Just give New world a go?

In a WoW forum: “Go play this game guys.”


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General Discussion part of forum. i suggest you go read about classes/guides/gameplay. lots of places thats just about wow here on forum. as for General Discussion here ppl talk about pretty much anything. Glad to help! :slight_smile:

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Uhm, it says “Discuss World of Warcraft” under ‘Community’ title on the main forum page, with the ‘General Discussion’ as a sub title.

yet ppl post about what ur fav color, or fav food, or memes or, twitter/reddi links, General forum has always been about genereal stuff meaning anything. from ur fav series/films/movies, to youtubers. its a place where ppl talk about random stuff. been this way since it came out many many years ago.

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No, they do not talk about those things.

Memes related to WoW yes.

Twitter/reddit links related to WoW yes.

No, they do not talk about those things.

Youtubers related to WoW yes.

Random stuff related to WoW.

Stop making up things or twisting things to make yourself seem relevant in the WoW forum. This thread is not WoW one bit.

You’re just trying to score easy points talking about a new released MMO. It’s obvious.

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Yes they do.

i have been reading more than 10 times more than you on forums, so im sad to say you might have missed alot of the posts i have been reading here.

Your readtime: 23h
read time

Mine: 10d
read time

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It was… okay. Never been big on crafting/gathering. The combat shows some promise.

Not a game I would make my main MMO by a long shot, but alright for a few hours here and there.

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New World still bricks GPUs, so no thanks.

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I don’t think it does.

I don’t think it is.

Yeah okay, but still a box price which I don’t think the game is worth.

Neither has WoW as far as I am concerned.

You do you. I have zero interest in that game.

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Captains log stardate 031020212237 Will is breaking as reading another Sivaria blog must find cure to stop myself from reading such compelling daily influx.


this is not true.

tbc wow:
walk until level 40. ride slowly until lvl 60. take a loooooooooooong time before you get the money to get flight at 70.

its no different. yes, we walk alot in new world. but this is not late game. late game things are much different. you teleport between cities. you travel faster with certain magic. you do participate in events which actually affect the game.

its a different game. comparing it to modern wow doesnt work anymore.

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that guy should check his fans. my gpu is just fine. its not overheating at all.

wow shadowlands is 100% pay to win. if you pay irl for tokens, you can sell them for gold, and that gold is used for critical high-end gear.
how about some boosts, which is pretty much required to get in a pug. thats another token.
you can take the long road, somehow find an active guild and be lucky with gear or pay for boosts and gear much faster.

if there wasnt a sub, it would almost be a freemium game.

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You can ride at 30 in current TBC classic btw .

In TBC Classic v2.51,

  • apprentice riding (60% ground) requires level 30 and 35g, with faction discount making it 31g50s.
  • journeyman riding (100% ground) requires level 60 and 600g, with faction discount bringing it to 540g

Epic flying yes normal flying no does not take long at all , you can earn the gold for flying and all ranked spells from 60-70 .

im talking about the real tbc, for those who were lucky enough to experience it, they know that getting a flying mount (or even a 100% mount) wasnt so cheap and easy unless you were a warlock(which i was) or druid.

I was there in TBC the real TBC .


all had it easier with mounts and flight forms .

Even back in TBC real one you could earn the gold to paye for old rank spells and normal flying which was 60% speed .

So please stop talking to be like i do not know thanks.

Especially a player with 12k achivements and none from back then .

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  1. lost account :frowning_face:
    anyway idc, i got pandaren monk now which is waaaaay better.

  2. achievement is waste of time.

  3. i remember very clearly how torture it was for me to get flight.

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For epic flying it was i admit that for normal 60% it was not hard at all far from it the gold made from 60-70 would easily cover all ranked spells and books and 1 gryphon if allaince and training at lowest flight speed .

No they are not some i am very proud of i have put a lot of work into my account the only thing i do not touch is PVP .

i was stupid enough to get The Insane during wotlk with my old account.
and with this i did lots of others until i realized “this is boring and worthless”.
achievement is a waste of time.

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Thats your subjective view , look i know you do not like being pointed out as wrong with some information you have side . If anything the insane was easier to get back then as you had more players to help you out with aspects of the reps needed .

wasnt wealthy enough to buy all the materials. some yes, but most i got myself. all the dire maul runs (and getting the groups for it). not evn my guild wanted to participate in that. darkmoon faire (i think i bought alot of decks for that) creating a rogue, level it and steal lockboxes and COD it to my main. getting pirates rep as warlock.
that was hell.
and waste of time.

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