It's time to undo Legion's framework

To showcase the hypocrisy of your posts.

Posts and claims like these:

Its only obsessive or self-inflicted if if doesn’t affect you. Yet WQ and LFR or whatever not rewarding high enough ilvl is not obsessive or self-inflicted, because “Blizzard should not be forcing you to do more challenging content for your stuff”.

What? Nothing about it is hypocritical. What are you talking about.

I understand that only doing certain content limits my options. I accept that.
But that’s entirely beside the point. I feel that world content DESERVES more. More content, more variety, more progression. It deserves its own ‘endgame pillar’.
That has nothing to do with me, but rather my belief that world content should mean more in a game where the world is literally THE most important thing. The place we as players all share. And no; instances don’t scratch that itch.

So you can try and make this personal, but it won’t work.
So kindly stop your nonsense.

So I assume you are perfectly fine that TF is no longer in the game right ?

How is it beside the point? You hand wave issues that people are having when playing a certain way, a way that is very different than yours, but when it comes to the way you play you whine and b on here the same way we all do when we are dissatisfied with the game. But when its us its self-inflicted, its obsessive, its “unhealthy” I remember you saying before.

So please tell me how is it that mine and other people’s issues when it comes to min/maxing, mullti-specing or keeping up with alts is self-inflicted but limiting one self to one very niche, very easy type of content is not self-inflicted ?

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You know I’m not.
It was a good system that just needed a few tweaks.

Because it is. :man_shrugging:t4:

It IS self inflicted. I already agreed with that. Remember?
But that doesn’t change the fact that one (my way) is simply ‘limiting’ while the other (your way) is destructive and unhealthy and damaging to the game itself. So yeah. Big difference.

Because its always about you isn’t it?

“Remove mail armor” because I don’t have cool mogs, “Bring back TF” because I am not getting enough Ilvl from WQs, “Don’t pull the ripcord” because I will not have a meaningful choice…

It was a piss-poor system that removed the agency from gearing, but you don’t care about that do you, because it didn’t affect you, because you do not play at a level or with a group of people to see how disrupting that system was. You only care because you were getting what you wanted from it and the negatives “did not affect you”.

Mmmmm… I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning, It smells like Tahra.

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Make sure to not fall off that incredibly high horse you’re on.
Calling me a hypocrite and then saying this. Wow.

It didn’t. It triggered obsessive and/or elitist people, that’s all.

I repeatedly offered tweaks and changes to TF to make it work for everyone. So nice try, but you’re wrong.

No u.

Oh do not worry I am perfectly well adjusted on my “incredibly high horse”, you on the other hand so little knowledge how this and it community actually works that its laughable.

“It didn’t affect me so it’s elitist and/or obsessive”… high horses ,huh ?

Kindergarten much

Can you stop it already? Every thread you have to insult people with that and then you go “OMG PEOPLE ATTACK ME FOR NO REASON”. Geez.

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It was not, it sucked hard :
-Not being able to play another role (Yeah, I get the idea why it does not affect you as a pure dps class but seriously, that was a hinderance for multi role classes)
-Not being able to target legendaries, relying on RNG is anything but fun.

It was fun prior to Legion, so I could be saying that I would want changes to make the game as fun as it was prior to legion.

The underlying issue is that I don’t trust them to make that kind of thing right.

Nope, it was not. Why a normal piece of gear would be better than a mythic piece of gear ? Might aswell remove gearing from the game.

It’s Blizzard design, by incentivizing grinding. If they didn’t designed systems in such way then we would not have to play in the way Blizzard wanted us to play.

I don’t see why being allowed to play alts and multiple specs being “destructive” to the game, because the game was succesful prior to do that. And that was fine. If the current way of doing things was fine, then there would defo be more active players.

You only talk about your little slice of ‘the community’, so stop pretending.

Your words. Not mine. I never implied that.
It is LITERALLY, FACTUALLY true that TF was fine except for a few tweaks it needed. Deal with it.

Yeah I figured I’d come down to your level.

Fact: If a person truly is an elitist, they won’t see being called that as an insult.
Also, as I stated before: There is a clear difference between a ‘general statement’ and a ‘personally targeted statement’.



It was fun, sure. IN MY OPINION (<-- read!) it was MORE fun in Legion.

Again lack of reading. I clearly said ‘just needed a few tweaks’.
Stop with the knee-jerk reactions and read what I say please.

Purely that, no.
I was more referring to min-maxing, meta-slave type behaviour, elitism, obsessive behaviour when it comes to gearing/rewards. That type of thing.

But since you brought it up… I DO think that those people who demand being handed basically everything ‘for free’ on an alt simply because they’ve already done it on another character is ALSO damaging to the game.

I believe that people should stop treating playing multiple specs and/or alts as a god-given right. It’s a luxury. And if going through a gearing process and such isn’t fun for people then the gearing process should be made fun as opposed to flat out removing the gearing process.

And yes having as many systems as we do in Shadowlands sucks. Not only for people with alts or multiple specs, but also for people like me because those systems are just boring. I also would like a more simple progression system again (just for different reasons).

As opposed to the people demanding they be handed out high ilvl rewards on their main for doing a WQ ?

No Tahra, I am speaking about how the game works and about effort being equal to rewards, I am not speaking from my perspective alone but objectively. Will my visions of the game hurt some casuals, yes probably, will it stop the game from turning into a lowest common denominator loot pinyata where everytime you fart you get a legendary also yes.

Then you absolutely lack self awareness.

Honey please, I am atleast 30 levels higher than you.

Just stop. Stop spinning the things I say into nonsense that fits your agenda.

Since effort is subjective, you can’t be. Because what YOU view as ‘the correct amount of effort’ differs from someone else’s view.

As per my previous statement; this is a lie. Whether or not you meant to lie or are simply ignorant of the fact, I’ll leave up for debate.

Nope. It’s my objective opinion based on facts.
You don’t want to admit I’m right because you like your status quo where ‘the common folk’ are seperated from the ‘special folk’. Well; I fundamentally disagree with that mindset.


If by ‘levels higher’, you mean ‘years older’, yeah maybe. But still very doubtful.

Why not have talents that you can empower once you’ve unlocked them, so the 1st time you choose it it does say 5% damage, but when you reach an empowered level, the talent will now do 10% damage if you select it, or you get to chose another talent in the row as well as your first one?

If you are too dumb to realize what you are asking for that’s on you not me.


That’s not how effort works you dimwit. If A rewards X for one person then it should not reward Y for another.

There fixed that for you.

There is nothing special about raiding, or M+ or PvP. Its the fact that if you do a WQ you should not be getting normal ilvl rewards, same as if you do normal you should not be getting HC.

No I mean levels, Thara-level 31 best mastery hunter…

I think it’s because it was a fairly fresh experience compared to its predecessor which was a huge letdown. Doesn’t come close to any of the “Classic Expansions” in terms of popularity or quality, really.

Anyway, Legion’s framework is tired and boring now. Too cluttered. Blizzard needs to change something for the next expansion, or else it will be another expansion I’m not even interested in trying, with Shadowlands being the first one ever that I haven’t tried at all.

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Well that and the fact Legions systems were more simplistic and more thought out. You had your AP and you had your relics that upgraded artefact talents you already had, meaning that for the majority of specs gameplay didn’t change (ret pally was one exception because you needed the one that increased Avenging wraths duration) regardless if you had the correct one or not , the other system was Legendaries which was pretty straight forward but the acquisition was a nightmare. The other thing that legions systems had going for them was that Blizzard was willing to iterate on them sooner rather than later, In 7.1 Ap was somewhat trivial and getting the basics (unlocking all traits on your artefact) was fairly easy and you could do it playing your main spec, also again not a perfect fix but they did increase drop rates for legendaries and removed the soft lock from 4.

Other than systems, Legion introduced M+ and brought back some semblance of class quests.

The problem is that instead of further iterating on the things that made legion good over time, Blizzard decided to try and reinvent the wheel again and again leading into more convoluted and yet less interesting systems that only repeated the negative aspects of the previous ones. The one thing that almost everybody loves is class fantasy, and blizzard decided to keep moving away from that.

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Yeah it is. And there’s no need for namecalling.

That’s not ‘effort’, that’s ‘rewards’.

You’re trolling big time.

Thankfully you’re not in charge.

You lost the ability to read and type?
I’m so sorry for you. And I’m done with your nonsense trolling.

Well, that’s subjective.
I do think that Legion overal was a better game than TBC or WotLK was.

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and you arent alone. for me legion was an expansion which finally payed attention to most players, not only the very social or competitive ones.
i think legion classic server would rival vanilla classic but they would probably have very different playerbases.

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