Just add the cross realm LFG/RDF already

That was not an argument, that’s just how i play.

Bruh classic is literally only minmax. Stop holding on to your boomer memories.
Also did you even play TBC classic for the last year? Which server are you on? How active is your server? Because let me tell you mine died and I had to transfer after not finding ANY dps for 30 minutes for the daily heroic. Just give us the RDF daily random heroic and everyone is totally fine.

Isnt that the point of the whole game? Dude you’re just being a clown. Stop it and keep some of your dignity.

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Then keep playing like that and wait for your friends to log in so you can do the 30 minute heroic; and us people who want RDF will queue with RDF.


Yeah, why play games for something as trivial as fun. Gotta go fast!


And maintaining several alts while speeding through dungeons is fun for me indeed. So yes I’m very much having fun :slight_smile:

Again, condescending attitude.

Happy for you, but could you stop imposing what you feel is fun as being fun for everyone?

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They’ll just brush this off and tell you that you logged in the wrong time, That you should play healer or Tank, that you should stop being anti social and make 5000 friends, that you should get your guildies to do them with you, that you shouldn’t farm as much as you want and that they didn’t have any trouble doing dungeons so you you’re just making up a problem.

The only condescending attitude here is yours, telling us to “just do them with friends” and that “it’s more rewarding to do it after looking for people for long period of time”

Also telling us “just go do something else”

Do you not see the gate keeping in your posts?


I didn’t tell you to do anything. What i did tell is how i play the game and how RDF means nothing to me.

Then i don’t see why you actively participate in RDF threads and argue against it.


You would if you took your time and commented this:

The problem with that argument would be blatantly obvious if you’d ever actually looked at the ingame /LookingForGroup.

You’re pretending to be scared of all caps, but that’s literally what the channel is, 24/7.

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Ocourse I’m gonna be toxic to a toxic post that accuses us people who request RDF of minmaxing the fun out of the game just because we don’t want to waste our time afk spamming a macro, That we’re degenerates and that we’re minmaxing the fun out of the game because we leveled an alt and want to gear it and That doing the same grind is somehow wrong in an MMORPG game.

Nah buddy it ain’t changing the game, Changing the game is not including RDF in wrath.


You mean not including it AFTER we’re in ICC phase

Sure, if every other game system in WotLKC happens at the time it did in OG.

Like dual specs not being present till Ulduar. You don’t get to pick and choose though.


So? I don’t care about dual spec. They can add it in Ulduar or ToC or ICC, I don’t mind that.

But they picked and chose to leave one out anyway, we’re not getting it in ICC either as things presently stand.

We’re on patch 3.4, We have the latest talent trees, the latest dungeons and raids, the latest itemization, NPCs, mobs, quests, mounting speed, Battlegrounds honor…etc everything in the game is on the latest patch.

So then start messaging them about not having it in ICC. If I remember correctly you’re fine with adding it in later phase, while others are complaining it not being there from the start.