people don’t care. Even if it’s 30% it would still mean MOST PEOPLE DON’T CARE. Doesn’t matter whether i am right or wrong, also you understood what i meant, you’re just being provocative…

There are boosting services for guilds as well.

You’re right, i don’t care enough to check. That’s why i said it seems like you are one of them.

Oh ffs why is this tread still going.

Let me put this into perspective, most groups for BoD mythic (you know the raid that was realeased in the first half of the previous expansion) end up disbanding at Mekkatorque, if not earlier because they are stuck.

Most pugs end up disbanding after 3-4 wipes on normal or heroic because people start leaving.

Most LFR player end up leaving the group after 1 or 2 wipes.

Can we stop pretending that people will go there, queue up to be put into a group with a bunch of randos and spend hours wiping on bosses ?


I’ve asked for one simple favor and you couldn’t even do that. Genuinely disappointed with you by now :slightly_frowning_face:


You seem very dis-likable.

So wipes and confusion is the best reason you have to say no to this? You even say this happens with normal/heroic so what difference does it really make? You can still choose not to use it and simply stick to your Raid/Community/friend group.

If you think people wouldn’t queue for it then I think you’re deeply wrong with that assumption. I think quite the opposite, it would be heavily used. I think some of those who oppose the idea would even use it too.

Imho, even though I dislike gatekeeping…this is not a good idea.

The point of the argument is that people are impatient with wiping, did that go over your head? The point is that clearing higher difficulties requires a lot of commitment which you will not have with a revolving door roster which this tool will provide.

Also you can already do a little experiment to see how “well” this thing will play out. Create a HC and only take players that have cleared normal (to simulate the rules OP wanted).

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The only opposition to this idea (other than the forum lynching of the OP from the usual people) has been gatekeeping in one way or another.

So gatekeeping a level of content because bad stuff happens already in said level of content is a good reason for it to not be available to the LFR tool? That’s just gatekeeping for the sake of gatekeeping.

You wouldn’t have to use it if you didn’t want to so you would avoid those using it, or did that go over your head?

No one is gatekeeping anything from you. Even on a freshly leveled up character in greens you can go and create a group in LFG (in fact LFR will be preventhing you from joining until you hit a certain ilvl) and you can invite whomever, literally nothing is stopping you.

The people who are against this (including me) are so because A) this will take unnecessary development time and B) People will fail and they will complain for everything to get nerfed because “mythic raiding is casual content now” we have seen this play out time and time again.