I've been extremely disproportionally hit by this frog nerf

So you admit to not reading properly. Having a discussion and claiming people to “not have counter arguments. Or any arguments for that matter” to then easily dismiss it as “i just missed it” is embarrasing. Not hostile. Calling you out is all.

Duality of a wow player. Either something is too short or its too long. There is no middle ground.

Or I’ve been on the internet all day and I don’t remember every single thing written? You’re not the only person that I’m having a conversation with, you know?

Dear lord, you’re so insufferable.

What are you even implying here?

If that’s the excuse you want to use and dismiss things like it’s no biggie then sure. Don’t go around wanting to argue/discuss things with people if you can’t remember who you’re even arguing with.

Appropriate response from someone who got called out.

Well, what do you mean by "3 months is bull. Too long? Too short?

I didn’t dismiss it, I hoped you would repeat it. Stop intentionally trying to put people in a negative light.

Do you go through life always assuming people have the worst intentions? Very unhealthy way to live.

Called out for what? Having forgotten one sentence you wrote? Yeah nail me to a cross why don’t ya.

3 months is bull when you say it’d take that long to get to this power level.

It won’t be 3 months. It would be 1-2 weeks.

Usually, when people are having a discussion and someone miss something, they don’t act like its nothing and then claim hostility when called out for it and make excuses.
Or maybe you want an unserious discussion like highschoolers?

Yes, i’m going to nail you to the cross mister “no one has given me an actual argument”

Obviously its not going to take 3 months to get powerful. Not what i claimed. OVER the span of 3 months.

I acted like it was nothing because it was nothing, I merely forgot you mentioning something. I then claimed hostility because you are being hostile by implying I was doing it on purpose and pretending you didn’t say what you said.

Your words, not mine.

Because you haven’t given me a proper argument that would justify punishing people who touched a frog once and people who farmed frogs for two days the exact same manner, instead of punishing according to the level they actually offended at.

So I ask you if frog farming caused it to happen too fast and if that’s your problem, then you mention over the span of 3 months implying that it’s supposed to be taking (most of) the duration of the event to get to this level and then I correct you on it, saying that it’s not going to take that long and now you’re backpedaling saying that it’s not what you meant to say and that I’m putting words in to your mouth even though it’s crystal clear that initially it was very obviously implied that I was asking you specifically how long you want it to happen, if not at the speed of what frog farmers obtained their power level at and you’re pretending now that you didn’t pick “over 3 months” as a purposefully incredibly vague answer to my question?

Alright then.

I’m going to bed.

Translation: I farmed frogs for 16 hours a day

If I did I’d have five times the cloak I actually do.

Not claiming you missed it on purpose. Claiming you’re dismissing it like its not a big deal on purpose. If someone says they can’t find anyone with any “actual arguments”, you would assume that person want a serious discussion. And yet you missed what i said, claim it as a no biggie and makes excuses to why you missed it and say im hostile.

At this point, why try to give you an argument. You might miss it, right?

So a huge word sallad without any breaks with a few commas, assumptions, speculations and misinterpretations. Yeah, you really need that sleep.

Read the posts people made on scaling. My last post to you.

It literally isn’t a big deal.

What I missed wasn’t an argument. If it were then I wouldn’t have forgotten it.

Again, incredibly hostile and childish. You’re not arguing in good faith whatsoever.

It’s perfectly easy and simple to follow for anyone willing to have a conversation, but I suppose you aren’t used to having a train of thought longer than a sentence of nine words.

Yes, i see how you think now

Again, arguments you deem as arguments. And not just from me.

Neither are you anymore so why even try?

Of course. Perfectly easy and simple to the one who wrote it. Speaks like a narcissist.
Or maybe you could take courses in sentence structuring. Seems you have lost it.
You are correct. I can’t read mumbo. Have you though about getting into mumble rap?

By the way, weren’t you going to bed?

Explain to me how it was a big deal.

How is you saying “it would be fine if it happened over 3 months” an argument in favor of nerfing innocent players who have never even touched a frog, and players who farmed frogs for less than 1-2 hours?

That literally makes no sense at all.

No, spoken as somebody who can comprehend the English language.

The long drawn-out sentence structure was literally done on purpose. Reflect as to why you did not notice that.

I really should.

Not really.

People saw and exploit, so they tried it out because Blizz have a history of nerfing and not punishing the players.

This time Blizz decided to punish. So they punished hard.

Now players will think twice before jumping on every exploit discovered.

The punishment for froggers is a permanent ban in the Taiwan service/

People here are lucky with a minor nerf that due the ilvl of gear doesn’t matter…

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Yes really.

I know people who haven’t even set foot near the frogs, or even the timeless isle past-char creation and they got nerfed.

Already said why. And not in the literal sense.

Also said my piece on this to you.

You mean at the same level as a preschooler? Got it.

Ah, of course. Fully deliberate.

You really should.

Well I guess mistakes happen. I’m sure that “non frogs” will be able to get their stuff back. I’ll also guess that 90% of those people are lying.

But still, you touch frogs, you break rules, doesn’t matter how much you used the exploit, you got punished hard. You won’t do it again.

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If for no other reason they should of nerfed it. No game should encourage unhealthy behaviour like playing for 16 hrs a day!

i did frogs to get 100k timeless coins, of which i have exactly 93125 coins, so idk how that would translate in terms of time spent killing frogs. i was hit with the nerf, i had around 35k stamina on my cloak, i have loremaster, did almost all of the achievements in the zones, did normal raids to farm bronze. today, while doing normal siege of orgrimmar we had a fury warrior with 90k stamina on his cloak and around 9k strentgh. i dont know if the nerf was done right or not but its weird