It's time to let us LFR queue for normal, heroic and mythic

An LFR version for Normal and Heroic can still place restrictions on ilvl and I’ve already suggested in this thread that completion of the previous level should be mandatory if this were to be LFR so people can’t just sign up for Normal/Heroic LFR after hitting 60 and buying gear to hit ilvl requirements. This way there is also still a level of progression that can be made by the player.

Creating your own group isn’t a 100% resolution to the issue either and not everyone wants to lead a group.

A) The framework is already there with LFR, the development time would be shorter than you expect.
B) Still not a good excuse as people are doing that in all levels of raiding anyway.

You still have no answer other than what boils down to “bad things happen” which is apparent with all forms raids/dungeons as admitted by you.

Just curios before I even attempt to argue with you, what makes you think it would be widely used, worth developing, and that it wouldn’t be an absolute cesspit of wipes and barely anyone having the slightest idea what they’re meant to do?

What raiding experience do you have to base those opinions on?

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Did you even read what I said ? You are talking about gatekeeping which means something preventing you from doing X, LFR has ilvl restrictions. You are literally advocating for a system that will gatekeep you and calling the players gatekeepers.

No it isn’t and I never said that but it is way better solution than adding an LFR tool. And speaking of leading a group… Who is going to be doing that in the LFR tool ?

No it’s not, as OP wanted the system to check your progression and ilvl.

The excuse is that it is meant to be hard, with making it “casual friendly” you no longer have the excuse because it is meant to be doable by the lowest common denominator.

You still have not raided normal so… I will ask this again where are you basing this information from when it doesn’t look like you have been in any raiding enviroment whatsoever (inb4 second acc excuse).

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Wrong…I do LFR now, but back in the day I used to do Normal and Heroic Raiding, with a Guild…and without knowing the full tactics, full voice coms and Add-ons, it would take a miracle to complete a Normal raid, let alone Heroic…forget about Mythic entirely.
I was there for LFR Ny’alotha…the horror…the horror…eye tic

You would either be in a Ragequitfest for literally hours on end… or you would keep quitting, waiting for the debuff to wear-off, joining another group in the hope of a Miracle City carry (what most peeps in favour of this idea actually want), quitting again…rinse and repeat…That is not going to magically morph into Raid player retention with free unicorns and sparkles for everyone.

Peeps would simply buy the necessary ilvl kit…we know this from Mythic+


Couldn’t agree more, your not a mythic raider until you cleared the raid on mythic, until then your heroic.

I’d say one is a mythic raider as long as they progress well into the raid on mythic, and don’t struggle with clearing heroic. I prefer distinguishing between mythic raiders and cutting edge raiders.

But of course I wouldn’t call someone who just clears the first few bosses a mythic raider either.

Yeah I can agree with that.

What would be the requirement? Normal = having cleared lfr and ilvl 240, hc having cleared normal and ilvl 260, mythic having cleared heroic and ilvl 270?

This person wasn’t talking about somebody being a “mythic raider”, rather they said

“almost no one does mythic”.

I’d argue that entering the raid and killing the first boss would count as “doing mythic”, even if it is only a small part of the mythic raid.

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Yes and a lot of it equated to nonsense.

Base LFR already checks ilvl, higher levels just need to check what you’ve completed in the level below which can be done. Considering what people have completed in raids also gets placed on people’s armory pages which can be viewed by anyone on the internet it really isn’t that extensive of a task to add it in game.

Using this is a cop-out and doesn’t mean that I can’t have an opinion.

I haven’t raided normal or higher since I came back to the game, no.

I previously left and deleted my old account at the end of Legion so I could concentrate on more important things going on irl without distraction but I used to raid almost weekly when I did play before.

I also don’t do second accounts but I see what you tried to do there.

Let me quote myself from the first post I made in this thread because I remember how you like to take small quotes and take things completely out of context.

That’s right, a lot don’t do mythic, when the raid has been out ages you might find a lot of people who have done 3 bosses into mythic usually the easiest ones too.

Most people run the last patch mythic raid, once they over gear it and can zerg to collect things.

Aha tell me you didn’t understand what I said without telling me you didn’t understand what I said.

It’s not a cop-out, I am asking you on what ground you are basing these claims if you have not raided.

Pretty convenient if you ask me but seeing as I cannot prove a negative I will concede and believe you did actually raid at some point.

You literally described this acc as being your second account.


The issue is that there’s little difference difficulty-wise between late heroic bosses and early mythic bosses. If we were to go by that then everyone who cleared HC might as well be considered a mythic raider.

Not to mention the first couple bosses get significantly easier with gear, which can’t be said about bosses like Halondrus or Anduin, which are both pure mechanics checks on mythic.

To put this into perspective, our first mythic Skolex kill took 6:08, while the latest took 4:39.

Or myhtic Xy’mox, first kill took 8:03, latest kill only took 6:12.

Having to spend a minute or two less on a boss is in itself a massive “nerf” to the fight, not to mention it allows you so completely skip mechanics you would otherwise have to deal with.

I already read it…you are asking for purchased gear and waiting for the miracle carry…nothing changes the chaos of not having knowledge of the mechanics, full voice coms and add-ons… we already know this from ‘difficult’ LFR bosses and consequent loud demands for big nerfs… Pre-nerf Cataclysm dungeons also spring to mind.

You are being trolled do not waste your time even when faced with actual numbers they still point blank deny and change goalposts.

Yeah, but though I generally don’t watch streams, I’d tune in for that one occasionally. :smiley:


The OP has already made many threads asking for nerfs to NORM mode and it affects people that actually want to do the fight as it is just to suit his lack of skill.
The cost it would take for this to be added and barely used would be folly tbh.
I go back and repeat this …look at current LFR and how it works and how it is treated by players and it even needs a stacking buff to help it . Norm/Herioc/Myth would not work its simple logic.

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I’m not sure you understand.

I’m saying there’s a difference between “doing mythic” and “being a mythic raider”.

I’m not saying somebody who clears one or two mythic bosses each patch is “a mythic raider”, but I’m saying they’ve “done mythic”.

It’s semantics, really, but it counts towards people who have an interest in the mythic difficulty and spend some of their time in it.

I’ve never claimed somebody who downed Tarragrue was a mythic raider, I’ve claimed they’re people who do mythic, even if it is only occasionally.

I guess I needed to clarify, I didn’t think I was this difficult to understand.


In that case I agree.

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Doing a few bosses in mythic is pointless imo.

People can stroke their own egos I guess and continue to chase that carrot on the stick.